Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 566: help

Now the new rockets have been built, but nothing can be carried.

Jiang Cheng didn't want to launch a rocket for nothing, but didn't load anything.

Rockets can take things like satellites to space together, and it would be too wasteful to only launch rockets.

Even if you bring anything into space, it is much better than the current bare rocket.

Jiang Cheng is a very frugal entrant. He would never do this kind of waste of resources.

Therefore, Jiang Cheng decided to find something that could be carried for his new-type rocket.

Anything is good, as long as this launch event is not wasted, Jiang Cheng doesn't have such a thing on hand, and there is no need to build a satellite by himself.

The private satellite launched last time was already enough for Jiang Cheng to use, and launching another satellite into space is also a waste of resources.

Since he couldn't find anything to launch into space, Jiang Cheng had to find Guo's family.

He believed that there would definitely be something to launch from the Guo family, so that a rocket would not be wasted.

Jiang Cheng called Xiang Dong Shaojiang directly, although this matter is not his responsibility

But Jiang Cheng was accustomed to contacting the Guo family through him, so Jiang Cheng didn't look for anyone else.

Hello, I’m Jiang Cheng. I have something to do with you this time. I want you to inform the people above.

After Jiang Cheng dialed the phone, he didn't see how polite he was, and he went straight to the topic.

Is there anything I want to help? You can rest assured that as long as you speak up, I will be busy with you to solve it. Even if I can't solve the problem, I will ask you to help you.

Xiang Dong Shaojiang was quite happy over there, he thought Jiang Cheng would ask him to help solve something.

Xiangdong Shaojiang is still very positive about this kind of thing. Now his main job is to connect with Jiang Cheng, which can be regarded as his current job.

I don't want to ask you for help this time, but I am going to help you a lot.

This time Jiang Cheng wanted to help Yan Guo launch a satellite into space.

If the rocket is idle anyway, it is better to bring a satellite up by the way.

What? You want to do me a big favor? But there is nothing on my side for your help!

Jiang Cheng’s words surprised Xiang Dong Shaojiang. He had never heard of such a thing before, and someone would come to him for help.

Especially this kind of favor is not even known to him, what kind of favor he is going to do

Didn't I want to launch a rocket for fun recently, and I still can't find anything to carry. "Jiang Cheng said on the phone.

After Xiang Dong Shaojian heard Jiang Cheng's words, he almost did not drop the phone in his hand to the ground.

What is meant by launching a rocket to play? Can things like rockets be played casually?

Jiang Cheng used a very calm tone to say something that was completely unacceptable to him. Now he is in a state of confusion.

But Jiang Cheng didn't seem to be ready to calm down Xiang Dong Shaojiang, and then continued to say amazing words.

So let you ask above, if there are any satellites to be launched, I will help Guo Family send them by the way, and it will save you to launch rockets.

It took a long time for Shaojie to go east to slow down, but he hadn't completely escaped from the state of confusion.

So he hurriedly asked: "Do you want to help the Guo family launch satellites? Why did you suddenly remember this? Besides, are you capable of launching rockets? The Guo family satellites can't let you mess around.

Regarding Jiang Cheng's intention to help launch the satellite, he didn't believe that he would descend eastward.

He also knows about the cooperation between the aerospace company and Jiang Cheng, but how long has the cooperation started.

This little time is simply not enough to build a rocket, let alone Jiang Cheng preparing to develop a new type of rocket.

He couldn't imagine that anyone could develop and manufacture a new type of rocket within a year.

Of course I have the ability to launch satellites. The new type of rocket has been built. Now, if something is loaded, the rocket can be started directly.

"Moreover, I can guarantee the success rate of the launch. There will never be a failure in the launch. Just hand the satellite to me and promise to send you to space.

Jiang Cheng's words are full of confidence, which is confidence in his own technology.

He believes that the new type of rocket he developed can definitely be launched successfully, and there is no possibility of launch failure. Compared with traditional rockets, this new type of rocket has not only improved its performance a lot, but also improved its stability a little bit. After the fusion reactor had produced electricity, Besley immediately set the police to work.

This very simple power model is of course much higher in reliability than rockets that use solid fuel.

Jiang Cheng specially asked Rem to simulate the launch process, and the results obtained were very satisfying.

As long as there is no special accident, this kind of rocket will generally not have an accident.

So Jiang Cheng Caizheng said this and promised to launch Guo's satellite.

Jiang Cheng promised on the phone for a long time that Xiang Dong Shaojian believed his words.

If Jiang Cheng had not guaranteed his reputation in the end, it is estimated that Xiang Dong Shaojian would not be able to believe him.

Bi Jingjiangcheng's time to develop the rocket is too short, and it can be launched in less than a year.

This has to convince Xiang Dong Shaojian that this Ying Rocket is safe, but that is a very difficult thing.

But in the end it was Jiang Cheng's name that played a big role, although Xiangdong Shaojiang was still not relevant.

However, he promised Jiang Cheng to contact the people above to see if there were any satellites to be sent to space recently, and let Jiang Cheng take it and launch it.

When reporting this to Dong Shaojiang, Yan Guo's senior officials didn't believe it at first.

It takes several years for the development of a new type of rocket. Jiang Cheng has produced the finished product in less than a year, which is really hard to believe.

However, the senior officials of Yan Guo had their own way to confirm. They directly contacted the technicians transferred from the aerospace company to Jiang Cheng.

These technicians still belong to Yanguo Aerospace Company, and they are only seconded to Jiang Cheng.

They must know the progress of the rocket's research and development very well, and what they say is credible.

The result of the final confirmation surprised everyone. Xiao Peng, the former technical director of the aerospace company, assured them that this matter was absolutely true.

Moreover, Jiang Cheng didn't speak big words at all. This new type of rocket is safer than traditional rockets.

Xiao Peng said that as the head of the current technical team, he still has a good understanding of the rockets he took out.

That's why he dared to make such a guarantee to the senior officials of Yan Country.

In the end, the senior officials of Yan Guo had to believe this incredible thing Jiang Cheng really developed a new type of rocket in less than a year.

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