Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 535: experience

Those other buildings are of different sizes, and they are scattered throughout the base.

These different buildings in the base all have different functions.

Some are laboratories in the base, responsible for related technical research and consolidation.

Some buildings are where inspection agencies are located, and they are responsible for monitoring how the current environment can launch rockets.

Most of them are office spaces and living areas. Many of the staff here live in the base all the year round, so many supporting facilities are needed.

The environment in the entire base is very good, with good greening

It seems that the above is also to provide a good working environment for the technicians in the base. That's why the environment of the base is beautiful. Jiang Cheng sat in the car and looked at the scenery in the base, and he was very good at everything in the base. It is interesting.

This is perhaps the most advanced place in Yanjia's science and technology, and it is also the place with the highest average education.

The technicians who work here can be the backbone of a company if they go outside.

However, these technicians did not choose the colorful world outside, and they stayed in this base all the year round to endure the dullness and boringness, and carry on their own work year after year.

They dedicated their entire youth to the Yan family's aerospace cause, and it is precisely because of their existence that the Yan family's aerospace technology will develop so quickly.

Jiang Cheng has always admired this kind of person. Although he could not make that kind of pure dedication, he was able to pay his highest respect.

Soon the car passed through the entire base and came to a building.

This building is the center of the launch base and the headquarters of the launching rocket.

All rockets launched in this base must go through the orders issued here before they can proceed with the launch procedures.

Jiang Cheng got off the car at the entrance of this command building, and when he got off the car, Jiang Cheng saw a middle-aged man in his fifties.

The middle-aged man wore the work clothes inside the base, with a pair of eyes on Guang Xiuxiu's head above his head. Judging from the thickness of the lenses, I am afraid the power is not low.

As soon as the middle-aged man saw Jiang Cheng get off the car, he greeted him and said, "This is the famous Jiang Cheng, right? Welcome! Welcome!"

"I have heard your name a long time ago, and no one knows your name in academia. Unfortunately, I have never had a chance to meet.

The man who came up to the show was very enthusiastic. His words were full of Jiang Cheng's praise, and he seemed very happy to meet today.

Today I finally met a real person. Like in the legend, I am so young and promising. My name is Xiao Peng and I am the technical person in charge of this base. I am responsible for the launch of MSI today.

This top man named Xiao turned out to be the technical person in charge of this base.

His appearance seemed to be very responsible for his identity, as if he had been in the laboratory all year round.

His body is full of the bookishness of a researcher, which is completely different from the average viewer.

People like them are said to be managers, but they are actually core researchers, so they are responsible for things that are not expensive.

No wonder he is so enthusiastic about Jiang Cheng, it turns out that he is also a person in the scientific world.

Jiang Cheng's reputation in the scientific world is not very high. Basically, people who know the edge of science know Jiang Cheng well, and they also know the value of Jiang Cheng's research.

It is precisely because they understand Jiang Cheng's research that they respect Su more than most people.

This kind of respect is something that people who are scientists have, and it is their respect for science.

Only people in the scientific community would respect Jiang Cheng so much, because the boundless hope Jiang Cheng brought to them can lead them to the unknown world.

Now the status of Jiang Cheng in the scientific world has surpassed everyone, and no other scientist can compare him.

The scientific achievements Jiang Cheng has made now can be compared with those of the greatest scientists in history.

No one can compare the scientist who is still alive.

The technical person in charge of the launch foundation is now coming to welcome Jiang Cheng in a fan state.

Facing the enthusiasm of Xiao, the technical leader, Jiang Cheng hadn't reacted for a while.

The attitude of the other side was a bit too enthusiastic, which made Jiang Cheng a little uncomfortable.

Jiang Cheng had to stretch out his hand and shook his hand with the other party, and then said politely 々Where, my research is nothing but some results, so you shouldn't praise it like this.

Jiang Cheng couldn't figure out what was going on now, so he had to be polite with Xiao Peng there.

Xiao Peng saw Jiang Cheng's humble attitude, and he was more enthusiastic about Jiang Cheng's attitude. Your achievements are worthy of any praise. We are all ready here, and we are waiting for you to come and give guidance today.

"MSI will be ready to launch soon. Please check it out when launching. What are the shortcomings of our technology?

Fang, you don't have to point it out politely to us.

Xiao is now completely like a fan, facing Jiang Cheng who is here.

What he said was all things such as guidance, which seemed to be quite respectful of Jiang Cheng's technical level.

He completely put on an educated appearance, and waited for Ruo Jiangcheng to come and guide them.

Jiang Cheng finally reacted. The technical person in charge of launching the foundation is completely a fan of him.

I am afraid that this fan is still a fanatic, but the average fan is not so enthusiastic.

However, Jiang Cheng understands this kind of thing very well. People like Xiao Peng completely regard scientific research as their life fork.

A genius scientist like Jiang Cheng is the idol of this kind of research madman.

Jiang Cheng didn't have any bad views on Xiao, a fan.

Xiao Peng's adoration of Jiang Cheng is not the kind of adoration of fans and stars. Xiao Diao values ​​Jiang Cheng's scientific research level, not Jiang Cheng.

So Jiang Cheng didn't think there was anything wrong with Xiao Peng as a fan.

It's just that when I have an admirer of technology, I didn't think about bad things.

When Jiang Cheng faced Xiao Peng, a fan, he was very satisfied with his curiosity and told him a lot about research.

Both of these are people in the scientific world, but there is a lot of conversation.

The two of them walked into this building while talking about scientific research.

Jiang Cheng found himself chatting with Xiao Peng very happily, perhaps even more because of a common topic.

Both of them are the kind of people who love scientific research, and if they have a common hobby, of course they can talk together.

After chatting with Xiao Peng, Jiang Cheng discovered that the technical person in charge of the launch base has deep attainments in space science and technology.

Many of his ideas have a certain predecessor and are basically in line with the future development trend of aerospace science and technology.

Many of Xiao Peng’s ideas on aerospace are achievable in Jiang Cheng’s view, and even some technical ideas have been implemented in Jiang Cheng’s previous life.


He is indeed a technical expert from Yanjia Aerospace Company. These thoughts made Jiang Chenggao glance at him.

Although Xiao Peng, because of the limitations of the times, has no point of view that is better than Jiang Cheng's, he also has a lot of his own unique opinions.

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