Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1462: Suffering from gains and losses

Cough cough cough, it's okay, I just didn't get ready just now, I just choked accidentally. You should just call me Jiang Cheng! "Jiang Cheng was relieved a little bit. He almost suffocated after hearing Mengmeng's exaggerated addressing terms.

Mengmeng pursed her mouth, some dissatisfaction was tolerated, and said: "Well, well, let's take it slowly! Jiang Cheng, hello, I am your girlfriend one by one Mengmeng"

Mengmeng, hello, I'm your boyfriend one by one Jiang Cheng... Jiang Cheng replied hesitantly.

Mengmeng was a little excited when she heard that she was sure that she was his girlfriend from Jiang Cheng, and she said, "Brother Jiang Cheng, uh, that's not right. Jiang Cheng, you are so good! By the way, you have dinner with Xu Ying tonight. I'm on your girlfriend!

Xu Ying is her love rival now, and if there are more love rivals, something will happen. I must go out in person, "hand tear" the rival of love!

Well, this. Jiang Cheng hesitated.

Seeing Jiang Cheng's hesitation, Mengmeng immediately replied, "I'm going! Take me there, please.

Jiang Cheng nodded lightly and said, "Well, all right! At night, Paris Left Bank Restaurant.

Xu Ying saw Mengmeng holding Jiang Cheng's hand and walking towards her together, she couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed, and asked, "You two...

"Xu Ying, long time no see! Let me introduce you, this is my boyfriend Jiang Cheng!" Mengmeng said to Xu Ying with a smile.

Xu Ying suddenly became a little angry, and asked, "Jiang Cheng, is what she said is true?

Jiang Cheng nodded, and it was not good to be confused with what happened to her last night.

"You are too much!" After saying that, Xu Ying ran out and took a taxi to the airport.

Jiang Cheng was a little anxious, and pulled Mengmeng and said, "Let's go and see, otherwise something will happen to her.

Although Mengmeng didn't like Xu Ying, she couldn't say anything, so she agreed to Jiang Cheng's request, and the two hurried to the airport. door

In the airport, Xu Ying, Jiang Cheng, and Mengmeng stood opposite each other. "Jiang Cheng, you have to break up with this little girl who doesn't know the heights!" Xu Ying said to Jiang Cheng.

Before Jiang Cheng could say anything, Mengmeng was anxious, and said, "What kind of benefits do you have to ask Jiang Cheng to do? Also, why should you let him break up with me!

"You two are not suitable, ask Jiang Cheng, does he like you?" Xu Ying asked sharply.

Jiang Cheng didn't want to let the two women quarrel any longer, and shouted: Stop quarreling, there is no point in quarreling now. Have something to say!

You are being pulled by me, Jiang Cheng. I must persuade this girl to go back and not let you ruin your happiness in the next life. ""Xu Ying shouted.

Mengmeng refused to give in and shouted, "Why do you say that I am with Jiang Cheng is to harm him and make him not happy?

Seeing the increasingly uncontrollable team situation, Jiang Cheng shouted, "You quarrel, I'm leaving!" After speaking, he turned and took steps.

When the two women saw this, they immediately caught up with Jiang Cheng and kept comforting Jiang Cheng, letting him calm down and don't think so much.

Can't you two say it well? Really!" Jiang Cheng said impatiently.

He pouted and said: "Which is my eldest sister, okay? I won't let anyone else.

No, why should I let you? Did you let me?" Xu Ying couldn't help but become angry as she listened to Mengmeng's spoiled words, and rushed forward and pushed Mengmeng down.

Mengmeng is a computer girl. She usually relies on Jiang Cheng's presence, but no one dares to provoke her. Seeing Xu Ying dare to push herself, she goes up and pushes Xu Ying.

Seeing that the two women were about to fight, Jiang Cheng had to go up to persuade him to fight, but he was misunderstood by two people who knew it, and rolled down the stairs in Mengmeng's "Ah, be careful!"

Xu Ying and Mengmeng chased them down immediately, and saw Jiang Cheng's head covered with blood, unconscious.

"Hello, isn't it? I have a man here who fell into a coma and is in the north airport!" Xu Ying was a little calmer than Mengmeng and reported to the office.

At eleven o'clock at night, in the hospital.

The patient is okay, just a slight concussion, he will wake up in a while, it's okay!" The doctor said to Mengmeng and Xu Ying, and walked out of the ward after speaking.

Xu Ying looked at Jiang Cheng before waking up, and said, "I'll go downstairs first!

Who knows, Jiang Cheng opened his eyes as soon as Xu Ying walked away. Ah, you finally woke up, great! My boyfriend, what should you do if something goes wrong?" Mengmeng shouted in surprise.

Jiang Cheng looked at Mengmeng at this time, but his eyes were very strange. He said faintly: "Yangmeng, tell me the truth! How did we start Mengmeng yesterday obviously did not expect Jiang Cheng to ask this, he kept talking. for this I.

"Did you seduce me? Huh?" Jiang Cheng slammed his drunken memory back because he bumped his head and asked Mengmeng.

Mengmeng pursed her lips, her tone was close to begging, "Although it is. It's because I like you so much!

"Like me, is that the reason you seduce me to bed?" Jiang Cheng couldn't help being angry.

Mengmeng looked at Jiang Cheng's anger and felt that she would completely lose Jiang Cheng if she didn't confess, she confessed: "Jiang Cheng, I have loved you for a long time! I am willing to spend the rest of my life to give you happiness and share a home with you! I like how you look at all times, handsome, cool, and capable! I love you.

"You go out first, I have to think about it." Jiang Cheng faced Mengmeng's sudden confession, and was somewhat at a loss, so he had to drive her out first.

Mengmeng met Xu Ying on the road, fearing that she would lose face, and asked Xu Ying to go back to Jiang Cheng's house with herself, and Men Jiangcheng packed up the clothes in the hospital.

Early the next morning, Mengmeng came to the ward first with some ambition. Have you figured it out? "Mengmeng is a little scared and dare not look straight at Jiang Cheng.

Jiang Cheng sighed deeply and said, "No matter how it happened, but it has already happened, I should be the person in charge! Let's be together.

Don't you regret it?" Mengmeng asked.

Jiang Cheng smiled bitterly, and replied, "I didn't like anyone in the first place. It would be nice to realize one of my sister's dreams, and I am responsible.

After all, Jiang Cheng, do you still think of yourself as your sister? Mengmeng seems to have figured it out. Maybe Jiang Cheng doesn’t like herself anymore in this life, saying: "Then my boyfriend, you accompany me to Tokyo Let’s play, let’s give this sudden accident a box of time to buffer, and relax, let you heal your wounds!"

Just a week after Jiang Cheng was discharged from the hospital, he and Mengmeng arrived in Tokyo.

You sit here first, I'll pick up the luggage "Jiang Cheng gently touched Mengmeng's head and exhorted.

Mengmeng nodded and said, "Then I will be waiting for you in the first row of seats in Zone E. You can't get me out of here!

"Silly girl, how could I lose you? Be good, don't think so much!" Jiang Cheng smiled helplessly.

I don't know why, since that day when I confessed in the hospital, the child Mengmeng has become more sensitive every day, always suffering from gains and losses, and becoming more and more dependent on Jiang Cheng.

Jiang Cheng didn't wait long for the face of the people from the East District and walked over to Mengmeng, saying that you came to Tokyo to play?

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