Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1441: Chic

However, this student was extraordinarily unrestrained. He just left, turned around and walked outside.

Just when he was about to walk out the door, he turned his head and said, "You let me out, so don't blame me for not coming back! Also, my last name is Dong!"

After speaking, the student walked out of the principal's office without looking back. Last name Dong? I seem to have heard of this surname before!

When the principal heard what the students said, he was afraid that his father, surnamed Dong, had a great background, so that he should not provoke a big man.

Considering this situation, the principal couldn't help holding his forehead, so he had to dial the school's internal number again to teach the dean to the office.

Principal, what can your old man do for me? "The dean of teaching seemed a little angry because he had a disagreement with the principal just because of Jiang 11's presence.

The principal had no choice but to ask patiently: "A student just said he came to report on what happened? Isn't it no longer accepting transfer students? Hearing what the principal said, the dean began to become serious. He thought about it. Slowly said, "Aoao, it may be the son of the Dong family!

That's right, when I just scolded him and let him go, he said that his surname was Dong! But who is his dad? "The principal quickly continued to inquire.

That's right, he is the son of Dong Jun who invested the most among the school directors! Did you forget? The school swimming pool and library were still donated by him.

What? The son of Dong Jun, the head of the school board!

The principal felt that he might be in serious trouble, but the dean seemed to react faster.

What? Who are you scolding? Principal, don't you tell me, you scolded Dong Jun's son?" The dean was stunned by what the principal had just said.

The principal had to explain: "How did I know that the non-mainstream student was Dong Jun's son?

At this moment, the dean had no choice but to let the principal mobilize everyone to find Dong Jun's son.

It was not easy to find Dong Ran playing ipadmini4 next to the playground after two hours.

Who knows that on the other side, Dong Ran's father, Dong Jun, rushed to the school almost at the same time.

Dong Jun found the principal and his son Dong Ran in the principal's office, and asked sharply, "What's the matter?

Dong Ran said disapprovingly, "This old man let me go, I won't go? Do I want to stay here with a stern face?

"Are you saying that the principal let you go?" Dong Jun felt uneasy when he heard his son had been driven out of the principal's office.

The principal said quickly: "I'm sorry, Mr. Dong! I am very sorry for this, but I didn't know that this kid was Master Ling!

Seeing the principal's good attitude, Dong Jun also considered the best school in the whole government for the first high school examination, so he did not intend to pursue this matter any more.

Who knew his son Dong Ran was a little reluctant. I'm not in class here anymore!" Dong Ran shouted.

Dong Jun knows his son very well, and naturally knows how to "uniform" Dong Ran, and said indifferently: "Take a good class, I will buy you the latest limited edition soccer shoes from Shangfu!

"Humph!" Dong Ran obviously didn't want to buy it.

Dong Jun paused, then said: "Plus a series of limited edition jerseys!

No problem, the deal!" Dong Ran was relieved when he saw that he got what he wanted.

When Dong Jun saw this, he was relieved, and after letting his son Dong Ran go to class, he immediately rushed back to the company for a meeting.

Principal, which class should Dong Ran be assigned to?"" the dean asked. The principal obviously didn't know where to place the noble son Dong Ran and looked helplessly at the dean.

"Or put him in Jiang Cheng's class!" the dean of teaching suggested

Hehe, Jiang Cheng, do you dare to mess with me? I'll throw a hot potato for you! No, you can't arrange him anywhere in Jiang Cheng's class. The principal immediately retorted.

The knock on the door sounded, interrupting the conversation between the principal and the dean.

Principal, I will accept this student!" Jiang Cheng's voice sounded like Chen Zhong.

As soon as Jiang Cheng passed by the principal's office, he heard the dean's proposal to the principal, and he himself wanted to challenge a different student, so he came in and recommended himself.

OK, then Dong Ran will leave it to you, take it back by yourself. "The principal replied immediately.

Jiang Cheng said so himself, the principal naturally has no reason not to agree

In the first class, something unexpected happened to the principal. Class, stand up!" Jiang Cheng said from the podium.

However, everyone in the class stood up, only Dong Ran was still sitting. Jiang Cheng couldn't help asking; new classmates, why don't you stand up? Are you sick?

"I am not feeling well, I am not feeling well! Why do you make me stand up and bow for you? Who do you think you are?" Dong Ran said openly.

Jiang Cheng didn’t plan to covet anything. Dong Ran, his father’s position as a manager, shouted, "I am your teacher, you should give me equal respect! Ha ha ha, what do you deserve my respect? Salary, is it a school dog that serves students?" Dong Ran provoked.

Hearing Dong Ran's insulting words, Jiang Cheng couldn't help but patted the table angrily, and said, "Why? If you can't match me, please listen to me.

Dong Ran said, "Where does your confidence come from saying that 887 I am not as good as you, and you may not be as good as me! Are you, classmates?"

The classmates in the classroom couldn't help but boil over. The students picked the teacher's drama, don't you want to watch?

What's more, a few students even whistled. Then use your children's force to solve the problem, and you should first or me first?" Jiang Cheng said with a grin.

Here, Dong Ran rushed straight to Jiang Cheng, only to be overthrown by Jiang Cheng's magnificent few minutes.

Dong Ran admired Jiang Cheng from the bottom of his heart and said to him, "From today, you will be my elder brother!

Jiang Cheng didn't say anything, but just touched Dong Ran's fist with his head to show that he recognized his little brother.

In this way, the turmoil in the first class finally subsided. In the second class, Dong Ran clashed with the Chinese teacher again. "You have to copy the ancient poems that were written incorrectly a hundred times!" the Chinese teacher yelled at Dong Ran.

Why should I listen to you, I won't just don't, I don't want to learn! Dong Ran replied.

In this way, the Chinese teacher and Dong Ran actually got up in front of the whole class, not letting anyone else.

Jiang Cheng heard that he had to rush back to the classroom and asked: What's the matter? After the Chinese teacher told him about this matter, Jiang Cheng had to call Dong Ran back to his office.

"Let's talk about it, why do you contradict the language so much?" Jiang Cheng looked at Dong Ran and asked.

Brother, I just don't like it!"" Dong Ran replied.

After speaking, he sat down on a chair by himself, and didn't care whether Jiang Cheng allowed it.

There are reasons for liking or disliking. You can tell the reason why you don't like language. No matter what you say, I will not blame you!" Jiang Cheng smiled and persuaded Dong Ran to arrive.

Dong Ran withdrew his mouth disapprovingly, without intending to say anything. Jiang Cheng had no choice but to continue, "Is your habit of curling your lips inherited? It's so ugly! Dong Ran couldn't help rolling his eyes when he heard this, and said, "Where is ugliness, I dare to ask who in this world is more handsome than me!

Seeing that he finally eased the awkward and slightly tense atmosphere between the two people, Jiang Cheng couldn't help but raise his mouth.

Since it's called my eldest brother, tell me what is going on!" Jiang Cheng said, touching Dong Ran's head.

I. I..." Dong Ran suddenly didn't know how to speak. It's okay, just say it. No matter what is unspeakable, big brother listen! Be careful, your big brother will not despise you!" Jiang Cheng comforted Dong Ran and said.

I'm afraid this child still has some difficulties, otherwise, how could Dong Ran suddenly become graceful?

I actually don't like language..." Dong Ran explained. Hearing this, Jiang Cheng couldn't help but feel a little puzzled, and asked, "Then why are you quarreling with the Chinese teacher? Her request is not too much!

Brother, it's not that I don't like language, nor do I want to deliberately quarrel with the language teacher. I just want to attract the attention of my parents!" Dong Ran slowly explained.

After hearing Dong Ran's explanation, Jiang Cheng frowned and asked, "What happened to your parents? Why do you want to deliberately attract their attention?

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