Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1270: Retest

Long Tianyu's voice came from the phone, Jiang Cheng was a little bit dumbfounded. People who really should be anxious were not worried at all, waiting for him leisurely at home.

do not know. "Jiang Cheng said.

I don't know what it means?" Zhang Tian asked.

It means you can see for yourself if you want to know. "Jiang Cheng said with a smile," Zhang Tian over there decisively hung up the phone. Wu Shan just glanced at Jiang Cheng, then turned to the other demonstrators and said, "Let's go, let's go elsewhere first.

Ah? Why? "Yeah, what (Wang? Zhao) didn't do? What's so scary about this man? "Don't go!

I don't know who in the crowd said not to leave, and there are many people left who will not leave, and the whole scene becomes difficult to clean up.

Jiang Cheng looked at Wu Hao who was a little distressed. These people didn't convince her, right? Many were just because of her great reputation. Jiang Cheng thought.

"Let's go to the mansion first, and then come here." Wu Shan tried to comfort these people, speaking slowly.

The crowd was still noisy, and many people were dissatisfied. "Qi Ruifeng has not spoken, looking at the figure of Wu Shi and others, said.

It's not easy. "Jiang Cheng said.

But I don't know what Wu Shan said to those people. Those people just gave Jiang Cheng a strange look and left.


Brother Jiang, does Wu Shan really have another purpose?" Qi Ruifeng asked.

There must be," Jiang Cheng looked at Qi Ruifeng behind him, thinking that the employee did not know when he had already returned.

I just think Wu and Zhang Tian may have some private grievances. "Jiang is talking.

It's that simple? You are too good, Brother Jiang, just like this to force them away? I thought you really knew what. "Qi Ruifeng said in surprise.

Jiang Cheng certainly didn't know what was between them, but seeing Wu Shi's appearance, he knew it was definitely not easy. Jiang Cheng thought.

Zhao Shuai called me just now, throat, now he seems to be really worried, we haven't returned for a while, so we have already called to ask. "Qi Rongfeng said.

"Then go back first." Jiang Cheng said.

The two soon arrived at home, and saw that Zhao Shuai and Yun Duo were arguing about something again. The noise of two people could be heard across the door.

Am I wrong? As for you?" Yun Duo asked Jiang Cheng while sitting on the sofa.

Yes, everything you say is correct. "Zhao Shuai looks a little angry," but please don't say such things in front of me in the future.

Yun Duo watched Zhao Shuai stop speaking, and turned to look at Jiang Cheng and Qi Rongfeng who had just walked in.

What's wrong with you guys again?" Qi Ruifeng asked.

It's nothing. "Yun Duo glanced at Zhao Shuai and said nothing.

"It's not her yet, talking nonsense every day." Zhao Shuai said, pointing to Yun Duo.

"Hawk? Don't keep going, okay? I don't want to talk to you anymore?" Yunduo said angrily.

Jiang Cheng looked at the two people who often quarreled, but they weren't as real as this time. It seems that both of them are really angry.

How many years have I been with you? Say, Zhao Shuai, are you embarrassed?

For such a woman who can't live with me. "Yun Duo said, already crying.

Zhao Shuai stared at Yun Duo and was stunned. He stood there blankly without speaking. "Huh? Don't cry

Not to mention it's okay, as soon as the cloud seemed to be more sad, the tears kept falling, but there was still no sound.

Brother Jiang; look, "Zhao Shuai is a little at a loss. Looking at Jiang Cheng, Jiang Cheng also looked at Zhao Shuai blankly. How can this be coaxed? He has never coaxed a girl who is crying.

Yun Duo also stood up and ran across the room, leaving three people staring at each other. Jiang Cheng and Qi Ruifeng didn't know what was going on, but it seemed that Zhao Shuai was also very affectionate at this time.

"What's going on, Zhao Shuai." Jiang Cheng asked.

She just said, Wu Hao. "Zhao Shuai was a little embarrassed to say, lowered his head, his expression was a bit regretful, "but I seem to be a bit too much.

What did you say?" Jiang Cheng asked.

She said that people like Wu Shan are demon all day long and will go to jail sooner or later. "Zhao Shuai said slowly.

It cannot be said to be wrong. "Qi Ruifeng said. "You just treat Yunduo just because of this sentence. You really are..." Qi Ruifeng looked at Zhao Shuai with a hatred of iron and steel.

You really can't figure it out," Qi Rongfeng said and called Yunduo outside Yunduo's room.

Jiang Cheng didn't know what to say, "Look? Brother Jiang, what should I do, I didn't mean it, Yunduo doesn't usually cry.

Zhao Shuai was really panicked.

How do I know that you are a bit too much. Bi Jing, you grew up since childhood. "Jiang Cheng said.

Alas, then I," Zhao Shuai looked at Jiang Cheng, who had not been in the state, and at Qi Ruifeng who was outside the Yunduo Gate. After thinking about it, he walked outside the Yunduo Gate.

Jiang Cheng looked at Zhao Shuai and smiled, but someone should come to use force to control Wu Shan.

Tomorrow is the day to go to the Wula teacher for the re-examination. Jiang Cheng thought about the two people who had known Zhao Shuai and Qi Ruifeng. It will definitely not make them better this time! Jiang Cheng thought.

Tonight should be well prepared, Jiang Cheng thought. When I walked to my room, when I passed by Yunduo's room, I saw that the cloud was already healed. He just sat on the bed and didn't speak. Zhao Shuai beside him laughed and coaxed.

Jiang Cheng looked at it and smiled and went back without saying a word.

Brother Jiang! Tomorrow, should we go to Wula to teach that retest?

Qi Rongfeng said.

"Go, how can you not go," Jiang Cheng said.

But, "Qi Rongfeng frowned.

Don't worry, I was unprepared to be shamed by them last time, not this time. "" Jiang Cheng said.

Well, I don't know why, Brother Jiang, I feel very relieved when you say that. Haha. Qi Ruifeng smiled.

Take a good rest today and let them regret it tomorrow!" Jiang Cheng said, and went back to his room.

Early the next morning, all four of them got up. Yun Duo didn't seem to be angry anymore. He sat at the dining table with Zhao Shuai next to him, looking at the phone.

"Morning," Jiang Cheng said and saw that the breakfast on the table was also very rich.

Early, Brother Jiang. "The clouds smiled at Jiang Cheng.

Morning, Brother Jiang, you see, I got up early this morning to buy breakfast. "Zhao Shuai said, pointing to the breakfast on the table.

"Yeah" Jiang Cheng responded with a smile, and sat on the chair. Picking up a piece of bread and biting.

"That's it?" Zhao Shuai looked at Jiang Cheng's response and was somewhat imitation.

Hurry up, let's go early today. "Jiang Cheng said.

Throat, I really don't want to see them, I'm afraid I will beat them with excitement. "Zhao Shuai said angrily.

Then you have to endure Jia. "Qi Ruifeng said with a smile.

Zhao Shuai became handsome and Qi Ruifeng didn't say anything. "But Brother Jiang, why do I think you have to take action first? You can't bear such a thing." Zhao Shuai said.

Well, can't bear it. I'm done. I'm leaving. "Jiang Cheng said.

Going so soon? Let's go together. "Yun Duo looked at Jiang Cheng and said.

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