Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1420: act like a buffoon

Don't worry, go to Lao Jiang, the company has enough of us and Mengmeng, so you can rest assured to teach and educate people and cultivate the next generation. I heard that the female teachers in No. 1 Middle School are very good, so I will introduce a few to Lao Xiao later. "Lao Ma said ambiguously, in his heart Zhang Mengmeng is Jiang Cheng's person, so he introduced Lao Xiao.

It must be, that's okay, if you have something to call me, I will leave first. "Jiang Cheng stood up after speaking, he was going to Yanbang Yizhao, so things should be done almost when he comes back here.

When I drove to the airport, Jiang Cheng didn't take anything with him. Anyway, Jiang Cheng didn't believe that Mr. Xu would not arrange himself, and this time I went to see how Jing Jing and Counting Sheep were mixed.

I bought a recent ticket to Yanbang at the ticket office. An hour later, the plane took off from Q House Airport and flew to Huajia.

The plane landed at Yanjing Airport an hour later. It was already the beginning of the Hua Deng, and shops, hotels, and various buildings lighted up on the road, illuminating the capital city of Yanbang.

Jiang Cheng walked out of the airport and called Jingjing directly.

Hey, Captain, call me as long as I've been apart, do you miss me!" Tranquility's seductive voice came from the other end of the phone. "Yeah, I miss you so much. I really want to see you now. To you!" Jiang Cheng molested with a bad smile on the corner of his mouth.

Haha, come here, you come, I will treat you to a big meal!" Quietly smiling.

I am in Yanbang now. "Jiang Cheng said.

Suddenly there was no voice on the other end of the phone, and after a while, Tranquility’s octave-high voice came: "What! You have come to Yanbang! I won't say it soon! I will let Counting Goat pick you up now!" , The phone was hung up.

Jiang Cheng couldn't help smiling when listening to the sound coming from the other end. He knew that no matter when, these few of them would always be the closest people in the world.

Jiang Cheng waited at the gate of the airport for more than forty minutes, and finally waited for the count of sheep to come together, of course there was peace.

Haha, don’t say why the boss came! "As soon as Counting Sheep saw Jiang Cheng, he opened his arms and gave Jiang Cheng a bear hug. Tranquility looked at the two men quietly, and the joy in his eyes was still hidden. Unstoppable.

Although the three of them haven’t seen each other for many years, and the difference is only a few months, people who are not in a foreign country can’t know what it is like to be in a foreign country. They can see Jiang Cheng, the closest person in a foreign country, counting sheep and How can the excitement in Tranquility be expressed by words?

Haha, I'll come over to do something, take a look at you, why are you not welcome!" Jiang Cheng said with a smile, and he was very excited to see them again.

"Look at what you say, take the boss, and take you to see our bar." Counting sheep said with excitement.

"Oh? You opened a bar so soon?" Jiang Cheng was very surprised. He didn't expect the two people to come here with money and say they were going to open a bar here in their old business. Jiang Cheng was also worried that they would have some troubles that would be difficult to solve. This time I came here because I wanted to stop by them, but I didn't expect that they would really open the bar in such a short time. This made Jiang Cheng had to look at them with admiration.

Of course, boss, don't be too surprised to see you later. "Tranquility said with an arrogant expression.

, Then I am really looking forward to it. "Jiang Cheng said and followed them into the car.

The cars were running on the roads of Yanbang. Since it was night, there were fewer cars on the road than during the day, so they were able to get to the quiet and sheep-counting bar without hindrance.

This bar does not look big, but it is very popular.

Standing at the door, Jiang Cheng kept seeing people coming in and out.

Yes, this business looks good! "Jiang [biquge] can't help but praise.

That is, don't look at who the boss is!" Tranquility said with an arrogant expression that she looked like a white swan at this time. Counting sheep on the side looked at Tranquility and couldn't help but feel a little silly.

All this was seen by Jiang Cheng. He glanced at these two people with a deep meaning, but didn't say much. What should happen is always going to happen, let it be natural. Jiang Cheng thought in his heart.

Entering the bar, waves of sound rushed into Jiang Cheng’s ears and almost pushed him out. As a five-good young man in the new era, Jiang Cheng has not been to a bar several times, so he is very concerned about the environment. Very uncomfortable, but he can easily see how hot the business here is, the crowds are surging, and the endless beauties make him almost unable to look away.

How about it, do you like it?" Tranquility smiled at Jiang Cheng ambiguously. If Jiang Cheng had not been accustomed to those eye-catching eyes, it would have been ugly for some individuals.

Yes, you guys, you can cover me and Mengmeng when you come to Yanbang in the future!" Jiang Cheng joked.

Mengmeng is a must, you, consider it. "Tranquility said with a delicate face.

Jiang Cheng, Ning Jing and Shuyang had a drink in the bar for a while, and then went to the hotel to stay with Shuyang. I have to go to Mr. Xu the next day.

In a blink of an eye, it was the next day.

If the morning in Q House is quiet, then the morning in Yanbang is busy. Early in the morning, all kinds of vehicles had already drove out from all directions and rushed onto the main road. Before long, the road was blocked by a long queue.

At this time, Jiang Cheng had just finished calling Xu Lao in the hotel, and told Xu Lao where he was. Xu Lao responded, saying that someone would come to pick him up, and then hung up the phone.

Jiang Cheng simply lifted it up and walked to the hotel downstairs. It was summer, and people on the street generally wore cooler clothes, which feasted Jiang Cheng's eyes. Although the dress of this era is not as bold as later generations, the general pursuit of women in this era is more pure, which is also the type that Jiang Cheng prefers.

Jiang Cheng was admiring the beauty on the street. Suddenly, a large off-road vehicle rushed from a distance at a speed of one hundred kilometers per hour. Then, a sudden brake steadily stopped beside Jiang Cheng.

Jiang Cheng looked at this car, wow, this wild appearance, domineering body, this is the dream of many men. Jiang Cheng was appreciating, the car door opened.

The first thing that got out of the car was a pair of long, white and strong legs. A pair of leather sandals embodies the perfect leg shape.

Then, a young girl wearing sunglasses and a sleeveless short top walked out of the car. This girl is very beautiful, with a melon-seeded face and shoulder-length long wavy hair. She is an impeccable beauty.

Jiang Cheng stared at this big beauty with what he thought of as an appreciative gaze. It can be said that this woman is the brightest woman in this era that Jiang Cheng has ever seen, both in terms of body and face. Impeccable, in Jiang Cheng's heart, he can give him nine points. Full score is ten.

The girl got out of the car and walked straight past Jiang Cheng, but she just walked two steps but she seemed to think of something, suddenly turned her head and stared at Jiang Cheng, Jiang Cheng was killed by this woman. The performance was taken aback.

What are you doing, I am a good family!" Jiang Cheng said, covering his chest with both hands.

Seeing his movements, the girl saw an anger on her face, but in an instant, the anger disappeared without a trace.

Are you Jiang Cheng? "The girl asked uncertainly.

Huh? You know me? Oh... You are from the old school Xu. "Jiang Cheng reacted at once. This should be the person that Xu Lao said was sent to pick him up. Look at this, this Xu Lao's life is good, just let out a beauty of this level. . Well, let’s go, I’ll take you to see him.” The girl saw Jiang Cheng confessing her identity, a hint of curiosity flashed in her eyes, but she was soon hidden by her.

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