Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1439: future

When Jiang Cheng saw the people rushing up, thinking that these were children, he acted a little lightly, and only kicked them all to the ground, unable to move.

Afterwards, he made a call to inform the team members of the location of the incident, the task and all the information, and then slowly waited for the arrival of the team members.

It didn't take long for the team members to hear the news and find the parties to make notes.

When the clerk saw that it was the boss of Xun Teng Company, Jiang Cheng, his tone was quite respectful: "Mr. Jiang Cheng, is it convenient for you to make a transcript now?

After all, in the current world, how can the average small team member provoke a big boss like Jiang Cheng? Maybe he was dismissed by Jiang Cheng's understatement if he was not careful.

Jiang Cheng raised his eyebrows and said, "Of course it's okay to make a transcript, but there are still students in my class, or else just do the transcript here!

The captain of the group Mo team certainly agreed with Jiang Cheng's opinion. While asking the team members to measure the ink indicators of those suspected of absorbing ink, he himself gave Jiang Cheng the most transcript of that kind of pen.

Mr. Jiang Cheng, what is your relationship with these people?" The captain asked step by step.

Jiang Cheng stretched out his right finger and pointed at the monitor of the class, and replied, "I don't know the other people, but the fat boy is the monitor of the class I brought.

Hearing Jiang Cheng's reply, the captain couldn't help but feel a little confused. Jiang Cheng is a well-known entrepreneur, and he is in charge of countless industries under his hands. It is true that he is rich and rival, but how long have you heard of him as a teacher?

Jiang Cheng saw the captain’s doubts and explained, “I was a teacher before, but the company’s business was too busy later, so I had to quit my teacher’s job and switch to running the company’s business wholeheartedly.

The captain said, he couldn't help but then asked: "Then why do you want to go back to be a teacher now?

Recently, the Xun Teng company hasn’t heard of any trouble. Jiang Cheng shouldn’t be embarrassed enough to go back to school as a teacher to make money and support his family.

"Xun Teng Company is almost on the right track, and I am also relaxed.

I brought a class back to Middle School. "Jiang Cheng smiled lightly, and slowly talked about Lu Yu who went back to be a teacher.

After the captain came back to his senses, he immediately said, "Sorry, Mr. Jiang Cheng. I couldn't hold back the gossip for a while, I'm sorry, I'm offended!

Jiang Cheng felt that the captain who was very respectful to him was a bit cute at this moment, and said with a smile: "It's okay, I'm an ordinary person, and your question is not a private one. It doesn't matter, don't be nervous!

While talking, the man patted the captain's shoulder to show him to relax.

The captain seemed to feel the warmth and kindness of spring, not only did he like Jiang Cheng more in his heart, but also showed respect from his heart. This has nothing to do with wealth or status.

A member of his own, holding a higher salary than the teacher, but always does not want to get rich overnight, but Jiang Cheng, a real rich man, has not forgotten his original aspirations and returned to school to teach part-time.

After such a comparison, I was really indistinguishable! Next, the two went through the ordinary transcript process. Not long after, Jiang Cheng returned to school.

Jiang Cheng publicly told the students in class that their class leader had been arrested by the team members for sucking ink. During his lecture, the class leader should not be able to come back.

The student sitting below fell into deep silence when he heard the news of the monitor's whereabouts and that he had been arrested for sucking ink.

They couldn't help feeling a little melancholy and fearful. On the surface they were silent and calm, but on the inside they became uneasy.

The classmates who used to study with their classmates and play together day and night after class are really addicts!

They were not only worried about the squad leader's own future, but also felt fortunate and afraid that they were not taken with him to absorb ink.

Jiang Cheng saw the strange reaction of the student Fu and said, "I didn't want to say it, but I am afraid that you are worried about the squad leader. And also want to give you a number training! The squad leader is your lesson for you, don't hit the south wall without looking back! Otherwise! , As long as something happens, the series of consequences will be unaffordable now or in the future!

Before the students could reply, Jiang Cheng gave them a big surprise exam.

The students thought it would be a set of papers with fill-in-the-blank questions, but they didn't expect that there was only a blank sheet of paper.

When the students raised their heads one by one, Jiang Cheng's eyes were filled with suspicion, Jiang Cheng gave an explanation.

One class time, write an essay. The article revolves around my own strengths and strengths, the topic is self-designed, and the number of words is unlimited! "After speaking, Jiang Chengbian went back to the office to deal with some of the affairs left by the company today.

By the end of a class, Jiang Cheng came to rewind the paper on time, only to see another blank paper.

The A4 paper that was sent was still blank, Jiang Cheng roughly looked through it all, but no one wrote a word!

Jiang Cheng couldn't help feeling a little helpless, and suddenly felt pity for these children.

These children must be because of their poor grades. The teachers didn't like them before, and their parents hated them. They don't even have any confidence, and they are totally ignorant of their own strengths.

Since it happened to be the lunchtime meal for the students, Jiang Cheng had to ask the students to eat and rest first, and come to class on time in the afternoon.

As soon as the bell rang in the first class in the afternoon, Jiang Cheng gave the students a second gift one by one and then took the second test.

The students are feeling a little unhappy, so why are the exams one after another? Could it be that there are three fires for a new teacher to take office?

Jiang Cheng smiled and motioned to the students to stay calm, and said: "This time it is still a composition, write your dreams!

The topic of this essay is also very simple, no matter how inferior, people will have their own dreams, so most students start to write.

All of a sudden, there was only the sound of the pen tip scratching across the paper in the classroom. When the paper was finally collected, there was only one person who did not write. Jiang Cheng decided to look at the name column and found out that it was a boy named Zhou Wei. Jiang Cheng called him to the office and wanted to ask him why he didn't write. Zhou Wei, do you have a dream?" Jiang Cheng asked.

Zhou Wei paused when he heard the words, then bumped and said: I, I have it, I don't have it.

Jiang Cheng saw Zhou Wei's hesitant expression, and said patiently, "You speak, it's okay, we are just like friends.

Zhou Wei felt a little more relaxed and said, "My dream is to be a racer!"

As Zhou Wei spoke, his eyes glowed, as if he really saw his dream come true, standing next to the car in a traffic jam. Jiang Cheng asked again: "Then why don't you write an essay? You obviously have a dream!

Zhou Wei pursed his lips and replied, "But many people think that the profession of racing is unreliable, so my family, classmates, and everyone around me asked me to give up, saying that there is no future for being a racing driver!"

After hearing Zhou Wei's explanation, Jiang Cheng realized that the flowers of his dreams would really be blown away by others, and he couldn't help but worry about Zhou Wei.

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