Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1314: confusing

I think that kid is about to wake up. "Qiu Qingqing said, turned around and entered the room. Jiang Cheng looked at the direction Qiu Qingqing had just looked at. It should be the direction of Qiu Qingqing's younger brother.

Seeing the trees here, there is a greenery, but Jiang Cheng's heart is not so clear and calm at all. It always feels as if something big is going to happen.

After a while, Jiang Cheng also walked into the room, Qiu Qingqing just sat and looked at the boy's clothes, Jiang Cheng couldn't help but wonder. Bloody clothes, what is she looking for?

Jiang Cheng watched Qiu Qingqing hold the boy's broken and blood-stained clothes in his hands. It made her hand more white. Qiu Qingqing looked at the clothes over and over, and sniffed it between his nose.

Finally, Qiu Qingqing put down her clothes, "Are you looking for something?" Jiang Cheng asked

Won. It should be him. With its help, he can find Baihuashi.

Qiu Qingqing said. There was some excitement in the eyes.

Jiang Cheng didn't question Qiu Qingqing's words. What she meant was that this boy must be different from ordinary people, and it was really important.

"What about now, wait for him to wake up?" Jiang Cheng asked.

Qiu Qingqing nodded and looked at Qiu Qingqing with some concern. "The injury is still very serious." Qiu Qingqing said

It was the first time that Jiang Cheng saw Qiu Qingqing being kind to such a stranger, but from her appearance, she felt that she was not only worried about being like this.

After a while, the boy's eyes moved and his eyelashes were removed. Jiang Zai motioned Qiu Qingqing in his eyes, and Qiu Qingqing hurriedly leaned over to look.

Seeing the boy's dry lips moved.

The boy slowly opened his eyes. First, he looked at Jiang Cheng and Qiu Qingqing blankly. Then his eyes gradually returned to clarity. Looking at Qiu Qingqing and Jiang Cheng, he slowly pulled out a smile. Then he will sit up. But I just breathed in painfully just after getting up.

Oh, you lie down first. "Jiang Cheng helped the little boy and tucked the quilt.

The boy was smiling all the time. Jiang Cheng looked at the cute smile on his handsome face and felt that he had a protective desire for him. Inadvertently speaking lightly.

Can you find Zihuashi?" Qiu Qingqing asked.

The smile on the boy's face suddenly disappeared. She became expressionless for a moment. He looked at Qiu Qingqing with a little coldness.

Are you also looking for Baihuashi? Oh, I thought, I thought you were. "The boy speaks very hard, his voice is hoarse and soft, so light that Jiang Cheng can hardly hear the next few words.

I know you must know the general direction. Take me when you get better. "Qiu Qingqing said, there is no feeling at all. Jiang Cheng knew that her previous worry was not for this boy, but she did not expect her to be so cold-blooded.

"I won't take you there." The boy said, with deep determination on his face. The boy at this time is not as mature as it is, not as delicate and fragile as before.

Qiu Qingqing did not speak but looked at the boy. I don't know what I'm thinking.

Why do you think we should save you. "Qiu Qingqing said, "If you don't help us, the three of us should all die here. "Qiu Qingqing said.

The boy's expression was still cold, and he was not moved by Qiu Qingqing's words.

"Now they don't know that you can find Baihuashi, only I know. Let's put it this way, we are not a group. He and I were also coerced." Qiu Qingqing said, Jiang Cheng has never heard Qiu Qingqing say this. Chatty.

Finally a different expression appeared on the boy's face, which looked a little unexpected. Looking at Qiu Qingqing, "Then why are you looking for a white flower stone and we have to go home. We must use a white flower stone." Qiu Qingqing said.

Home? Is it far away? Why do you need a white stone? "The boy looked confused.

far away. Do you remember where your home is?" Qiu Qingqing asked.

"Our house? I don't know. I was here one day when I woke up and I forgot my name." The boy smiled a little secretly.

"What is your name?" Qiu Qingqing asked. Jiang Cheng actually saw an uncomfortable look on Qiu Qingqing's face. Jiang Cheng felt that he should be dazzled.

How could Qiu Qingqing show such an expression.

Everyone calls me a stone. "The boy said.


"Yeah." The boy looked a little shy. He touched his head, "Because my head is hard...

Jiang Cheng was a little uncomfortable. Looking at the boy's smile, I felt a little flustered. If it weren't for being beaten, why would you feel that your head is hard? It seems that the identity of this boy is still very confused.

Your name is Bai Ze. "Qiu Qingqing said, "You don't call it a stone, of course you are not here. After this time, you will come home with me." "Qiu Qingqing's eyes are firm.

"Really? My name is Bai Ze? Great. I know! I must have a name. Hahaha." The boy looked very happy. Always smiled happily, "kekekeke" smiled too quickly, the boy started to cough

Jiang Cheng turned around and poured a glass of water for the boy. Seeing Qiu Qingqing Liangran patting the boy's back, he seemed to care about the boy's appearance. Jiang Cheng couldn't understand this person more and more.

You look really good. I must have seen you before. "The boy looked at Qiu Qingqing excitedly.

do not know. "Qiu Qingqing said.

Really, but I am familiar with you at first sight today. I think you are really beautiful, like you are, like a fairy from all over the world, here to save me. "The boy smiled shyly. His face was also a little red.

Qiu Qingqing still looked expressionless, but Jiang Cheng could see that her expression was a bit complicated.

But how do you think I know the location of Baihuashi? "The boy asked.

You have a special smell, you can find the approximate location of the white flower stone. "Qiu Qingqing said.

Why don't I know it myself. When I first came here, I felt that I had amnesia, but then, people said that I was here. "The boy frowned.

Alas, although there are many questions, I still believe you. "The boy said with a smile, with a naive smile.

Why believe me? Are you afraid that I lie to you?" Qiu Qingqing said.

Hey, you are so good-looking, how could you lie to me. "The boy flushed, said.

You still do. "Qiu Qingqing said in a low voice. Jiang Cheng now knows. Qiu Qingqing must know this Bai Ze, but Bai Ze should have amnesia. Now I don't know anything.

White Pond. You take a good rest and raise the imitation first. "Qiu Qingqing said, "No one else knows your secret.

I don't know, even I discovered it by accident. After that, I didn't know why, so I didn't dare to tell others. "The boy said.

That would be the best. "Qiu Qingqing said, "You can follow him first. Living here is not an option. "Speaking of looking at Zhou Tian, ​​Jiang Cheng also felt that he was going to let the boy go to his room. Bi Jing is still the house of the masked man. After all, it is still very unsafe.

I go first. "Qiu Qingqing said. Nodded to Jiang Cheng and went out. Jiang Cheng thought she should have been looking for her brother. She had been absent-minded all the time.

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