Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1312: sinister

Qiu Qingqing seemed really irritated, turned around and walked to the boy. Looking at him condescendingly, "What?

Jiang Cheng only now discovered that this boy seemed to be five points like Qiu Qingqing. Especially the provoked end of the eye. Putting it on Qiu Qingqing's face felt a faint smoke for no reason, but this boy looked very evil. I have to say that this boy has a very good appearance and should usually cause many girls to be idiots.

Sister, you really don't recognize me? I was killed by you. "The boy laughed suddenly, his smile was a bit dark and bitter. But there was also some hatred in it.

Jiang Cheng saw Qiu Qingqing's face suddenly become bloodless, his lips pressed tightly.

Brother and sister Jiang Cheng thought, no wonder they look alike, but they look like enemies. Jiang Cheng thought. More puzzled.

But Jiang Cheng felt that Qiu Qingqing was not calm at all, and felt that she must care about this boy. But I don't know why I was so disgusted with each other.

But sister, why did you come here? You were also banished?" The boy said with a smile, showing his white teeth. It looks very sunny.

It has nothing to do with you. "Qiu Qingqing said coldly.

Haha, sister, you still do. "The boy looked at the sky. He looked helpless.

Anyway, no matter what you are doing, I hope you will do it yourself. "Qiu Qingqing glanced at the boy. Turned around and left.

Jiang Cheng also turned and followed Qiu Qingqing away. Since Qiu Qingqing left, the boy put his head down again, looking at his computer, but still did not look at Jiang Cheng again.

They are really a family, Jiang Cheng thought, they are all so cold.

Jiang Cheng didn't know where Qiu Qingqing was going. Just watching Qiu Qingqing keep walking forward. She still seemed absent-minded. It should be something in my heart. What happened just now should have some influence on her too.

Are you okay? "Jiang Cheng walked to Qiu Qingqing and asked.

What can happen?" Qiu Qingqing said, disapprovingly.

But Jiang Cheng still saw her slight head.

Jiang Cheng did not speak any more, but walked silently beside Qiu Qingqing. Maybe at this time, she really doesn't want to talk.

Qiu Qingqing didn't speak any more along the way, as if she had been thinking about her thoughts.

As he walked, Jiang Cheng heard a loud noise coming from the front. There was also the sound of Tieqiu's collision. Jiang Cheng looked at this place and it should be regarded as the beautiful places of Wanggang. All you can see now is bare land.

The front should be where we saw yesterday. "Jiang Cheng said to Qiu Qingqing.

Go ahead and have a look. "Qiu Qingqing said.

Jiang Cheng didn't know what Qiu Qingqing wanted to do, but from the conversation with her brother just now, Jiang Cheng knew that Qiu Qingqing should have been here before, or must have known about it.

Qiu Qingqing's secret Jiangcheng didn't want to snoop. But he didn't want Qiu Qingqing to hide too much. Because there are only two people here now. It is definitely best to be honest with each other.

Throat? Be careful! "Jiang Cheng saw a big hole in front. But Qiu Qingqing obviously didn't see it. Jiang Cheng quickly helped Qiu Qingqing. Qiu Qingqing didn't fall.

Jiang Cheng just stabilized Qiu Qingqing's arm. It seemed that Qiu Qingqing's hand could be cut off almost casually. It's really fine. Jiang Cheng thought. However, Qiu Qingqing is now even weaker than when he first met.

But now life is a meal without a meal. Jiang Cheng also felt embarrassed. It's really sad to let a girl live like this.

"Thanks." Qiu Qingqing said and looked forward. Jiang Cheng headed her gaze and saw that the group of people working in front of him was the group that he saw yesterday. Unsurprisingly, they are still working now, but because they are very hot now. Sweat oozes from everyone's head. It looks really tired, but the men next to them are still forcing them to continue working.

Many people are tired and devoid of expression. But these people didn't let them off at all. Still screaming from the side. Still holding a whip

Jiang Cheng saw a teenage boy. He looks very thin and looks malnourished. But still holding a shovel that is big by yourself, and digging in the soil. Sweat dripped from his head into the soil, and Jiang Cheng suddenly felt sad. Watching this little boy's thin black skin completely exposed to the harsh sunlight.

Qiu Qingqing just kept watching the people here, and Jiang Cheng saw that she seemed to be watching everyone. As if looking for someone, Jiang Cheng kept looking at the thin boy, but the boy seemed to feel Jiang Cheng's gaze. Suddenly raised his head and looked in Jiang Cheng's direction. The boy glanced at Jiang Cheng and saw Qiu Qingqing next to him. Suddenly the boy's eyes became hot. And with a certain envy. Jiang Cheng was a little funny, the gaze was usually the way girls saw Qiu Qingqing. For a while, Jiang Cheng became very curious about a thin boy.

I don't know if he felt the boy's hot gaze, Qiu Qingqing also turned to see the little boy. The two looked at each other several times. Qiu Qingqing's eyes ranged from curiosity to satisfaction.

Jiang Cheng looked at these two people curiously. It was almost ten seconds since the two people were still looking at each other. "Are you looking for that little boy?" Jiang Cheng asked.

should be. "Qiu Qingqing said.

At this moment, the boy was suddenly beaten by the strong man next to him. The little boy didn't cry or scream, but kept looking at Qiu Qingqing with his eyes fixed.

The brawny man next to him had been using a whip to hit the little boy, and many people nearby came over, but the little boy always looked at Qiu Qingqing. With envious eyes, but the tight brows could tell that he was really in pain. In the end, the little boy was beaten and fell, and he was lying on the ground.

Qiu Qingqing and Jiang Cheng wanted to go in as soon as the little boy fell, but Jiang Cheng was surprised by the little boy's eyes at Qiu Qingqing. He really didn't know why the little boy behaved strangely.

After the little boy fell, he was pulled up by the strong man. As if to throw him out.

Wait!" Qiu Qingqing shouted.

The strong man suddenly turned around and looked at Qiu Qingqing with a lot of surprise in his eyes. Later, I kept looking at Qiu Qingqing. His eyes seemed to stick to her.

The people next to Du Guo came over and looked at Qiu Qingqing and Jiang Cheng. They were all whispering on the side.

The strong man just looked at Qiu Qingqing and threw the little boy on the ground like that. Qiu Qingqing went to support the little boy. Jiang Cheng saw that the little boy's entire face was bruised. It seems that he should be beaten frequently, and his back is full of blood at this time. The whitish blue t-shirt he washed was dyed red. Jiang Cheng was shocked.

Huh? Wait! "The strong man looked at Qiu Qingqing as if he was about to take the little boy away. He was busy blocking the road. But he still didn't do it directly. It seemed that Qiu Qingqing and Jiang Cheng were not ordinary people.

Jiang Cheng took the boy from Qiu Qingqing and carried him on his back.

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