Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1303: Hot hand

Jiang Cheng felt that he was completely brought back to the time. I feel that these robots are playing back in front of my eyes, and he has the joy of those people at the time in it. This boy is indeed very wonderful. Jiang Cheng thought. Moreover, the development of science and technology in this country is really fast.

Within a year after Ali, various shapes were developed. After that, our country's robotics technology is considered very mature... The boys have been talking about the development of robots for a long time, and they are all very vivid. Jiang Cheng almost feels as if he has experienced it. In combining the prototypes of these robots, Jiang Cheng felt that he could understand why so many people came here to take pictures, because almost all of them have witnessed the development of the country's most cutting-edge technology. This makes people have a great sense of pride and honor.

Connecting several robots, Xiaobai was excited to take photos with them, "It's so cool." Xiaobai kept admiring.

Jiang Cheng looked at the two worlds of Qiu Qingqing and Xiaobai who were calm next to him. Qiu Qingqing showed no interest in these histories and just watched the whole process.

It didn't take long for the young boss to finish talking. "What do you think?" the boss asked.

Very good, you said too well. "Xiao Bai said.

Qiu Qingqing nodded and said nothing, Jiang Cheng looked at Qiu Qingqing still so calm. "Then do you want to go inside to rest?" the boss said.

Jiang Cheng was about to ask why he was going in, but Qiu Qingqing had already nodded, Jiang Zai was puzzled, not sure why. But vaguely think it should be related to Baihuashi. There was no objection, so he followed Qiu Qingqing in. Xiaobai and Qin Nan also followed in confused.

After Jiang Cheng walked in, he saw that this inside was not a usual place to rest. It looks more like a wine cellar. It looks like a dazzling array of wines, all kinds of high-end wines. Jiang Cheng doesn't usually study wine. Can't see anything.

Wow, so many good wines, so cool. How much does it cost?" Xiaobai looked at the boss with admiration.

The boss is a little embarrassed, "It's not too expensive, I usually like it better, collect it." The boss said.

"That's pretty cool too. So many, some are really rich and can't be collected." Xiaobai admired.

Jiang Cheng cared more about why the boss would drag himself to this wine cellar.

It's certainly not random. I guess there is something I want to say.

Jiang Cheng looked at Qiu Qingqing and looked at these wines and did not speak, Jiang Cheng did not speak either. The boss and Xiaobai didn't know when they talked, they kept talking, and they told each other their contact information.

Qiu Qingqing was also turning around in this room, walking to the innermost, Jiang Cheng also followed Qiu Qingqing, unknowingly they had all walked to the innermost of the wine cellar, Jiang Cheng felt that he couldn't hear Xiaobai's words. Shengjiangcheng saw a large cabinet blocking the front, Qiu Qingqing walked to the cabinet and knocked, listening to the sound. Jiang Cheng also came to the front. Obviously this is empty inside. But Jiang Cheng seems to feel the cold is coming

"Do you want to go in?" Jiang Cheng asked.

Qiu Qingqing glanced at Jiang Cheng, and it seemed that the principle was to plan to go in alone. But Qiu Qingqing nodded. Jiang Cheng looked at the bottle of wine on the top of the cabinet. He shook the cabinet again. Turning the direction of the bottle of wine, the cabinet suddenly opened.

Qiu Qingqing was surprised for a moment. He rounded his eyes and looked at Jiang Cheng. It seemed that he didn't expect Jiang Cheng to open this so quickly.

go in. "Jiang Cheng walked forward as he talked. Just after taking a step, he felt the cold rushing over his face. This is much colder than any cold place Jiang Cheng has ever experienced.

Wait, it's cold. "Jiang Cheng looked at Qiu Qingqing with some worry, it seemed that she was still wearing thin clothes.

Here you are. "Qiu Qingqing handed Jiang Cheng a small chip-like thing." Holding this, it won't be cold.

Jiang Cheng looked at the small chip in his hand. If Jiang Cheng remembered it correctly, he had seen it before. But at the time, I didn't think it would be much use. Jiang Cheng thought for a long time, and couldn't remember where he had seen it.

Jiang Cheng and Qiu Qingqing entered this place one after another. Jiang Zai was really surprised when he first entered. This is almost the back door, but after coming out, it is completely different from the street where people come and go just outside. This is exactly where Jiang Cheng saw the North Pole on TV before. But with the things Qiu Qingqing gave, Jiang Cheng didn't feel how cold it was as if heat was radiating from the palm of his hand to the whole body.

The place Jiang Cheng saw did not have a house, and of course there were no people. It was completely like the North Pole. It looked like it was full of ice and snow, but the snow was not deep and the ground was not very slippery. It was not as scary as imagined.

Will it continue to snow here? "Jiang Cheng feels that the worst situation has happened, and there is snow in the sky.

"It's a bit tricky." Qiu Qingqing was also a little anxious.

Go ahead first. "Qiu Qingken said

Jiang Cheng and Qiu Qingqing kept walking forward. Jiang Cheng kept looking at Zhou's furnishings and found that there really was no place to stay. If it doesn't work, I don't know what to do.

Look at the one in front!" Jiang Cheng said, pointing to the thin-looking small house in front. "Let's go in first. Avoiding snow, it's getting bigger and bigger now.


Qiu Qingqing responded.

Jiang Cheng and Qiu Qingqing quickly walked to the house in front of them. When they came to the front, Jiang Cheng found that it was a small wooden house with some hand-woven baskets at the door. It seems that there is a life. Although it is not good to enter other people's residence without authorization, Jiang Cheng has no other way now.

Jiang Cheng and Qiu Qingqing watched the door open, and asked first, "Is there a lot of people and no one answered, Jiang Cheng and Qiu Qingqing went in first.

As soon as he entered, Jiang Cheng saw a lot of fish placed next to each other on the table. It seems that the simple furnishings here only have a large table, a bed, and several chairs, but the house is not as small as it looks outside. The inside is still very clean. It looks like someone lives.

From the clothes hanging here, it seems that there is a boy who lives here, and the clothes are a little whitish. What are you doing here? Jiang Cheng couldn't figure it out. There is no serious source of life here. Living conditions are also bad. But I really can't figure it out. Jiang Cheng felt that Jiang Cheng saw that the furnishings in the room were very simple. It was just a table, a bed, and no household appliances, but it looked very clean and tidy. It seems that people who live here also love cleanliness.

But besides the essential daily necessities, there is nothing that seems to be entertaining. Yang Jiangcheng, who appeared to be very empty, walked to a cubicle next to it, which looked like a kitchen. It seemed that someone was cooking here. Jiang Cheng looked at the clean stove, and there seemed to be a fish next to it. That's right, the fish here should still be easier to get food.

Let's stay here for a while now. "Jiang Cheng looked at the outside of the window and now the snow is getting heavier.

"Then stay." Qiu Qingji said and sat on a chair beside the table.

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