Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1339: The most complete system

Walking in the community with his head down, Jiang Cheng quietly thought about his future plans. As he walked, he suddenly ran into a soft object.

In Ten Thousand Realms, all touching is real and simulated, and the degree of simulation is 100%. So after the collision, Jiang Cheng immediately responded that he had hit something, but because he was a little fascinated by thinking about things, his brain was short-circuited for a while. For some reason, he raised his hand to push away the object in front of him. But when he hit the object, Jiang Cheng was stunned.

So soft, Jiang Cheng's first feeling at this time.

"Comfortable?" A cold voice came.

Okay, a bit small. "Somehow, Jiang Cheng said this. "Don't let it go?" The man continued, and he could hear that the owner of the voice suppressed his anger.

Jiang Cheng finally reacted and quickly took a step back. Jiang Qing'er was very angry. I have been looking forward to this Ten Thousand Realm for a long time, so as soon as it opened, she couldn't wait to enter the Ten Thousand Realm. She was watching the scenery in her own community, but she didn't expect to be eaten tofu by a satyr! Fortunately, this place is virtual. . Otherwise...but it feels weird to be touched by my own Huns...

The two people fell into an awkward situation like this, and no one spoke. Soon, Jiang Qing'er reacted. She was ashamed and angry, but she didn't know what to do. She was angry and left the world directly.

Jiang Cheng looked at the woman on his forehead suddenly disappearing, he was still a little confused, he was the Hungarian who just touched a woman? This feeling made Jiang Cheng very nostalgic for the old virgin.

After a while, Jiang Cheng also withdrew from Ten Thousand Realms. There are not many people in Ten Thousand Realms, and there are still many aspects of functions that are not perfect. It's not that Jiang Cheng can't be perfect, after all, the time is too short, he only took out a dimension, at least first let himself stand in this era.

Indeed, by virtue of this, Jiang Cheng can already be in this era.

Now many companies outside the company that are much larger than the rice company are looking for Jiang Cheng, hoping that Jiang Cheng can sell this technology to them, but Jiang Cheng refuses, even if they offer very good terms, Jiang Cheng has no interest at all. Why? No need. Jiang Cheng finally returned to the company more than a month after the press conference. In the previous month, Jiang Cheng was not only trying to do something less, but also a little bit of hiding from the limelight. After all, this technology was too bad. Up.

At this time, the whole company knew that this technology belonged to Jiang Cheng, and Jiang Cheng was already their vice president, so they all greeted Jiang Cheng very politely when they saw Jiang Cheng, and Jiang Cheng was also very polite. Respond enthusiastically one by one.

Going to the top of the company and walking directly to his office, Jiang Cheng feels like returning home, without any unaccustomed feeling at all, it is very natural.

Not long after Jiang Cheng sat down, Lei Bin came over. Vice President Jiang, I’ve done a good job with the hand dispenser this month, but I’m suffering, you know!" Lei Bin complained as soon as he saw Jiang Cheng, like a full-fledged woman who is about to become The appearance of the president of the leading enterprise of the Hua family.

This is not about going back to study and perfect the system. "Jiang Cheng is talking nonsense, the most complete system is already in his mind, but he doesn't want to perfect it so early.

Then when do you want to open the foreign system, now only users in Huajia District can enter, the foreign side has a lot of opinions. "Lei Bin asked.

Let them wait, we are not large enough to open foreign systems so quickly. "Jiang Cheng continued to talk nonsense. It is not an idea to open up, but of course this kind of good thing has to be used by his own people before they can turn to them. Jiang Cheng's bones are still a bit angry.

Okay, yes, I hired a helper for you. Oh big beauty. Lei Bin said ambiguously, this sentence made Jiang Cheng's spirits all at once.

Jiang Qing'er is 23 years old this year. He graduated from Huajia University with a master's degree. It can be said that he is a top person. Yanjing, I don't know why he gave up Yanjing's high-paying enterprise after graduation and came to Wushi. And just yesterday I applied for the job as Assistant Vice President of Rice Company.

Jiang Qing'er is very beautiful, with a melon face and a height of about 168. She is a complete beauty. But today this big beauty is in a bad mood. Yesterday, in order to experience the virtual reality system, she excitedly entered the system, and finally let a man attack Hungary. This makes Jiang Qing'er feel bad all day.

I heard that in the future, his boss, and the vice president of the company, was also a newcomer who had just been promoted. This made her feel that the pressure shouldn't be that great, but when she entered the office, she suddenly became angry.

Jiang Qinger, who had just entered the office, immediately attracted Jiang Cheng's attention. The handsome appearance and graceful figure always make him feel like he has known each other before. Is it a certain ex-girlfriend of mine? Jiang Cheng thought of it meanly.

Seeing the beauty walk step by step, Jiang Cheng was about to figure out where to go on a date tonight, but what the beauty brought him was not a gentle greeting, but a very special greeting.

Rogue!!" Jiang Qinger shouted at him.

Hearing this scolding, Jiang Cheng remembered, isn't the woman in front of him the same woman he met when he entered the virtual reality system yesterday? She seemed to have accidentally taken advantage of her.

Uh, that was a misunderstanding, it was really a misunderstanding! Sorry, sorry. "Jiang Cheng quickly apologized, trying to restore his image in the eyes of beautiful women.

Of course Jiang Qinger knew that Jiang Cheng didn't mean it, otherwise, with her temper, she would turn her head and leave when she saw Jiang Cheng, and she would stay wherever she was. Scolding him was just because she was angry in her heart. Now that Jiang Cheng had already apologized, her anger had disappeared a lot.

Humph. "Jiang Qing'er ignored him.

Lei Bin on the side was puzzled when he saw the flirtatious look of the two. Did you two know each other before?" Lei Bin asked.

Who knows this smelly rascal. "Jiang Qing'er didn't forgive him for this.

Lei Bin looked at Jiang Cheng, full of doubts.

Let's talk about this later, we really don't know each other, Mr. Lei introduced it?" Jiang Cheng awkwardly touched his nose and winked at Lei Bin.

"This is Vice President Jiang Chengjiang, and this is your future assistant, Jiang Qing'er. You two will get acquainted with each other. I have to leave beforehand." After that, Lei Bin hurriedly left the place, the two young Let the two young people deal with human matters by themselves.

Uh, that, beauty, don't yell hooliganly, give me some face in the company, how can I say it is also a vice president. "Jiang Cheng said pitifully.

Oh. Rogue Vice President. "Jiang Qinger opened his mouth and came.

Jiang Cheng had a black line and didn't know what to say.

One day passed quickly.

Jiang Cheng at the desk stretched his waist, but he didn't expect to be a vice president. Jiang Cheng thought to himself. He basically didn't do anything on this day. He just sat at his desk or went to the Ten Thousand Realms to play, or he just struck up a conversation with Jiang Qing'er and dealt with a little thing.

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