Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1432: Make a living

Immediately, he grabbed the right arm of the gangster again with his hand, suddenly lifted up, stretched his leg and kicked the gangster's left leg, and heard a "click", the gangster's shoulder joint had been dislocated, and the scream of "ah" The sound resounded above the lobby.

Seeing that the gangster had no power to restrain the chicken, Jiang Cheng quickly tore off a strip of cloth from his shirt and tied the gangster to Wuhuada after three times.

Afterwards, he raised his hand to indicate to the team members who had been stunned by his own corrective hand, and asked them to come and bring the criminals back to the team for investigation.

The captain of the team, Xiang Jiang Cheng, walked, with a little admiration and feeling in his eyes. The captain shook his hand and said, "If we didn't have your helper, then we might really have to deal with him for a long time today. Thank you very much. I also hope to ask about your surname. When the banner is ready, we will send it to the house. !

Jiang Cheng smiled lightly, shook his head and said, "Don't say that. Anyone who sees such a situation will come to help, and it's hard work, why bother?

The captain wanted to say something, but Jiang Cheng refused in a meaningful way. In the end, the captain was helpless and led the team back to the team.

Seeing the captain leaving, Xu Ying couldn't help asking: "Jiang Cheng, what do you think? You don't even take the pennant!

Jiang Cheng chuckles, "Being low-key!

Xu Ying pretended to be disdainful and said, "Cut, I have to ask me to pierce you! I'm afraid that you received the pennant. Next time you encounter this situation, you will have no luck today, and you will be beaten all over the floor. Find teeth?"

Although the words were full of disdain, the expressions she looked at Jiang Cheng were full of admiration. I couldn't help thinking that Jiang Cheng was a hero.

Suddenly, a kid wearing a high school uniform walked to Jiang Cheng and shouted, Wow, you are the last time Uncle Superman!

Jiang Cheng squatted down and said, "Don't call me Superman brother, we are going to be low-key. The students smiled: "Oh, I know, you are the low-key Superman brother!

Jiang Cheng couldn't help but shook his head and said, "Little guy, what are you looking for? Brother, I'm going to graduate, can you come to my graduation ceremony?

Jiang Cheng looked at the child's sincere eyes and was not ashamed to refuse, so he nodded.

The students happily ran to the parents who were standing on the other side of the lobby, and their excitement was beyond words.

Looking at his lively and youthful back, Jiang Cheng couldn't help but think of himself in his previous life.

I used to be so lively, so happy, right? Now the corners of the man's eyes are a little moist, and a touch of emotion rushes to his heart. Just after the graduation ceremony, Jiang Cheng received a call and must immediately go back to the company to deal with some things.

Faced with the student's invitation to eat, Jiang Cheng had to gracefully decline, and drove back to the company alone.

Jiang Cheng got into the car and habitually turned on the music station, and the sound of shaking liquid suddenly resounded throughout the workshop.

Many people have to consider whether they know the road in a new place, but Jiang Cheng has never worried about these problems.

Who makes others have a super brain?

While driving, Jiang Cheng thought of the smiling faces of the students at the graduation ceremony, and couldn't help feeling better.

The star-like eyes are the child’s innocence, the silver bell-like laughter is the brilliant child’s

Everything is the breath and vitality of youth. Jiang Cheng couldn't help but remembered that he was so innocent and so energetic in the past life!

Suddenly, he had been staring at the road ahead and turned his eyes, so that there would be a truck in front of him driving backwards, as if he was deliberately facing him.

Afterwards, he looked suspiciously in the rearview mirror. Two trucks followed him behind him, and the one in front was still accelerating.

All the information gathered in his mind, Jiang Cheng thought and sorted his thoughts in a second of light years.

Malicious murder, car accident!

Jiang Cheng has no time to think about who did all this, the enemy in the Western District? Competitor?

While he was helpless, he thought of the two cars chasing the previous car and getting out of the car in the previous life.

At that time, the referee also applauded the wit and bravery of the car in front of him, "It was actually on the terrain, the terrain!

Jiang Cheng immediately closed his eyes, and as expected the most complete map of the nearby area appeared in front of him.

Jiang Cheng came up with a decisive decision immediately. He must drive on a mountain road two kilometers away, bypass the mountain road and then take the district road, so that he can be foolproof.

Jiang Cheng suddenly stepped on the gas pedal, and the car immediately accelerated, giving him the feeling of shooting a good inter-regional movie of Caiwu.

When he was about to collide with the truck in front of him, Jiang Cheng slammed the steering wheel and leaned his body in the opposite direction to the side of the car.

In an instant, the truck behind also accelerated to catch up, trying to pinch Jiang Cheng's car in the middle, so that Jiang Cheng's soul was also scattered.

Who knows, Jiang Cheng's sudden turning movement caused Jiang Cheng's own car to roll over suddenly. When it was about to roll over and land, he was pushed back by the rushing truck. The side area happened to pass two large Between trucks.

Jiang Cheng seemed to see the shadow of sparks on both sides of the car, as well as the smell of rubber from excessive rubbing.

After the car passed the two cars, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief and looked into the perspective mirror, his eyes penetrating a bit of playfulness.

Because of their high mass and inertia, the two trucks actually stole chickens but failed to peck rice. They hit themselves and turned themselves on their backs.

Both trucks collided and overturned!

Jiang Cheng drove towards the road planned just now. When he was relieved, the faint pain from his wrist made him want to check his body, and his attention turned to his wrist. This saw the wrist rubbing. It's imitated, and some fragments of unknown origin are stuck in it.

Jiang Cheng saw the two trucks behind in the rearview mirror, and they raced to keep up.

In this situation, he couldn't stop to treat the wound, so he gritted his teeth and started "chasing the car," the "race" again.

Suddenly, a "bang" hit Jiang Cheng's ears, and the man realized that the car had a flat tire!

Misfortunes never come singly!

Jiang Cheng couldn't help frowning. It seemed that speed to get out of trouble was impossible to implement and had to use another method.

He remembered that there was an emergency ramp 5 meters ahead, and he immediately made a living.

Jiang Cheng accelerated suddenly, and the car was slightly tilted due to a burst tire, but he couldn't manage this anymore.

Seeing the truck at the back rushed over with a speeding car, Jiang Cheng hit the spot on the right and rushed into the emergency lane on one side.

And the unexplained truck continued to drive in a daze. The driver really didn't know Jiang Cheng's plan.

Jiang Cheng saw that the truck had traveled a long way and was no longer in sight, so he turned and returned to the ordinary road, and the car with a flat tire continued to drive back to the company. Just after parking, Jiang Cheng met his colleagues from the company. They couldn't help being shocked, and immediately took care of Jiang Cheng's injury and sent him to the hospital.

Jiang Cheng just came out of the emergency room and was arranged to find a place in the inpatient building to get a drip to prevent wound infection or tetanus.

The left hand was infused, but Jiang Cheng's right hand was restless. Just when he put the needle, he controlled the computer.

Although one-handed is a bit inconvenient, it does not affect Jiang Cheng's speed in controlling the computer.

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