Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 591: academic report

At this conference, mathematicians will gather together to exchange questions on mathematics, show their mathematics results, and talk about future trends in mathematics.

Many mathematicians will choose to publish their latest mathematics papers at the International Conference of Mathematicians, so that they can get the greatest attention from the mathematics community

Generally, at the International Mathematics Conference, a group of the most outstanding mathematicians will be invited to give academic reports.

And this time the International Congress of Mathematicians invited Jiang Cheng to give the most important academic report, and will give him a Fields Medal.

It can be said that Jiang Cheng is the protagonist of this international conference of mathematicians, and discussing his results this time is the most important content of this conference.

I believe that many mathematicians want to communicate with Jiang Cheng at the meeting and discuss topics related to Riemann's hypothesis.

Now many mathematicians are very curious about how Jiang Cheng proved Riemann's hypothesis.

Because Jiang Cheng used a new mathematical method this time, he finally proved the correctness of Riemann's hypothesis.

This new mathematical method has never appeared before.

However, Jiang Cheng created a mathematical tool completely different from the previous one, and then used this mathematical tool to successfully solve the problem that has been entangled in mathematics for hundreds of years.

This kind of mathematical tool is very novel and fascinates all mathematicians.

This kind of mathematical tool is the most concerned issue of all mathematicians, so they all want Jiang Cheng to talk about this brand-new mathematical tool.

Talking about this kind of mathematics problem is of course the most appropriate place for the mathematics seminar. That's why the International Union of Mathematicians is so anxious that it wants Jiang Cheng to participate in this international conference of mathematicians.

And now it's time for the International Conference of Mathematicians to be held, and Jiang Cheng can also come to receive his Fields Medal.

People in the International Union of Mathematicians think Jiang Cheng will definitely come this time, although Jiang Cheng generally does not participate in such activities.

But with such a high honor of the Fields Medal, Jiang Cheng will definitely come to participate in the addition.

Not to mention that their thoughts this time were really correct, they simply caught Jiang Cheng's psychology.

Jiang Cheng is really interested in the Fields Medal, and will definitely participate in this International Congress of Mathematicians.

This kind of supreme honor in mathematics is also an affirmation for Jiang Cheng, and it is also a big mention for his reputation.

For Jiang Cheng now, being able to win the Fields Medal is simply more important than his earning several hundred million.

Now Jiang Cheng is a person who doesn't need money, but the more such Rongpu awards, the better.

This kind of honorary award can greatly enhance Jiang Cheng's reputation in the world and help him realize his plan.

Jiang Cheng's current status in the academic world is already very high, and it is basically difficult for anyone to question his status in the mathematics world.

But Jiang Cheng's current status is all due to his achievements, and it seems that the foundation is not very stable, and it seems that he still lacks the recognition of some authoritative awards.

What he needs now is awards in various fields to help him stabilize his supreme position in the academic world.

This time the Fields Medal came at the right time for Jiang Cheng, and it can improve his right to speak in the academic world.

With the results Jiang Cheng has achieved, if he is supported by many awards, then Jiang Cheng will be able to cover the world with one hand in academia.

If Jiang Cheng is to become the scholar of the whole academic circle, he wants to make the whole academic circle his own.

Only in this way can we control the development direction of human civilization and achieve what Jiang Cheng wants to achieve.

Although Jiang Cheng has already done part of this matter, he still needs some improvement before he can truly control the human academic world.

Those awards are what Jiang Cheng needs most now, and he still needs countless honors to support his supreme academic status.

The Fields Award is so important to Jiang Cheng, so he is already preparing to go to Paris.

Jiang Cheng then arranged things for him after he left. He didn't need to take care of the company's affairs at that time. Naturally, Zhang Manlin would arrange everything.

Anyway, Jiang Cheng usually cares very little about things in the company. He might not make much difference if he is there.

What he mainly arranged was that of the technical team. Although the aerospace technical team has now been on track in 867, it has begun to leave him to conduct research alone.

But they still need Jiang Cheng's guidance on the research direction. All the research directions of the technical team are guided by Jiang Cheng, so Jiang Cheng has to arrange everything in advance this time.

In scientific research, sometimes a tap in one direction can save countless hours for research.

After all, scientific research has countless roads to explore, but many roads are actually wrong.

If you can find the right direction from the beginning, the research work will become much easier.

The research directions Jiang Cheng pointed out for them are all correct.

That's why this technical team has researched so many results, all of which are the results of Jiang Cheng's guidance.

Otherwise, even if Jiang Cheng's technical team is powerful, it is impossible to come up with so many aerospace technologies in such a short time.

Judging from the results, Jiang Cheng’s technical team has become the best team in the world.

The technical results they have come up with now are comparable to the accumulation of many old teams over the years, and they are even more than those of well-known laboratories.

When Jiang Cheng arranged the work, the Crane Institute of Mathematics also gave Jiang Cheng the million-dollar prize.

Riemann's hypothesis is one of the seven thousand-year award problems. After the solution is solved, the bonus can be obtained.

The reason why the Cray Institute of Mathematics has been delayed to give Jiang Cheng a reward is mainly because they have to confirm the correctness of Jiang Cheng's paper.

It's not that they don't believe in Jiang Cheng's level, and think there are flaws in Jiang Cheng's paper.

The main reason is that too many people claimed to have proved the Riemann hypothesis before. As a result, the papers of these people were all proved to be wrong. The result made the Cray Institute of Mathematics very embarrassing.

This kind of oolong incident has occurred several times, and each time it has attracted a lot of attention, but in the end it has gotten a disappointing result.

Therefore, the Cray Institute of Mathematics had to take this issue seriously, and only after confirming the correctness of Jiang Cheng's paper, did it give Jiang Cheng the reward.

All the time I had waited was used by the Cray Institute of Mathematics to verify Jiang Cheng's thesis.

At that time, the Cray Institute of Mathematics heard that Jiang Cheng had proved the Riemann hypothesis, and immediately organized several mathematicians to study it together.

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