Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1297: Awkward atmosphere

no problem. "Qin Nan took the document and looked at it.

How much minimum error can be achieved?" Qiu Qingqing asked.

How much do you hope?" Qin Nan asked

I certainly hope that there is no error. "Qiu Qingqing said.

Qin Nan frowned. I looked at Qiu Qingqing and then at Jiang Cheng. This is impossible.

"If you are serious, there is nothing you can't do." Qiu Qingqing said.

Qin Nan did not speak, but his expression was a bit ugly.

Seeing that the atmosphere was wrong, Xiao Bai said quickly, "Ah, it's all right.

Sister Qingqing was joking. How can there be no error? Manager Wu said just now. Except for you, Sister Qin, in this project, who else can you call?" Qin Nan looked at Xiaobai and said irritably.

How old are you?" Xiaobai asked.

It is very impolite to ask a girl's age!" Qin Nan said.

Xiaobai slammed his mouth, really saying nothing would please.

There was some noise at the door, and Qin Nan walked over and opened the door. Is her team member. When he walked in, Jiang Cheng found that this group was alive except for Qin Nan. There seem to be ten people. Not very young.

Sister Nan, are we really going to abandon the current project and do this?

A boy asked.

Well, this project has priority. "Qin Nan said.

At this time all ten people came in, and everyone looked at Jiang Cheng, Xiaobai, and Qiu Qingqing. Of course, I was watching Qiu Qingqing in the end.

Cough... Qin Nan coughed. At this moment, these talents looked back, but these people were still very quiet and didn't talk about anything.

The specific project is the time machine, and then we will start to do it now [Penquku], and you will go back and pack your things after the holiday. Make good sense of living in the company during this time. "Qin Nan said.

Time machine? Our company's highest project right now?" asked one of them.

Well, that's it. "Qin Nan said.

Didn't it mean that it has been studied for five years? Why did it come out so quickly? "Someone asked.

They just took over this project. They finished quickly. "Qin Nan said.

Jiang Cheng found that Qin Nan had a good attitude towards her team members and was very patient, not as impatient as before.

I'll go, this is too great. "Said alone. Everyone next to me agreed.

Now as usual, first come to sign the agreement, stay if you agree, and leave if you don't agree. "Qin Nan took out a wad of paper.

What is this?" Xiaobai asked.

These items are dangerous. So be mentally prepared first. "Qin Nan said. There was a gloomy expression in his eyes.

Of course I am following you. Sister Nan. "Someone yelled, went to the front and took a pen to sign.

Someone came to sign one after another. Jiang Cheng watched these people sign and understood that these projects were dangerous, especially when they were being produced. So we must first prepare ourselves.

Scientific researchers, no matter what position they are in, it is not easy.

But Qin Jing just stood on the side, not worried at all. It seems that this kind of thing has been done a lot better, and there is no look of fear on his face. Jiang Cheng can't help but be a little curious about how she is so calm at her age.

After a while, these people actually finished signing. No one

Back down.

Okay, let's all prepare. "Qin Nan said.

The people at the bottom responded, "Sister Nan, do these research team members also participate this time?" I don't know who asked.

Ok. We are together this time. "Qin Nan said.

Everyone underneath seemed suddenly excited. A lot of laughter is so good. "Yes, yeah, god.

Qin Nan was a little bit dumbfounded. When he said that the scientific research team was going to participate, all of them were disgusted to death. Now there is Qiu Qingqing, and they are all too excited.

Sister Nan, do you want to participate?" Xiaobai asked suddenly.

Qin Nan turned and looked at Xiaobai with a mentally retarded look. "if not?

"I'll go out and prepare first." Qin Nan said and went out.

Jiang Cheng laughed after Qin Nan left, "What's wrong with you? I want to ask?

Oh, it's not because she ignored me, I have nothing to talk to. "Xiao Bai looked a little upset.

Jiang Cheng smiled and looked at Xiaobai. In this regard, he and Zhao Shuai are really similar.

"Are we going to prepare anything? Xiaobai asked.

No need to. Let's go eat. "Jiang Cheng looked at it too early.

Okay. Sister Qing, are you going?" Xiaobai asked.

"Yeah." Qiu Qingqing nodded. Jiang Cheng was a little unexpected. How could she eat with herself and Xiaobai? Xiaobai obviously didn't expect it.

Looking at Qiu Qingqing in amazement.

Let's go. What are you doing? "Qiu Qingqing has reached the door, Jiang Cheng and Xiao Bai are still standing there.

"Let's go." Jiang Cheng finished speaking and took Xiaobai to the door.

As soon as he walked to the door, Jiang Cheng suddenly saw someone standing at the door, and he saw that this was the man with glasses.

Miss Qiu? "The glasses man said suddenly. Qiu Qingqing stood at the door and ignored it.

Miss Qiu? I brought you lunch, "The man with glasses is holding a food box in his hand and wants to show it to Qiu Qingqing.

Qiu Qingqing still did not look back, but his face was already impatient.

Jiang Cheng looked at such an embarrassing atmosphere, and some didn't know what to do. It was not a solution to being stiff.

Ah, let me take it first. I will help you. "Xiaobai took the food box and looked at Qiu Qingqing. Qiu Qingqing turned around and left.

The face of the man in glasses collapsed. His face was a little gloomy. Turned around and left.

Xiao Bai didn't know what to do. Looking at Jiang Cheng with the food box. Jiang Cheng was a bit funny, "You can solve it." He also turned and left. Xiaobai had to put the food container on the ground and left.

After Qiu Qingqing followed Jiang Cheng and Xiaobai to the restaurant outside, "You go. I'm leaving." Qiu Qingqing said.

Ah, sister Qingqing, don't you eat. "Xiao Bai asked.

Ok. "Qiu Qingqing said, then turned and left.

Jiang Cheng had obviously expected Qiu Qingqing not to eat. So I went to a restaurant next to Xiaobai and sat down. "Brother, what does Sister Qingqing mean? Xiaobai asked.

She should be hiding from that man with glasses. "Jiang Cheng said.

I forgot to say what I called the man with glasses.

Man with glasses? "Xiao Bai looked at Jiang Cheng and didn't understand.

Jiang Cheng stroked his forehead, "It's the one who delivered the food.

Xiao Bai オ suddenly realized. "No wonder, Sister Qingqing doesn't seem to like that boy very much. But-"Xiao Bai thought about it again," Hell if you like it.

Jiang Cheng didn't speak, and didn't know what he was thinking. "Brother Zai. What are you thinking?" Xiaobai asked as he looked at Jiang Cheng's soul not being at home.

Huh? Nothing. "Jiang Cheng looked at Xiaobai and smiled. He was just thinking about Zhao Shuai and the others. He didn't notice what Xiaobai asked.

Throat, brother, I always feel that you are not the one with us. I don't know when I am leaving. "Xiao Bai looked at Jiang Cheng very seriously.

Why do you think so?" "Jiang Cheng also asked.

I don't know, I think that after you come, you can easily solve this century's problem, and you give me the feeling that you want to finish something quickly," Xiaobai said while looking at Jiang Cheng.

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