Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1289: peak!

Jiang Cheng and Xiaobai went to Xiaobai's house after eating. Just nearby, Jiang Cheng looked at Xiaobai's house and felt it was a simple villa suite. Jiang Cheng went in here and it was very big, but it seemed that Xiaobai lived alone and he was not accompanied by his relatives.

But Jiang Cheng saw that the place was very clean, and the flowers were all trimmed neatly. Xiao Bai doesn't seem to be someone who can do these things. Jiang was thinking.

Xiaobai also saw Jiang Cheng's doubts, "My parents are often away, they will ask some nanny and aunts to come to the house for cleaning." Xiaobai said.

Oh, this way. "Jiang Cheng didn't walk anywhere. He just sat on the sofa and looked at the strange and cold house in front of him. Xiao Bai was really pitiful and seemed to have grown up by himself since childhood.

Brother, don't be cautious, just treat this as your own home.

Xiaobai said.

"Yeah. Good." Jiang Cheng said and saw a family portrait hanging on the front wall. Jiang Cheng looked at it as if Xiaobai was 13 or 4 years old. And his parents. Standing aside. Looks very happy.

But that woman seemed a bit familiar.

Jiang Cheng thought for a while, isn't that woman the one who helped recover the bag. Jiang Cheng thought. It's really a coincidence.

"Brother Jiang. Where do you want to live? Live next to me." Xiaobai said.

can. "Jiang Cheng said.

After Jiang Cheng agreed, Xiao Bai seemed very happy. "It's great Brother Jiang, but I have to get up early tomorrow." Xiaobai said and handed Jiang Cheng a fruit plate.

Why do you get up early?" Jiang Cheng asked.

Brother, you really don't know. If we win the competition after participating in this competition, we will report to Yi Company tomorrow. "Xiao Bai said.

okay. "Jiang Cheng said. Then go and have a look tomorrow. Jiang Cheng thought.

But brother, I'm curious, why are you going to participate in this competition?" Jiang Cheng asked.

Me? I don't know, I just heard that Yi Company is good. "Jiang Cheng ate an apple and said.

Oh, no wonder, I always feel that you are not like us ordinary people. "Xiaobai sat beside Jiang Cheng and said.

"Not an ordinary person? Who is that person?" "Jiang Cheng asked.

"I think you are a 06 alien, haha, I was joking." Xiaobai said with a smile.

Haha, maybe it really is. "Jiang Cheng said.

Of course Xiao felt that Jiang Cheng was joking, and looked at Jiang Cheng with a smile.

Jiang Cheng slept peacefully at Xiaobai's house, and there was no panic of being in a different place in his heart.

When Jiang Cheng got up early the next morning, he saw that Xiaobai had already bought breakfast.

Morning, brother. "Xiaobai put breakfast on the table and said hello to Jiang Cheng.

"Get up so early?" Xiaobai asked

"You're just early, what time did you get up." Jiang Cheng checked his watch and it was not eight.

"I'm used to it. I get up every morning to exercise." Xiaobai said with a smile.

Well, it's good." Jiang Cheng looked at Xiaobai's body still quite healthy.

What is your full name?" Jiang Cheng asked.

"White." Xiaobai said.

This name sounds nice. "Jiang Cheng said in his mouth, Mu Bai.

Ye Ming, they all say it is the name of the idol drama. Haha. "Xiao Bai said with a smile.

Jiang Cheng also smiled and quickly finished breakfast. "Shall we go straight?" Jiang Cheng said, "I don't know where it is yet.

I will go with you later, but the examiner yesterday, I think he will stumble you in the future. "Xiao Bai said.

It's okay, don't worry. "Jiang Cheng doesn't pay attention to such people at all, and it's a big deal that people will block the water. He will not stay here forever.

Yes, I believe you, brother, you were so cool yesterday, if only I had half your IQ. "Xiao Bai said annoyedly.

Jiang Cheng also found it funny looking at Xiao Baisang, he was also very smart. Keep saying that others are smart

Let's go, go there early. "Jiang Cheng said.

Xiaobai drove Jiang Cheng to the Yi Company in less than ten minutes. Jiang Cheng looked at this company, and the sign was the big three-word wing company.

This time is the time for work. Jiang Cheng saw that many people had already gone to work at this time. It was also true that Qiu Qingqing had not been seen. If it was Qiu Qingqing, many people must have already watched it.

Jiang Cheng and Xiao Bai also walked in. The front desk at the door asked Jiang Cheng and Xiaobai's identities, "We were just selected to come to Wing Company yesterday." Xiaobai said.

"Oh, well, you can just go directly to the general manager's office on the 23rd floor." The front desk said kindly.

Jiang Cheng and Xiaobai quickly took the elevator to the twenty-third floor, "Brother, let's go directly to the general manager's office, I'm a little excited." Xiaobai smiled and said, looking really excited, his faces blushing. Up.

"Why so excited." Jiang Cheng doesn't know who this general manager is

Don’t you know, brother, the general manager led his company’s research team to research out the most advanced computer software last year, and this wing company reached its peak at that time last year. "Xiao Bai said with a look of admiration.

That's pretty awesome. "Jiang Cheng said.

"Brother, your performance is too ordinary. Don't you have any ideas?" Xiaobai raised his eyebrows and said.

"Can you have any ideas?" Jiang Cheng didn't understand.

Don't you want to join this company's scientific research team?" Xiaobai said with his eyes wide open. He didn't believe that Jiang Cheng was not moved by this.

Can we go in? "Jiang Cheng is a little uncertain.

I may not be able to, but you can, brother, you are so good. "Xiao Bai looked at Jiang Cheng with admiration.

Jiang Cheng was said to be embarrassed, "I am not as good as you said.

Alas, don't be modest, brother, I said there is it!" Xiaobai said.

Jiang Cheng opened the door, and there was a sentence inside, "Come in." It sounded thick.

After Jiang Cheng and Xiaobai pushed the door in, they saw a man in a suit and leather shoes standing in front of the French windows. After hearing the sound, the man turned around. Jiang Cheng saw that the man was in his twenties and looked very young.

You are the ones selected this time. He looks so young, and the man smiled and said that he was kind.

"Sit down first," the man pointed to the sofa to the side, motioned Jiang Cheng and Xiaobai to sit down, and personally got two glasses of water and gave them to Jiang Cheng and Xiaobai.

It looks pretty good, Jiang Cheng thought.

The man looked at Jiang Cheng and Xiaobai, "How old are you guys. They all feel like high school students. Haha."

I am over twenty, and he is also twenty. "Jiang Cheng said with a smile.

Jiang Cheng saw that Xiaobai didn't say a word, just sitting on the side holding a water glass. It looks silly.

Really? That's too young, I think he is really young. "The general manager pointed to Xiaobai and said.

No one answered for a while. Jiang Cheng looked at Xiaobai, he was still holding the water glass, as if he was frozen.

The general manager also looked a little embarrassed, and looked at Xiao Bai with some confusion.

Xiaobai? Xiaobai! "Jiang Cheng yelled twice, and Xiaobai seemed to react suddenly, and suddenly looked at Jiang Cheng, "Ah, what's wrong."

"What do you think? Ask you something." Jiang Cheng asked.

Ah, I, did you ask me?" Xiaobai looked at the general manager and looked at him, and immediately sat down. "General manager, general manager? What's the matter? "Xiao Bai blushed when she spoke.

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