Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1272: Guardian

At that time, writing a program can be happy for a long time and make you feel very fulfilled. Jiang Cheng thought about it with a smile on his face.

Jiang Chengsai drew the code at the time in a few strokes. Watching many people next to me are still working on painting. Jiang Cheng didn't know why, he suddenly wanted to paint such a thing. This is not a painting at all.

But he is really beautiful in his own eyes. Jiang Cheng thought.

Zhao Shuai had been tossing for a long time, and he seemed to be sweating profusely, but he seemed to have drawn what he was satisfied with. "Brother Jiang, you are so fast." Zhao Shuai asked in surprise when he saw that Jiang Cheng seemed to have completed it for a long time.

Well, that's it. "Jiang Cheng smiled.

"Let me take a look, Brother Jiang, let you see me." Zhao Shuai walked over and wanted Jiang Cheng's.

Huh? No, no, no. "Jiang Cheng hurriedly covered his paintings. Such paintings can't be seen by people. Jiang Cheng thought.

Ah, it doesn't work to see? Throat, brother Jiang. Jing Ran blushed. What did you paint? "Zhao Shuai is more curious, but Jiang Cheng is covering too tightly.

There were only ten minutes left, and everyone around him slowly finished his painting.

Qi Ruifeng and Yun Duo also came to see Jiang Cheng's paintings. But Jiang Cheng won't show anyone. "Ruifeng, are you painting your mother?" Zhao Shuai asked.

Ok. "Qi Ruifeng smiled warmly when he looked at the painting. When his mother was still there, it was the happiest time for him.

The meaning of cloud painting is a gloomy tunnel. Jiang Cheng looked familiar with the tunnel in front of him. Isn't this the tunnel of the Qi family?

Yun Duo, you are a bit of Sima Zhao's heart, everyone knows it.

Zhao Shuai squinted at the clouds and asked jokingly.

Yun Duo's face turned red all at once, and looked at Jiang Cheng a little embarrassed. For her, although she was very tired at the time, it was the first time she felt that someone could be so reliable. It's very warm.

Even though Jiang Cheng was dull, he knew what Yunduo meant, but in fact he only regarded Yunduo as his younger sister.

At the very least, no one saw Jiang Cheng's paintings. This assessment was conducted in person. The female guardians on the stage directly selected ten people. The remaining people participated in the second round, and the rest were evaluated in turn.

I think my painting should not be able to enter. "Zhao Shuai said sadly.

Mine will not work either. It's okay, let's continue next time. "Jiang Cheng said.

Several people didn't expect Jiang Cheng to say this, because Jiang Cheng was confident at all times, and it was the first time I saw him at this time. Somewhat unconfident Jiang Cheng. Several people thought. Some can't adapt for a while.

"But Brother Jiang will come in no matter what." Qi Rongfeng said later.

Twenty minutes later, all the results came out. Jiang Cheng did not go in, but Qi Ruifeng did, which meant that he didn't have to take the exam and went straight in.

After the announcement of the list of ten people selected, Zhou Guo's people's vision became very complicated. Many scenes were also uneven. They felt that they were definitely able to enter but they were waterproofed. There are only three boys out of ten, and the rest are girls. "Such a delicate thing is better for my lady. Haha." Zhao Shuai looked at two of the beautiful girls and said that there was another cloud next to him. Give him a blank look. But after Qi Ruifeng entered the first round of assessment, many girls' eyes stopped on him. All with more or less admiration.

But those girls are all watching Qi Ruifeng. "Yun Duo laughed and teased Zhao Shuai.

Alas, people nowadays are looking for risks. "Zhao Shuai is a little heartbroken.

Jiang Cheng looked at the girl in front. She was undoubtedly always eye-catching, but she failed to advance smoothly in the first round of assessment. Zhou Guo already had a lot of people talking about it. But the girl just stood indifferently on the spot, as if everything happening around her had nothing to do with her.

The rest will be assessed for the second round. "The male guardian on the stage said that in this assessment, you will list the number of Ullahs you think, based on your own understanding.

After the topic was announced this time, not many people had objections. It seems that this type of topic is what many people have prepared. Many people have already begun to write with foreign wine.

Jiang Cheng looked at the paper in front of him, really helpless, he really didn't prepare these things.

It's really impossible to write. Jiang Cheng couldn't make up these things at any time.

Brother Jiang. Don't you?" Zhao Shuai also looked at Jiang Cheng bitterly.

Well, I don't know these. Write can write something, but there should be no hope for those who are fully prepared. "Jiang Cheng said.

Yes, look at Yunduo, she had thought about this problem before, but now she really uses it. "Zhao Shuai looked at the clouds over there for a while.

Well, it's okay, look at the following. "Jiang Cheng thought about it with ease.

Zhao Shuai looked at Jiang Cheng who couldn't see any flustered at all. When did this man really become successful? Zhao Shuai thought.

It didn't take long for the assessment to come to an end. Jiang Cheng looked at his blank paper, and after thinking about it, he handed it in.

This time, many of the people below were very confident, completely different from the way they were scared. Many people looked at the guardians on the stage with hope, but there were still ninety people left. Only ten were selected. Many people were still disappointed. Yunduo really entered this time.

After this assessment, many people were very disappointed. Some people who had a disintegrated state of mind were already half giving up. Jiang Cheng saw the girl in the front standing there, no matter what the people next to him, she still stood indifferently and calmly. There.

"Oh, Brother Jiang, I think I might not be able to do it." Zhao Shuai said to Jiang Cheng.

Jiang Cheng didn't know what to say to comfort him, and Bi Jing himself did not advance with Ben in the first two rounds.

"But now that Yunduo and Rong Feng are both in, I don't think it's okay. I don't really want to come here either." Zhao Shuai said.

Jiang Cheng looked at Zhao Shuai's serious expression and knew that this is definitely not the place Zhao Shuai wanted to come, "Then you are leaving now?" Jiang Cheng asked.

Since I'm here, I'll finish participating, although I still yearn for a free life outside. "Said Zhao Shuai.

Alright, everyone, pay attention! The third round of assessment has begun. Everyone knows that it is the Internet age, so this time we are going to test that the computers in front of everyone are broken, and the computer should be fixed within the specified time for ten minutes. Of course, it's not just as simple as repairing the computer, the source programs of these computers are all wrong, which means that the computer can be restored to normal use within ten minutes. "The guardian on stage said.

The people in the audience were a bit crazy for a while, and some were computer idiots at all, but even those who have really come into contact with this kind of people can rarely complete these in such a short period of time, "What, the first two assessments So simple, this time this is not a grade at all, okay? "Yeah, what is going on. "Haha, you didn't see it? This is because we deliberately made it impossible for us to make it in the third round. They will save trouble." "Yeah, they can directly enter the first two rounds.

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