Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1379: Northerner

This mission is an undercover mission. And the undercover place is not a criminal group, but a walled city, and it is going to this walled city to be the boss of the science and technology team and the boss of the well!

Unexpectedly, I can be the boss at such a young age, hehe, let's go for two days and talk about it. "Jiang Cheng thought so.

However, according to the information provided by Li Shengli, this task was very difficult.

According to data, Jiang Cheng's upcoming village is named Guizhai, located in the southwest part of Huajia District. The economy is backward and the infrastructure is backward. However, mining of coal mines is prevalent in your school village, and various large and small private coal mines have emerged in an endless stream. The area has been repeatedly banned. Many people have been sent to investigate suspected people in the mansion. People went, so let Jiang Cheng investigate

Some. Of course, the five members of Jiang Cheng's team were assigned to different departments in Guizhai, so that they can take care of each other and make things easier.

The leader of the science and technology team is just an auxiliary identity, giving Jiang Cheng an identity to stay there.

Dashan was assigned to the Zhaijing Administration to take charge of the special well brigade. Counting sheep went to the industrial and commercial team as the deputy boss. Because they were, Tranquility and Zhang Mengyin both arranged clerical positions in the village mansion.

Jiang Cheng met the other four and decided to go quietly. The five of them are also human beings, knowing in their hearts that they can still be so rampant under the three orders and five applications of the area, it is impossible to have no backstage, so they decided to go to Guizhai quietly first, first explore, and feel the bottom of it.

The next day, everyone packed up and set off together.

They chose the train as their means of transportation. For one thing, there are many people on the train and it is not easy to be spotted. Secondly, the people in Guizhai must have never imagined that the newly arrived old technology team would pass by the train directly, so as to catch them by surprise.

When the five people got on the train, everyone's appearance changed. This was what Jiang Cheng requested. After all, the looks of Jingning and Zhang Mengmeng are too conspicuous. In order to avoid extra branches on the road, it is better to change the length to compare. In contrast, Jing Jing and Zhang Mengmeng are quite resentful.

But Zhang Mengling's resentment was obviously not as heavy as her curiosity. She grew up, this was the first time she took a train. Once she got on the train, she touched it here and looked there. The other four people looked at it as funny as the whole hillbilly came into the city.

The train ran on the road for two days and two nights, and finally, amidst the whistle of the train, it arrived at Guizhai Station.

The five Jiang Cheng got off the train and decided to find a hotel to stay. The Guizhaizhai district is not large, or even a bit small, but Guizhai has a large number of villages and towns, and the topography is complex, so the economy here is always difficult to develop. Jiang Cheng walked on the street, looking at the old houses and narrow streets in this village, Jiang Cheng's heart was still a little touched. He didn't expect that this era is here, and the Hua family’s economy is still the same as before. The gap between rich and poor is so big.

Jiang Cheng and others wandered for more than two hours and finally found a hotel not far from the Zhai mansion.

From the outside, the hotel is very dilapidated, with only four or five floors in total. The paint on the exterior walls has almost fallen off, revealing the red alkali blocks inside. Day by day cracks spread on the wall, as if it would explode at any time.

This... can this live in. . "Zhang Mengmeng is very worried. Let's do it, let us live for two days and wait for us to buy a house to live in. Jiang Cheng said, with his current family background, wanting to buy a house is not a matter of minutes.

Ok. "Zhang Mengmeng said reluctantly.

Fortunately, the hotel was fairly clean and could barely live in, which made the two girls breathe a sigh of relief.

Five people opened four rooms, one for men and one for two girls. Several people were about to go upstairs after completing the formalities. Suddenly, a few big guys walked in from the door and rushed straight upstairs, while the front desk looked strange and continued to do their own things.

After a while, several people came down, but this time there was still a man in custody.

The man used to have a little wound on his messy face, and apparently suffered violence in such a short time. At this time, the man was still struggling, yelling "Let go of me! Let me go! Tianli is here."

Those big guys didn't have any good expressions on him, and they dragged him all the way to a van at the door, and then straight away.

Jiang Cheng and the others knew at a glance that the man was going to petition. In Huajia District, this situation is not too much. Many people have been unfairly treated by the local law enforcement agencies and want to go to Yanbang to appeal. Of course, the local mansion will not allow this to happen, so they will Special arrangements are made for people to lie in ambush on the road that must pass through the appeal, and when they encounter those who want to appeal, they will be directly caught back and sent home, and then sent for surveillance.

Jiang Cheng had only heard of it before, and this was the first time I saw him, and he felt very sad.

Especially in such a small walled city, only the interests of a small number of people are valued.

If there was no chance before, this time someone had this opportunity, and he must change this situation! Jiang Cheng thought to himself.

Several people stayed in their respective rooms for a day. At night, they came out together to find a place to have dinner.

Guizhai is even more depressed at night. Contrary to Wufu, the people in Wufu begin their lives at night. Wufu at night is very tight. And here, not only were there not a few pedestrians on the street, but even the shops on the street were closed one after another, it was like an empty city.

Several people searched for a long time, and finally found a meatloaf shop in a small alley.

The five of them didn't eat much for a day, and after another long time, they were already too hungry. Jiang Cheng and others found an empty table and sat down and shouted: "The boss will give us two catties of meatloaf.

"Come on, your meatloaf!" The lady proprietor of this shop opened the curtain of the kitchen behind and came out.

Two plates of Guizhai meat patties were brought up in a short time. Jiang Cheng rubbed his hands, picked up a piece and opened his mouth to bite, while Dashan and Counting sheep followed closely behind.

Zhang Mengmeng and Jingjing watched Jiang Cheng's three people eating so happily, they also took a bite, and suddenly their eyes widened: "Oh my God! It's delicious."

Chang Mengmeng had not swallowed the things in her mouth, and muttered: "The skin is thin and thick, the noodles are soft, and the meat is fresh and tender. I really like it.

After more than ten minutes, five people were almost finished eating. At this time, the lady boss came over with three bowls of porridge, "Young man, your purple rice porridge.

Jiang Cheng nodded: "Is it a gift?" The lady boss said, "Yes.

Then, after seeing that the customers in the store are almost eating, the lady boss sat on the empty chair beside Jiang Cheng, "Listen to your accents, you are from outsiders, maybe from the north.

Jiang Cheng [the eighth district] took a piece of paper and wiped his mouth, and then said, "I am from the Northeast, and then my family moved to Wufu, so my accent changed a lot.

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