Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1372: Total attack

Back to Qingmen headquarters, Jiang Qinger greeted him. I heard you went to see the master of Tiger Gate, how about?

Haha, that Liu Zhuangshi is really cute, he wants to buy me, and he wants to threaten me if he fails. "Jiang Cheng said with a smile, Jiang Qing'er was almost amused when he said, then Liu Zhuang really doesn't know how rich Jiang Cheng is, he is so stupid that he wants to buy Jiang Cheng with money.

"You have worked so hard these past two days. Now that I am back, leave it to me. I will have fun with this tiger gate first." Jiang Cheng showed a strange smile on his face.

The headquarters of the Special Operations Service of the Security Team.

No one knows what Jiang Cheng and the person in charge said in the office.

More than three hours later, a middle-aged man in his forties, carrying a first-class well supervisor, walked into the office of the person in charge, saw Jiang Cheng salute, and shook hands with him with a smile. Hello, Comrade Jiang Cheng! This is Wen Yu, the captain of the special well brigade. The person in charge has already explained on the phone that all actions must be obeyed by you. And I have brought everything you need." Say hello to Negative Guijin.

Yang Luo knew that the person whom the nobleman found must be clean. Jiang Cheng smiled and said, "In this case, I won't say more." After speaking, he took a suitcase in Wen Yu's hand and opened it. I saw that it was filled with bags of white powder and granular things. I closed the suitcase and checked the time, then walked to the French window and looked at the blue sky outside. The invisible aura suddenly shot on him, Liu Zhuangshi! Tiger Men! Since you are not honestly a grandson, then I Jiang Cheng let you not even your grandson properly. "

At ten o'clock in the evening, in the Zhang Se Nianhua nightclub, women in glamorous dresses wandered around, and men showed their ugly faces here. The dim light was full of rotten atmosphere. The men put their arms around the woman next to them.

At this time, a team of members broke in, a small team blocked the door, and the rest entered the venue with a thunder and thunder, and surrounded the people in the nightclub.

Wen was next to the stage and turned on the headlights, the whole nightclub suddenly brightened like daylight, and the music stopped. Some people who are still in the gentle township do not know what happened. A group of non-mainstream young people who dyed their hair and looked around in six colors shouted: "What's the matter? What's the matter?

Everyone, we are from the city team. We have received a report that someone is doing sabotage here. Please cooperate and show your identity!" Wen Yu said with the microphone in the nightclub.

At this time, a middle-aged man in his forties in a suit ran out of the stairs, and saw Yu Wen nodding and bowing his waist and said, "What is going on with Jing Ren?" He took out the cigarette and handed it to Yu Wen.

Yang Luo pushed the cigarette back, "We received a report that someone was selling tobacco here.

The middle-aged man's face changed, "How is it possible."

At this time, one of the team members walked out of the inner hall and shouted and found it!" Then, several team members took out white things from the inside one after another.

Wen Yu glanced at him, "Is it possible that it’s not what you said, but we have confirmed the evidence." He turned around and pointed at the people in the nightclub and shouted: "Take out your ID card. take away."

This... how is this possible!

Humph, why is it impossible? You people here listen carefully. We will search every day from time to time as long as it is Liu Zhuangshi's place! You can weigh it yourself. "

The manager finally understood Wen Yu's purpose. As soon as he turned to run, Wen Yu grabbed his head and ran back, throwing him on the ground with a "plop".

You are the manager here. Provide a place for criminals to sell tobacco and take him away. "

Tiger Gate headquarters, Liu Zhuangshi.


A glass hit the floor with a crisp sound.

Jiang Cheng! Good means! Good means, I didn't expect you to have such a hand. It seems that it cannot be delayed any longer. "A bloodthirsty light flashed in Liu Zhuangshi's eyes.

It was night, the moon was black and the wind was high, it was a perfect murder night. Liu Zhuangshi quietly came to the community where Jiang Cheng's villa was located, hiding in the bushes aside, watching quietly.

Half an hour later, a sports car stopped in front of Jiang Cheng's villa.

Jiang Cheng got out of the car. Today, Jiang Cheng's mood is so refreshing. After Tiger Gate's appearance last night, many industries have suffered huge economic losses, which indirectly promoted the development of Qingmen.

At this time, Jiang Cheng was happily thinking about where to spend a few days waiting for this mission. Suddenly, Jiang Cheng's heart was cold, Jiang Cheng's heart trembled, and the cold sweat instantly shed, as if there was a pair of invisible around him. With eyes fixed on him, the sweat on his head slowly increased. Jiang Cheng was about to look back. At this moment, Jiang Cheng was suddenly startled, and the anxiety in his heart reached the peak, subconsciously, Li Tianfeng's side and face A pain, a flash of blood.

Liu Zhuangshi was shocked. This Jiang Cheng had an amazing sixth sense. The paw that he originally drew toward the aorta of his neck was actually avoided by him and drew on his face.

Supernatural person? Liu Zhuangshi? "Jiang Cheng recognized the sneak attack on him.

Humph, Jiang Cheng, you killed my Tiger Gate so miserably, today will be your death date!" Liu Zhuangshi licked his lips, the bloodthirsty light in his eyes flourished.

At this time, Liu Zhuangshi was half man, half beast, head, tiger body and tiger claws, surrounded by a powerful aura.

Third-level beast ability?" Jiang Cheng called.

I can still see my level, it's not bad, but this can't make you save the life today! Take your life!" Liu Zhuang said honestly, the tiger's claw stretched out and took Jiang Cheng's face.

Humph, it doesn't matter who will die!" Jiang Cheng said, holding a hand with one hand and greeted him.

Liu Zhuangshi saw that Jiang Cheng wanted to work hard with him, and he sneered in his heart, huh, elemental ability, with my strength as a beast ability, then you are really dead!

Boom! "The collision between the two made a loud noise, and then, a figure flew out upside down, who else could it be Liu Zhuangshi.

"Why! How is it possible! How could your power be so great! Why can't I move! This are a thunder-type supernatural ability person!" Liu Zhuangshi was shocked in his heart and lost his way at night.

Under normal circumstances, the physical quality of the elemental ability is indeed inferior to that of the beast ability, but the lightning system is definitely an alternative. The lightning system has always been known for its violent, and power is the overlord of the well-deserved ability!

"Master Liu, your strength seems to be bad." Jiang Cheng looked at this Liu Zhuangshi, an inexplicable smile flashed on his face.

Humph, if you lose, you lose. Don't do it with you if you want to kill. "Liu Zhuangshi turned his head to the side. He knew that he was planted here today.

Jiang Cheng had to talk nonsense with Liu Zhuangshi, so he called Jiang Wei directly.

It didn't take long before Jiang Wei came with people. When Jiang Wei saw Liu Zhuang who was on the ground, he was overjoyed, and Tiger Gate was over. Jiang Wei excitedly asked his subordinates to take Liu Zhuangshi away. He greeted Jiang Cheng and left in a hurry. He was going back to prepare for a general attack on Tiger Gate.

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