Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1388: Explain

Wang Li said helplessly on his face: "Let's talk about this special operations team later. This still needs Zhaili's approval. Let's discuss how to deal with this matter first. This matter is definitely not suppressed. If you live, someone from the house will definitely come to investigate this matter.

The mansion is the mansion, what does it matter? Even if the boss comes, I can make him the best and what can I do. "Jiang Cheng said indifferently.

After listening to Jiang Cheng, Liu Jianxin and others were surprised: how do you say? What do you say, what is the current old Baishi? "Jiang Cheng said with them. Star society?

Jiang Cheng snapped his fingers: "It's half right, it's Zhang people. According to the situation in the past few days, the public order there is not a difference, and the degree of Zhang is a common old man, ordinary people. The team members are very confused. I believe you should clear more items than me.

Wang Li and Liu Jianxin Youlan can’t catch up with luck. This sentence has helped the stubbornness of the talents. Jiang Cheng said it was lucky.

The public security in Guizhai is indeed as horribly bad as Jiang Cheng said. It is not that they are incapable of not wanting to control it, but that they can't control it. In this regard, they have received too much resistance.

Jiang Cheng glanced at them and then said: "Our mansion is for people. As long as we do things that benefit ordinary people and make them happy. Then we are doing the right thing, even if it is owned by the Federation. He can't say anything about it.

At this moment, Jiang Cheng’s phone rang: "Boss Jiang! What did you say you did! Defeated three ordinary people at the gate! Do you know what you are doing? You know how bad this is. ?

Uh, um, who are you? "Jiang Cheng frowned, thinking that who is this person, crazy...I'm Tian Gaoluo." After a while, Tian Gaoluo's roar came.

Oh, Chief Tian Zhai, you said the person I killed was an ordinary person? When can the forces also be called ordinary people?" Jiang Cheng asked with a sneer, and he activated the recording function of the bracelet.

Humph, I told you they are evil forces! I tell you, you'd better release Tian Wei immediately and wait for someone to come up to investigate you!

The sneer on Jiang Cheng's face grew stronger and stronger, and Wang Li and Liu Jianxin were really uncomfortable with this smile.

Chief Tian Zhai, I can't let go of this person. I guess I can't let go of this person in my life. I have filed this case and registered it on the security network of the whole district. If you insist on releasing people, you will have to come in person.

One super, just sign something. As for investigating me, I have a clear conscience. If you want to investigate, I’ll come. But say it beforehand, I don't care about it. "

Hearing Jiang Cheng’s words, Tian Gaoluo immediately became angry and hung up the phone. Jiang Cheng insisted on not letting people go, but he really didn’t know what to do for a while. Could he really sign and ask for someone? His position as the chief of the village has not been long since.

After Jiang Cheng finished speaking, he put this Tian Gaoluo on the blacklist in his heart. It seems that the goal of this mission is the head of Tianzhai. But now, Jiang Cheng has one more thing to do.

Jiang Cheng made a call to Li Shengli, and Li Shengli's loud voice soon came from the other end of the phone: "Haha, why is Jiang Xiaozi calling me free? How is the task?"

I am looking for you for a mission. I have a video on hand. I will send it to you later. I will send it to the Propaganda Department. I hope to see it on TV tonight.

what happened?

Jiang Cheng recounted what happened here, "It's probably like this, so you really have to get me in this matter.

You really cause trouble, why did I find you such a troublemaker to do this task. OK, I will arrange this myself later.

After hanging up the phone, the eyes of the two Wang Li around him had changed. Jiang Cheng did not avoid them when he made the call. They also heard a general idea. It seems that Jiang Cheng is very related in the province or even higher. It seems that Boss Jiang is really not easy.

Walled mansion.

Tian Gaoluo received the meeting notice from Zhaili after hanging up Jiang Cheng's phone, so he came to the meeting room full of anger. When he arrived, the old team of Zhaili was almost there, the deputy chief and others It's all here.

Seeing Tian Gaoluo's arrival, Chen Bai waved to him, "Lao Tian is also here, sit down, just waiting for you." Tian Gaoluo soon took his seat. Chen Bai cleared his throat when everyone was there, and started today’s meeting: "Let’s make a long story short. The content of this meeting is about the handling of the Walled Office incident. I believe we already know this matter. Let’s discuss it What to do.

Tian Gaoluo was the first to speak: "Such a bad incident is no longer just a simple conflict. This is a bad case. This is a crime. My opinion is that it must be severely punished!

After Tian Gaoluo finished speaking, he glanced at the other senior leaders, but at this time, no one agreed with his opinions, and they remained silent. Tian Gaoluo was a little worried, and kept winking at the Organization Minister Chen Wenguang sitting opposite.

Chen Wenguang received Tian Gaoluo's eyes and sat up straight and said: "I think this matter has too much influence. We should report to the report and follow their arrangements.

Zhaizheng Li Tao nodded: "That's right, Jiang Cheng, as the chief of the village bureau, used this method to enforce the law. It was a mess. I think we should suspend Jiang Cheng and wait for investigation before the decision of the mansion is made.

It can be said that the people present are not very familiar with Jiang Cheng, at most they have only seen photos, while Li Tao and Tian Gaoluo are on the united front. The reason is very simple, because he thinks the position of the head of the wells department should belong to him. . Normally speaking, Zheng Fawei Shuji is also the boss of the HQ. Originally, he could not get this position due to special circumstances, but he has changed the boss of the Three Realms continuously, and he has not yet his turn. This makes him a little annoyed. This time it was even more outrageous. He was directly parachuted by such a young man with no background, how he could be blessed.

Layer Jiwei Shuji Jin Xi glanced at Tian Gaoluo, his eyes flashed with an inexplicable meaning, and said: "This matter must be disclosed to the public, and Jiang Cheng must be severely punished to give the public an explanation.

In these high-level discussions fiercely what to do with Jiang Cheng is that in an inconspicuous position, there is a woman in her forties. This woman is named Feng Jia, and she is the only one in the top. Beautiful, melon face, curly hair, there are many stories on this woman, the most widely of which is that she has an improper relationship with a certain big guy.

Feng Jia was sitting aside fiddling with her hand. Suddenly, she heard Jin Xi say this, and she had some objections: "I have not investigated this matter clearly before making a sacrifice and opening it to the people. Isn’t that good? Are you responsible for any mistakes?

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