Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1412: Grief

So Jiang Cheng looked at the middle-aged man in front of him, and he still felt a little uncomfortable with him. If you say you die, you will die. Let’s find someone’s corner to melt and die, and come here to arouse opinions. Isn't this sick?

When the middle-aged man heard Jiang Cheng's question, his eyes seemed to be more dead.

If it is really good, why do you want to jump up? The man said lightly, his tone full of death.

If you have any difficulties, everyone will tell you. If you die like this, what about your family, your wife and children? "Jiang Cheng asked, what he hates most is people who are irresponsible to the family.

Hearing Jiang Cheng's words, the middle-aged man suddenly stood up from the ground and shouted at Jiang Cheng, "What the **** do you know! If I die, my wife and children can live better! Follow me like this They can only endure hardship for a lifetime!" After the man roared, he suddenly turned to swallow more as soon as his emotions receded, tears instantly wet his eyes. The fragility of the middle-aged man is fully revealed at this moment.

Yes, for most men, the family is the goal of their own struggle. It is nothing to endure hardships by oneself. As long as they can make the family live well, it does not matter if they suffer a little. But if you can't give your family a good life, as a man, you must be very self-blame.

Hearing the middle-aged man say this, Jiang Cheng also saw that this man has a story.

"If you have any difficulties, please tell me, maybe I can deal with you, Jiang Cheng said to the man.

Maybe it was the incredible ability that Jiang Cheng showed when he saved himself just now that made men think that Jiang Cheng is not an ordinary person. The middle-aged man nodded after thinking about it, and wiped the tears from his face.

My name is Ma Tian.

My name is Ma Tian. "The middle-aged man said, but it was the first sentence of the middle-aged man that made Jiang Cheng excited.

What!? Ma Tian!? You said you are Ma Tian!?

Alone! No wonder I saw him so familiar just now, it turns out that he is actually Ma Tian!

Ma Tian, ​​one of the three giant network technology companies in Huajia District, and the founder of Awai Baba! Awai Baba is the myth that Huajia has gone through the Internet industry. This is the absolute dominant enterprise in Huajia District, Awai Baba. It opened the precedent for online shopping in Huajia District and became the largest online shopping platform in Huajia District. It also changed people’s payment methods, shifting people’s payment methods from Xianzhang to mobile payment, which greatly contributed to the digitalization of Huajia District. Contribution.

And Ma Tian himself is a myth. He started from scratch and experienced many winds and waves. He had such achievements as later generations, but Jiang Cheng didn’t expect that Ma Tian now looks like this. Who would have thought of the magnificent horse of later generations. The sky will be down.

Yes. What's wrong? "Ma Tian was puzzled, this man knew him, but he had no impression of him.

No. It's okay, it just happened to have the same name and surname as a friend of mine, you go on. "Jiang Cheng waved his hand. He knew that he was a little gagged just now, but this is inevitable. After all, everything the future generations of Ma Tian did can change the world.

I graduated from university ten years ago. The school was not good. It was just a second-level normal college. After graduation, I became an English teacher, but my life as a teacher was really boring. I was also a medical representative. It's sales promotion. "Ma Tian said, recalling the past, a trace of memory of the past could not help appearing on Ma Tian's face.

"Then you are pretty good, why can't you think about it anymore." Jiang Cheng is a little strange. Later generations have never heard of Ma Tian's history of suicide.

What's the hurry, I haven't finished speaking yet, this is just the beginning. "Ma Tian used his small eyes to look upset Jiang Cheng.

I couldn't bear this day after day, so I resigned and went to sea. I have taken a fancy to the Internet market. You will definitely think that I will do it. I don't do business with so much money, but rather the Internet. But I dare to assert that within five years, it will be a period of parallel development of the Internet in Huajia District. At that time, the Internet in Huajia District will undergo a qualitative change by leaps and bounds, so I think the Internet industry will take root now. "When Ma Tian said this, his face showed strong self-confidence. He had absolute confidence in his own vision. Jiang Cheng nodded, just like Ma Tian said. Seeing Jiang Cheng nodding, Ma Tianji Jiang Cheng looked at Jiang Cheng differently, but he didn't ask much, but continued to speak.

Do you know the Huajia Yellow Pages, that was founded by me. It can be said that the first step I took was very successful, at least, my general direction was not wrong. However, at this moment, my life had a turning point. "Ma Tian said here, an angry expression appeared in the inspection.

Huajia Yellow Pages Network Jiang Cheng knows that it is a commercial website that has just been established in the past two years. The website focuses on the B2B model and provides a platform for companies to publish their own corporate confidence. It is a completely free website where companies can quickly Publishing what you want to publish, such as recruiting information, can be said to be Huajia’s largest yellow pages website. Unexpectedly, this was created by Ma Tian, ​​which surprised Jiang Cheng.

You created such a good website? Then would you still think about finding shortsights? "Jiang Cheng is very puzzled.

"If he still belongs to me now, why should I find a short sight! Ma Tian has already written his anger on his face at this time.

I couldn’t build such a website alone, so I found a partner. This website is our cooperation. Originally, the next step of the website was to look for investment, but at this time, our opinions were divided. . I advocate being a completely free public welfare website, but he advocates charging, Jane

Short-sighted!" Ma Tian said angrily.

As far as the current Internet environment in Huajia District is concerned, charging may achieve short-term benefits, but in the long run, it is definitely not suitable for the development of a website. I didn’t expect that he would give me a set behind the scenes. , Ying took away all my shares in the company! All the shares! I have devoted all my energy to this website, and I can recover the cost, but he actually revealed his true face at this moment!" Ma Tian’s face is already full of grief and indignation. “I don’t have any money anymore, and I owe a debt. I don’t have the face to go home to see my wife and children. I’m sorry for them. The wife can find a better person to marry, at least for the rest of her life, she won't have to suffer any more. "Ma Tian said.

Hearing Ma Tian's words here, Jiang Cheng finally understood that Ma Tian was overcast by his partner, so that's why it happened, but according to the situation of later generations, Ma Tian should not die just now. , And also founded the Awai Baba Group, it seems that he is still troubled.

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