Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 556: List

The technicians listed on this list are all technicians that Jiang Cheng has long been attracted to.

Jiang Cheng had already carefully observed these people when they launched the base last time.

All of them are talents with excellent skills and rich experience, which are very suitable for Jiang Cheng's needs.

In his words just now, he also emphasized that no one can be less, because he was afraid that the space company would be careful with him and would not send some people to follow Ruohe.

The person sent by the aerospace company here to contact Jiang Cheng was an official who was different from the technical person in charge, Xiao Peng.

He is a purely official chat, and he doesn't understand technical matters at all. He is simply responsible for the management of the personnel of the space company.

So this time オ will send him out to receive Jiang Cheng, because he knows the personnel of the space company well.

Compared to Xiao Peng, who only understands technology, this official is more suitable to communicate with Xiao Peng.

The official of the aerospace company picked up the list provided by Jiang Cheng and carefully checked the list in his hand.

He couldn’t help but check it carefully, and the people Jiang Cheng wanted had him deal with it.

Those who leave are required to prepare for the handover of work and related arrangements.

After looking at the list for a while, the official looked up and his expression became a little embarrassed.

Fortunately, the others on this list say that the impact of working with Jiang Cheng on them is not too great.

However, there was even Xiao Peng's name on this list, which made him a little embarrassed.

Xiao is a key figure in their aerospace company, and he basically has the final say in technology.

If Xiao Peng and Jiang Cheng are allowed to leave, the space company will really be in trouble.

As soon as I came to the aerospace company, Xiao Peng was in charge of all the technical aspects of the aerospace company, and he could not easily leave this technical person in charge.

If the aerospace company does not have Xiao Peng, a lot of research work will be difficult to carry out.

What? Is there anything wrong with my list? Why do you show such an expression.

I made this list after investigation. I think there should be no problems with the list. You just need to send these people to me.

Jiang Cheng, the official of the aerospace company, had been watching the change in his face, so he asked him directly.

Jiang Cheng's words can be said to be very rude, there is almost a taste of questioning in it.

It is very offensive to say this to an official. Jiang Cheng's remarks are a bit heavy.

After an official heard Jiang Cheng's words, his unhappy face became even more ugly.

It wasn't that he really had any opinion on Jiang Cheng, he didn't dare to get angry with Jiang Cheng at his level.

Jiang Cheng was a person who had been in the top ranks of Yan Country. He, a small official, didn't dare to show Jiang Cheng's expression.

In terms of his current level, Jiang Cheng may have a hard time going back and moving around, so he is still very polite to Jiang Cheng.

It's just that Jiang Cheng's request made him really embarrassed. It was really troublesome for their aerospace company to leave Xiao Peng.

There is no problem with the other personnel, I can arrange their affairs immediately and let them report to the cooperative location as soon as possible.

It’s just that Xiao Peng is in a bit of trouble. I am the core figure of our aerospace company. If he leaves, we will not be able to conduct a lot of research.

And Peng's level is about the same as mine. Even I don't have the qualifications to assign him arbitrarily. If he is willing to go here, I can't guarantee you.

The official of the aerospace company immediately explained to Jiang Cheng that he didn't want Xiao Peng to leave.

There are other reasons for this, that is, the official cannot arrange Xiao Peng at will.

Don't think Xiao Peng is just a technically noble person, but the level of the technical person in charge of this kind of place is not low.

From the perspective of rank, Xiao Peng is basically equal to this official, so he is so embarrassed.

After hearing this explanation, Jiang Cheng chuckled and said, “I don’t care how important Xiao Peng is to the aerospace company. Anyway, this cooperation is decided by the senior management. I still have to ask for Xiao Peng. .

If you can't arrange his work, then I will tell him personally, I believe he must be very willing to cooperate with me.

Moreover, the leader personally intervened for this cooperation. If it is because your side affected the cooperation, I am afraid that it will be difficult for everyone to explain it after returning.

After Jiang Cheng said here, his tone became a lot more serious. This is completely using the high-level Yan Guo to suppress people.

Jiang Cheng now seems very domineering, and doesn't look at the people of the aerospace company at all.

When he mentioned the name of the leader, he was reminding the other party of this relationship and asking him to think about the consequences of rejecting him.

Jiang Cheng's remarks are already very excessive, it is simply a naked threat

However, Jiang Cheng was not afraid that the official of the aerospace company would turn his face. He came here this time with permission from the senior officials of Yan Guo.

Even the leader personally nodded and agreed to the plan to cooperate with him.

Jiang Cheng has obtained the permission from the senior officials of Yanguo, so he is not afraid that the people of the space company will disagree, and they must agree to this matter.

If this cooperation goes bad, their entire aerospace company will have nothing to eat.

That's why Jiang Cheng is so confident, because he has enough confidence.

After the aerospace company official heard Jiang Cheng's words, the sweat on his head was about to come out.

Jiang Cheng's domineering performance made him very uncomfortable, but after thinking of the other party's background, he had to adapt to Jiang Cheng's style.

Well, since the leader nodded in agreement for this cooperation, of course we have to cooperate with your work.

After sitting there for a long time, the official of the aerospace company finally agreed to the list that Jiang Cheng gave out.

Even if he disagrees, it's useless, the above command crushed him to death.

Even if the aerospace company's research stops immediately, he will give priority to meeting Jiang Cheng's requirements so that this cooperation can proceed smoothly.

This is your unspoken rule in the officialdom. The leadership’s command is the most important. Even if the command is unreasonable, it must be carried out.

But Xiao Peng’s job may require you to talk to him in person. If he disagrees, no one in our bureau can force him.

"Peng, this person's mind is full of technical matters, and he doesn't care about any kind of worldliness, and we have nothing to do with him.

But in the end, he left Jiang Cheng a hand and let him do Xiao's work by himself.

It wasn't that he was trying to be careful with Jiang Cheng, but Xiao Peng really couldn't handle it. A technical madman like Xiang Xiao Peng has nothing in his eyes except technical matters. If Xiao Peng doesn't want to say anything, it's useless.

Moreover, Xiao Lu's level was so high that he couldn't use his identity to forcibly order others.

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