Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1435: Young Zhicheng

After all, it was getting late, and Xu Ying's cooking skills were just like that. She only cooked two side dishes and a plate of dumplings, and then started the meal.

Jiang Cheng, try this. I knead the dumpling wrapper myself. Xu Ying keeps cooking Jiang Cheng.

Jiang Cheng didn't have much to say, so he had to eat all the dishes Xu Ying had picked up.

After the meal, nothing happened, but the look in Xu Ying and Jiang Cheng's eyes made Old Xu feel a little uncomfortable, as if something was about to happen.

Just after eating, Mr. Xu invited Jiang Cheng to go to the study to play chess. Jiang Cheng was not easy to refuse, so he had to follow Mr. Jiang to the study.

Xu Lao, let me play chess, you have a rest. "Jiang Cheng said respectfully.

Veteran Xu Jiang Cheng sat aside and said, "Play chess, don't worry, let me ask you something.

Hearing the words, Jiang Cheng immediately replied: "Then I must know everything and say nothing.

When Mr. Xu saw this, he opened the door and said, "What is your impression of this granddaughter?

Jiang Cheng was a little confused, but also politely said: "Xu Ying is very cute and kind, just like my sister!

At this time, many members of Jiang Cheng felt Xu Lao's heart, and they couldn't help feeling a little bit when he answered.

"Hey, my granddaughter is about the same age as you, and you think she is pretty good, so why not make our relationship more prosperous and prosperous?" Xu Lao said with his glasses.

"Old Xu, Xu Ying and I are just brothers and sisters. It is impossible between us, but I will treat her well, don't worry!" Jiang Cheng had no choice but to speak out.

The atmosphere in the study gradually became tense, and Old Xu’s expression became a little heavy, but Jiang Cheng slumped on the sandalwood chair in a relaxed manner, looking extraordinarily at ease.

You are considered a successful career, and many things need to be considered carefully, whether it is love or work, understand?" Xu Lao said in a deep voice.

Jiang Cheng was very calm about the expected anger of Xu Lao, without any fear.

After all, both of them are foxes, and the little fox is a bit more brave and Rongzhi than the old fox.

Well, Mr. Xu, I understand. "Jiang Cheng replied.

After hearing this, Xu Lao continued: "As for the matter between you and Ying'er, you should think carefully about yourself. You should have seen the girl's meaning somewhat!

Jiang Cheng felt a little embarrassed at this time, and slowly reached the front of Tao with his hand, and lowered his head.

Okay, I will consider it. Jiang Cheng looked up and looked at Old Xu.

Just as Mr. Xu was about to say something more, he heard Jiang Cheng's voice like a twilight.

I will think carefully about this matter. It is out of respect for you and respect for Xu Ying!

Old Xu nodded and was about to walk out of the room when he heard Jiang Cheng continue to say:

However, no one can stop me what Jiang Cheng wants to do, but no one can threaten me if I don't want to do it!

Old Xu frowned when he heard this, and his voice suddenly amplified, "Jiang Cheng, what do you mean by this?

Jiang Cheng got up slowly, put his right hand in his pocket, and replied: "It's just a literal meaning. Old Xu is very respectful. He definitely won't do threats and subdue things, right?

Old Xu's eyes rolled, but he smiled and said, "Of course not. However, Lao Sheng has been full of wind and waves throughout his life, and he has only summed up four words at this step.

Jiang Cheng walked over to Mr. Xu and asked: "Eyes? What do you say? Don't be arrogant, don't be arrogant!" After the words fell, Mr. Xu went straight out and stopped looking at Jiang Cheng.

Jiang Cheng also followed Xu Lao out of his bedroom, and the two went to the living room together.

Xu Ying was eating the fruit that her aunt had peeled a long time ago, watching TV soap operas boredly.

Seeing Grandpa and Jiang Cheng come down together, his eyes lit up and he ran over.

What are you two talking about? Don't you let me know?" Xu Ying asked curiously.

Fox Li is Fox Li, how can he show all his feelings? Let alone in front of someone who must hide it!

Jiang Cheng and Xu Lao were talking and laughing in front of Xu Ying.

You little girl, why do you worry so much? However, it's a matter between men!" Old Xu said first.

Grandpa! What age is it now, are you still patriarchal? "Xu Ying looks angry in her dress.

Jiang Cheng smiled and said, "Me and Mr. Xu are just discussing tomorrow's dinner!

Yes, what are you worried about about this kind of thing? "Old Xu took the conversation. Okay, OK, can't I ask it?" Xu Ying smiled, staring at the stars and smiling at the peach blossom.

Hey, right. Jiang Cheng, you and Ying'er are good friends, how can you.

My name is Xu Lao? This is not a student, is it? Just follow Yinger and call me grandpa. "Old Xu looked at Jiang Cheng and said with a smile.

Jiang Cheng looked at Xu Laopi's smiling face, and did not answer. Xu Ying couldn't sit still, and quickly said, "Yes, yeah, Jiang Cheng, just call grandpa. My grandpa is fine, not fierce!

Seeing such a situation, Jiang Cheng could not find a reason to shirk, so he said politely: Okay, from now on, I will call you old man Grandpa Xu

Xu Lao looked at Jiang Cheng appreciatively and said, "Okay, since I'm called grandpa, let's sleep at home today, and tomorrow's banquet will be convenient.

Jiang Cheng couldn't say goodbye several times, so he had to stay with Xu Ying in Xu's old house, waiting for the next day.

Time goes by, and it is fleeting. The old house of Xu's house was mottled with a few more ancient rivers in the sun the next day.

The banquet officially began. Because Jiang Cheng didn't like the occasion, he walked to the most remote corner.

Xu Ying had not found Jiang Cheng, and was feeling puzzled, so she inadvertently saw Jiang Cheng sitting alone.

"Hey, what's your situation, why don't you go and play together? Today, I have a lot of food, as well as red wine, which are all top quality!" Xu Ying joked.

I'm not interested in those, it's too noisy, I stayed here quite well Jiang Cheng looked at Xu Ying and said.

Most of the delicacies are only useful for girls, let alone Jiang Cheng, who has already involved the world's delicacies in his belly?

If he wants to eat, he may want to give him something. The people who come to cheat him are probably out of the sky, right?

Seeing that Jiang Cheng was really not interested, Xu Ying sat with him, and neither of them spoke.

However, there are already many people who want to talk to Jiang Cheng for "official business". It didn't take long before Jiang Cheng was discovered by the people who came to the banquet together.

When Mr. Xu saw this, Xu Yinghecai was immediately before him, but Jiang Cheng did not refuse because of his reputation.

Daer saw Xu Ying and Jiang Cheng staying together just now, and now Xu Lao is doing this again, he has some guesses in his heart.

Mr. Xu, suddenly came to me? "Jiang Cheng is the same.

Can, Zuo Tian オ asked you to call him Dad, why are Xu getting old again? "Lao Dao laughed.

Jiang Cheng looked at the situation in Zhou District, naturally it was not good to waste Xu Lao's face, so I had no choice but to say that I was used to it. Dad, what do you want me to do?

The two of them were cold, and Jiang Cheng was dragged away by the crowd and began to meet the noodles in the mall.

When everyone saw the attitude of Xu Lao and Jiang Cheng’s reaction, and then thought of the centuries-old roots of the Xu family and Jiang Cheng’s young Zhicheng, they had already thought in their hearts that Jiang Cheng and Xu Lao’s granddaughter were a pair of children. Up.

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