Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1437: proposal

Back at the office, Jiang Cheng immediately came in.

Linda, what's going on? What happened to that person today? "Jiang Cheng asked puzzledly.

Linda looked at Jiang Cheng, took a sigh of relief, and spoke slowly.

Boss, haven't you read the news headlines this time? Jiang Cheng paused and asked directly: On the plane before, let's talk, what's the content?

"You and Miss Xu Ying are on the headlines, and the assistant who seems to be very close to you, said in a nonchalant manner.

She and I are good friends, it doesn't matter if we behave more intimately. But even so, why are the people outside so strange?" Jiang Cheng asked.

But we all thought Mengmeng and you were a pair, both of them were computer strange, talented and beautiful. "Linda replied.

Jiang Cheng is very glad that he didn't drink water, otherwise he would be frightened by the assistant's aggressive remarks.

Jiang Cheng was slightly taken aback when he heard the assistant Lindal's words, and he felt a little funny.

Haha, the people in this company thought that I and Mengmeng were a couple? What a fantasy

Jiang Cheng chuckled, shook his head again, and looked down at the documents that had already been piled up like a mountain because he had been out of the area for two days.

After all, the rumors are rumors. As long as they don’t respond, it may not take long for the rumors to be self-defeating.

Therefore, Jiang Cheng decided not to do anything to explain it, so as not to let the company's people seize the opportunity to mess around.

Assistant Linda: Seeing that Jiang Cheng hadn't responded for a long time, she couldn't help but ask and said, "Mr. Jiang, what's the matter with you?"

Jiang Cheng said, slowly raising his head: "Huh? What's wrong? You didn't speak for a long time, I thought what was wrong with you!" Assistant Linda explained.

Jiang Cheng understood the assistant's meaning, smiled and said, "No, I just think it's funny to hear what the company people think."

Assistant Linda! Hearing Jiang Cheng's answer, she couldn't help but feel confused.

What does this boss want to say, and what does it mean? Does he like Mengmeng or not?

Jiang Cheng saw the assistant stupefied and never answered him. He tapped the wooden table lightly and asked, "What are you still doing? Don't you want to work overtime?

Linda? was a little dumbfounded. After hearing the boss' gesture, she turned around slowly and walked out of the president's office dementialy.

Bang!" With a sound, the woman slammed into the door frame of the office, and the sudden pain made Linda finally come back to her senses.

Lnda felt very embarrassed, and gently supporting her bruised forehead with her right hand, she ran out of the president's office quickly.

The area in front of Linda's desk was already full of people, and they wanted to ask if she had asked anything about boss gossip.

Hey hey hey, Linda, did Mr. Jiang say, does he like Xu Jiaxian Zhang or Mengmeng?"

Linda, is Jiang always going to get engaged?

All kinds of questions came like a tide like Linda, she had to shook her head.

She recounted her awkward experience in the president's office, and signaled that she hadn't asked anything.

When the colleagues saw this situation, they also knew that there was no gossip to dig in Linda, so they broke up.

On the other side, Jiang Cheng received a call from a teacher at No. 1 Middle School and asked him to go to a coffee shop for a small gathering.

As soon as Jiang Cheng walked into the cafe, he saw Director Yang sitting in a seat by the window.

"Long time no see!" Jiang Cheng extended his right hand to Director Yang.

Director Yang also stretched out his right hand and shook Jiang Cheng's right hand lightly. He smiled and said, "You are now the boss of Tencent, and the company is a Fortune 500 company. Of course you are busy. Unlike me, a half idler!

Jiang Cheng raised his eyebrows and said, "That seems to be that our company is too idle, you will feel like an idler!

Director Yang certainly heard Jiang Cheng's joking tone, and teased him.

Haha, you, the boss, are too powerful, and have done all the work that our subordinates should do!

Jiang Cheng smiled, and didn't say anything, just said indifferently: We were both colleagues before, now you and I are also working in the same company, so let's just talk about anything!

Director Yang saw that Jiang Cheng was straightforward, but he let go of those flattering words.

He smiled and slowly said, "You said before that you wanted to teach and educate people. Have you forgotten this original intention?

Director Yang said, while taking a pleasurable look at Jiang Cheng's reaction.

Jiang Cheng didn't think much, and said directly: No, I think my heart of being a teacher has not forgotten, but the company was too busy some time ago, you know.

When Director Yang heard what Jiang Cheng said, he secretly breathed a sigh of excitement, and said with a hint of excitement, "Let’s go back to the No. 1 Middle School together. You are not that busy now. What do you think? Otherwise, I. I think I will really forget the happy time and feelings of being with students.

The society is full of intrigues, and only in school can I feel innocent.

Those who have been teachers will miss and cherish the time spent with students very much.

Jiang Cheng quickly passed his recent itinerary in his mind, and found that there were not all free schedules.

Because who made Jiang Cheng a big boss? As early as last week, he finished all the work that could be handled in advance for the next three months.

Thinking of this, Jiang Cheng glanced at Director Yang and said: "Okay, let's talk to the principal now. See if he allows us to substitute lessons!

Director Yang heard Jiang Cheng’s affirmative reply and said with a smile: "With you, Jiang Cheng will definitely agree to the principal. Who would be willing to abandon a talent? Jiang Cheng and Director Yang both say that they have the same behavior. I arrived at the principal's office in half an hour.

Jiang Cheng is no ordinary person now. When the principal heard the security say that Jiang Cheng was coming, he immediately suspended the meeting and returned to the office to wait for Jiang Cheng's arrival.

As soon as Jiang Cheng arrived, he explained the reason for the reason in a straightforward manner. When the principal heard that Jiang Cheng meant to come back to the school to take over, he was surprised for an instant.

The classroom is a deadly wage job, and there is no oil and water. How could it be comparable to the salary of the Tencent company managed by Cheng Jiang? Jiang Cheng guessed the principal's doubts, smiled, and said respectfully:?? I didn't come back to substitute lessons for money, I just wanted to teach and bring some students.

When the principal heard this, how could there be any reason to disagree?

The class Jiang Cheng used to bring in the school was always the best in the school, and the students he brought out were either the top scholar in the government or the top in the county. Even Jiang Cheng himself graduated from a prestigious school and is an educator of the famous Momo!

Thinking of this, the principal smiled knowingly, and said, "Then you can take (good) the first class. Those children are all good seedlings, so I will leave it to you.

Jiang Cheng quickly rejected the principal's kindness and said, "I don't want to take you to the worst class of my grade. I like challenging things.

When the principal heard what Jiang Cheng said, he was too embarrassed to say anything more and immediately approved Jiang Cheng's proposal and asked him to go to class in the afternoon. Since the principal was going to study with an examiner in a school jointly named by another county in the afternoon, he couldn't accompany Jiang Cheng, so he had to let him go to class by himself.

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