Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 1485: Mu Yu

The man was a little anxious, watching Jiang Cheng get closer and closer to him, because Jiang Cheng ran too fast, too fast.

He suddenly pulled out the gun again, and this action was clearly seen by Jiang Cheng, so while he raised the gun, the phone in Jiang Cheng's hand flew past the phone and hit the person's hand directly, and the pistol fell to the ground.

The man just wanted to bend over to pick it up, Jiang Cheng had already rushed to the front of the man, flew up and kicked to the waist of the man, the man hurried back. Jiang Cheng didn't have the effort to breathe, it was a series of kicks, and the body kept retreating. And his hand turned into a fist and kept hitting Jiang Cheng's leg.

Jiang Cheng didn't expect that this person actually had two martial arts skills. Jiang Cheng accelerated his speed. That person was a bit unbearable. When he retreated, he was moved directly to the ground by a stone. Jiang Cheng was very ruthless with that person and then took that person Grabbing it: "Say, who sent you here?" The voice became irritable a few times, the man did not speak, and Jiang Cheng gave another punch. It hit the man's face directly, the corner of the man's mouth had been smashed, and the blood flowed down the corner of the mouth.

Hurry up and tell me who sent you here." Jiang Cheng drank again, but the man still didn't move, closed his mouth, and said nothing.

Haha, I can’t see it. I have trained, but it fell into my hands. I didn’t stop talking. When I get back to the house, I’ll tell you that you’re not afraid of not recruiting. Now follow me. "" Jiang Cheng pressed this person and walked to the place where Mu Yu was staying.

Mu Yu was sitting on a dysplasia. Gang オ had no bleeding after the wound was bandaged by the soil protector, but he was hospitalized for a serious examination because he was afraid of hidden illness.

Mu Yu saw Jiang Cheng pulling the man over and stood up happily: "You caught him, this is all right, we can ask about his origins when we go back, he must have been involved with Mo Niao.

The mouth is very stiff, there is no trick. When we go back, I will treat him well. I don't believe that he doesn't recruit. The evil smile at the corner of Jiang Cheng's mouth is very exaggerated, and even Mu Yu is a little frightened when he sees it.

The two began to go on the road again. Because of the car accident just now, they both felt that walking was relatively safe, so they didn't take a car and just walked like this. Jiang Cheng where we live is not far from here, we will arrive soon, and there is no need to take a car. "Mu Yu said.

Okay, let's go over, "Jiang Cheng suppressed the man, and the man did not resist, because he knew that such resistance had no effect at all because Jiang Cheng was too powerful, and it was a heavenly difference compared to him. It didn't take long for the individual to leave, when a gunshot suddenly sounded, followed by a huge impact, and he almost didn't pull Jiang Cheng down. Jiang Cheng shot the person caught in his eyebrows and died instantly.

Jiang Cheng turned his head and looked back, but he could no longer find the person who fired the gun. This shot also pulled Mu Yu to the ground, and his arm resembled his mouth. Jiang Cheng reported directly and hit the taxi directly. The hospital ran, and Mu Yu was already a little unconscious, Jiang Cheng pressed his mouth tightly.

After getting off the taxi, several medical staff in the emergency room rushed over because Jiang Cheng himself called the hospital in the car.

Jiang Chengmen hurriedly put Mu Yu on the bed with the nurse. The nurse rushed into the hospital while pushing the bed. A doctor briefly looked at it, and then kept shouting to prepare something.

Mu Yu was pushed into the operating room, where outsiders were not allowed to enter, Jiang Cheng stayed outside, sitting on a chair for a while, and anxiously turning around in the corridor.

Jiang Cheng suddenly discovered that this mission was indeed unusual. Once there was someone following, then there was a car accident, and then the person caught was killed by someone in front of him. This made Jiang Cheng the most angry. He didn't expect it. , The opponent is so powerful, and so rampant.

In broad daylight, Lang Lang Qianlong was so free from law, arbitrarily, Jiang Cheng clenched his fist and slammed it heavily on the wall. He must pull up the group, never tolerate or flinch.

The lights in the operating room were on all the time, and Jiang Cheng sat in a chair and waited, waiting for Mu Yu to come out of it. He didn't know whether Mu Yu could escape the disaster.

This is the soldier, always walking in the most dangerous place, not afraid of life and death, and always dealing with death, but they never back down, no hind legs, no timidity, but go forward courageously and kill the enemy. Suddenly the three-character light went out during the operation and the door opened. Jiang Cheng rushed over. The doctor came out and said to Jiang Cheng, "The operation was very successful. There were bullets left in the patient's road. They were taken out and it was good to be sent. Even if it takes longer, this will lose too much blood and die."

Thank you doctor, you have worked hard. "Jiang Cheng thanked the doctor. The doctor may have listened too much, or he may have been too tired from the operation and did not speak. He went straight back to the office, while the protector pushed the cart to Walked to the ward.

Jiang Cheng followed the back of the car and stopped at a place near the edge of Green, and opened the door. There was no one inside. The nurse said, "This is a single ward, so please stay here!

Then he pushed the car into the car. Jiang Cheng and the nurse carried Mu Yu onto the bed. Then the story said: "The patient is still in a coma. This is a normal phenomenon because the patient is under anesthesia. You don't need to bother you to pay the fee at the front desk now.

After Jiang Cheng came to the front desk to pay the surgery fee, he went through the hospitalization procedures, and then came back, but the moment they pushed away, he was dumbfounded, there is no one here, the room is empty, the bed is empty, Jiang Cheng is so angry Xiong paused. Shi

Jiang Cheng hurriedly went out and just met the nurse who came in with the medicine. The patient was just pushed in by the nurse.

The patient is gone, how long will you leave here? "Jiang Cheng said without annoyance. It was true that things happened after getting off the plane. How could Jiang Cheng be in the mood to say something peaceful.

The nurse looked dumbfounded. She didn't believe that the patient would be lost. This was a plot that only appeared in TV dramas or movies. How could it happen here? She didn't say anything, and went straight in. He thought Jiang Cheng It's tangled up.


It is true that all the medicine bottles in the nurse's hand fell to the ground and broke to the ground because he did see that the bed was empty.

She hurriedly reported to the head nurse and the dean, but Jiang Cheng ignored these and rushed out of the hospital. Because he knew that this group of people could not run far.

He rushed out of the hospital and found no suspicious person, so he felt like he was chasing in the other direction. He ran very fast and there was wind under his feet.

Suddenly Jiang Cheng stopped, because a group of people was blocking his way. These people were all big men, each with burly figures, smooth lines, and well-developed muscles. At first glance, they knew they were all practicing family.

Jiang Cheng could feel that this group of people must know Mu Yu's whereabouts, so he stared at them and said, "Quickly speaking of Mu Yu's whereabouts, it is best to send him back intact, otherwise you will all die.

This death character felt like it was typed from the eighteenth **** that made people tremble all over, and the biting cold instantly spread through the bodies of several big men.

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