Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1344: Suspend business for rectification

But as a technology company, after the existence of technology, it is inevitable that there will be a narrow encounter with Rice. Therefore, the acquisition of Rice Company in Jiang Cheng's plan is the first step of his plan.

In the office, a young girl was standing in front of Jiang Cheng, waiting for Jiang Cheng's instructions. Who else can this person be besides Jiang Qinger? Although Jiang Cheng has the dream of building a business empire, he thinks he is still inadequate in starting a company. So I brought Jiang Qinger, a high-achieving student, with him. Now Jiang Qinger is the CEO of Existence Technology Co., Ltd. Now, she is handing over the acquisition plan she just completed to Jiang Cheng for review. She has absolute confidence in her acquisition plan. Sure enough, Jiang Cheng only glanced twice and then stopped.

You can do it, I trust you, come to me if there are problems that cannot be solved. But let’s put aside the acquisition. Our company has just opened, and there is an order with the team. You should first connect this party. "Jiang Cheng said.

Now this technology company, Jiang Cheng, is the majority shareholder, accounting for 51% of Yin's shares and absolutely controlling. Li Shengli and Zhang Yi each held 24% of the shares, and 1% of the shares were given to Jiang Qing'er by Jiang Cheng. Bi Jing and Jiangcheng didn't know anyone else.

At present, Jiang Cheng has reached a cooperation intention with the team. Jiang Cheng’s company Existence Technology Co., Ltd. provides the team training system to the team. The team pays one billion yuan to Jiang Cheng every year as funds, maintenance fees and System upgrade costs are extra. In addition, the team has not provided free security services to Jiang Cheng's company. Bi Jing is related to the training secrets of the Huajia team, and the national level has to pay attention to it.

In other words, Jiang Cheng's company was guarded by the highest standards of the team as soon as it opened, and Jiang Cheng is also happy to do so. However, in the most confidential research room, Jiang Cheng personally made 20 highly intelligent security robots under the command of Ayan. Ayan is the highest level of artificial intelligence in the technology that Jiang Cheng has mastered, and her independent thinking ability is by no means inferior to any human. Moreover, as a robot, her computing ability is absolutely first-class, so in some aspects, she is even better than humans. Excellent, so Jiang Cheng is very relieved to arrange security work for her.

President Jiang, when can we hand over the system to the team?" Jiang Qinger asked. The team values ​​this system very importantly, so they are asking about the progress every day.

Tomorrow, tell them that you can hand it over to them tomorrow, and let them come over tomorrow. "Jiang Cheng thought for a while and gave a reply. This system is not difficult for them.

"Okay." Jiang Qing'er turned around and contacted. The next day, Jiang Cheng and Jiang Qing'er came to the company early in the morning, waiting for someone from the team to hand over. But the team hadn't waited to arrive, but they ushered in a group of uninvited guests.

The lobby on the first floor of the company. A group of people in the uniforms of the industrial and commercial team and a few people who don't know what department entered the company.

Upon seeing this, the front desk of the company hurriedly called the boss and greeted him. How many people, who can I look for?" The front desk smiled politely and asked very politely. At first glance at these people, there is nothing good, and her front desk can only communicate with each other with a good attitude.

Hello, we are from the industrial and commercial team. We are here to check your business qualifications. These are from the network center and are also checking together. What about your boss?" One of them said, looking like a leader.

Xu Jianwu was in a good mood today, mainly because someone sent him money early in the morning. The old Wang of the network center contacted him early in the morning and asked himself to make trouble for a newly established company. Xu Jianwu checked the company with a registered capital of one million, which is simply unremarkable in Wushi. It's a small company, isn't it because the captain of the law enforcement team wants to step on the ankle, so I happily came to this company with this old Wang.

Jiang Cheng and Jiang Qing'er came to the hall and saw so many people, among them the industrial and commercial team, they knew they were looking for trouble. But I have all the certificates and certificates, so I'm not afraid of them doing this.

"Haha, a few comrades have worked hard. Go upstairs and have a drink of tea to rest." Jiang Qinger strode up to greet him. As the CEO of the company, she still has the responsibility to resolve such matters.

Are you the person in charge here?" Xu Jianwu asked, Jiang Qing'er's pure face combined with his irritating body, made him involuntarily moved.

Yes, my surname is Jiang and I am the CEO of this company. I don’t know how many people are here at this time? "Jiang Qinger felt the innocence in Xu Jianwu’s eyes, but she still resisted the attack. After all, They are all from the mansion department. But didn't Jiang Cheng tell him that no one would come to trouble him? What's the matter?

Jiang Cheng was also wondering, didn't he just talk to Lao Li and Lao Zhang? Why? Is their efficiency so low? This is because Jiang Cheng misunderstood them. How much they value this matter. The first thing they did after returning was to say hello to the establishment of this company. That's why Jiang Cheng was able to establish the company within one month, otherwise he would use the Huajia Mansion Organization. The efficiency of work is not necessarily manageable in one year.

It’s just that Mr. Li and what level of people are they? Those are all national-level bigwigs. Who do they say hello to, of course, they are only at a lower level than them, and they are also at the provincial and departmental level. After the greeting, when I arrived at the industrial and commercial team of Wu City, I did not go any further. It turned out that the industrial and commercial boss of Wu City did this procedure by himself in order to curry favor with his boss, so the people under his staff did not know the background of the company at all. , So Xu Jianwu, a small law enforcement captain, dared to come to find Ma.

Your company does not comply with business regulations and needs to suspend business for rectification. "Xu Jianwu said this after taking a look to the west.

The companies present are all in love and do not meet business standards? What else?

What is the specific aspect? "Jiang Qing'er already knows very well that these people are here for trouble, but she still patiently asked.

In which way? As a network technology company, have you obtained a networking license? Pharaoh who has been standing behind the crowd came out. Wasn't it the Lao Wang who ate behind closed doors at Jiang Cheng's house last time? Last time he was hurt by Jiang Cheng like that, he has always held a grudge in his heart.

Always thinking about this matter. Some time ago, he accidentally discovered that a company was applying for a networking license. After he discovered that the legal representative of the company was Jiang Cheng, he came up with such a trick. He moved his hands and feet on the permit to Jiang Cheng, and the one Jiang Cheng got, can be said to be waste paper, without any legal effect.

When Jiang Cheng saw Lao Wang, he understood what was going on, and he was very dissatisfied. The king is so coaxing, the kid is difficult to deal with. He was (well) trying to call Mr. Li and ask him to solve this problem, but he just took out his mobile phone, and there was a series of sound from outside the company. Immediately afterwards, the sound of neat steps came.

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