Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 664: Dawn

Leaving Yang Zhuang borrowed herself to work there, handed over all the work to her.

However, although Jiang Cheng was embarrassed in his heart, nothing showed on his face.

Who told him that his face has been tempered now, this little thing will not have any impact at all.

Jiang Cheng even said in a ridiculous tone: "The main group of physicists are too low in combat effectiveness. I haven't used my full strength yet, but they have all been put on the ground by me.

Otherwise, I'm still going to continue playing with them. I haven't had enough fun with them this time.

When Jiang Cheng said these words, his face still had an unfinished expression, like that 250 looked so positive.

When Yang Qianqian saw Jiang Cheng's appearance, she wanted to hit him in the face for a moment

It's a pity who made Jiang Cheng her boss. Isn't it the fate of the employees to work hard for the boss?

Who told her to have such an unreliable boss, now she has fallen into the clutches of Jiang Cheng, it is too difficult to escape. Seeing that Yang Qianqian's expression was a bit wrong, Jiang Cheng immediately put away his joking expression and said, "Don't be angry, I'll make a joke with you, am I here to help?

I can't bear to see if you are busy with the experiment alone, so the next work will be done by the two of us together.

In fact, this time Jiang Cheng came here to join the experiment and complete all the work with Yang Qianqian as soon as possible.

After all, he is running out of free time this time, so he must seize the time to finish his work.

Yang Qianqian's face became better when she heard Jiang Cheng was coming to help

Even if you still have a conscience, you know that this employee of me is so hard and can't stand it before coming to help.

After saying this, Yang Qianqian buried her head and looked at the machine in front of her. At this time, the experimental data came out again. She wanted to record these things at any time.

The experimental instrument can be controlled by Lucy, but the results of the experiment require technicians like them to record.

Because there are many things hidden in the experimental data, which artificial intelligence cannot find.

So Yang Qianqian's job is to keep looking at different devices, and then look at all the results.

Jiang Cheng also joined the work at this time, and was busy with the experiment along with Yang Qianzhao.

In this way, the two pounced on the laboratory equipment and analyzed many different results and data.

This kind of work is quite boring, with countless data all day long.

Those data are like boundless, constantly flooding their brains.

And most of these data are useless, and only a small part can help them.

What they have to do is to find out the small part that is useful to them among the huge amount of data.

Maybe you can't find a useful thing all day, and the work for that day is wasted.

But they can't have the slightest frustration, only if they continue to persevere can they see the dawn of victory.

Research work is not as interesting as the outside world thinks. It is often this kind of repetitive and boring work.

This is what every scientist has to face. Jiang Cheng and the others can face this very well, so Jiang Cheng and the others can always be successful.

When Jiang Cheng joined the experimental work, the progress of the verification work accelerated a lot.

Jiang Cheng’s work efficiency is much higher than that of Yang Qianqian. He has more debt and rich experience than Yang, and he understands the meaning behind the experimental data.

Moreover, Jiang Cheng's talent is better than Yang Qianqian. He can often see that those data are useful and those data are useless in an instant. This is the scariest thing about Jiang Cheng. He has a terrifying instinct in scientific research, and he can tell the right path in an instant.

Maybe this kind of intuition is Jiang Cheng's greatest talent, much more important than IQ.

Jiang Cheng chose the current subversive theory to verify this time, not relying on his sharp intuition.

Now that he has entered the stage of verification experiments, Jiang Cheng's intuition has become stronger and stronger.

Although he has not thoroughly proved this theory yet, he now has a strong hunch that the dark matter theoretical model is correct.

When Jiang Cheng saw the data, he felt that he was not far from success.

Those experimental data are like telling him that the end point is ahead and you are very close.

When his hunch was raised to a certain point, all the experimental work was completed.

The final result proves that Jiang Cheng's intuition is correct, and his theory has been confirmed.

All the experimental data show that the theoretical model he proposed is correct.

Every experiment on dark matter conforms to the state in his model.

Now Jiang Cheng can officially announce that dark matter, a mysterious substance, has finally been lifted by him.

When this theoretical model is proven, humans no longer have no understanding of dark matter.

Of course, this model does not explain everything about dark matter, there are many phenomena about dark matter, and there is no perfect explanation yet.

This theoretical model is only a preliminary model, and it needs to be improved continuously.

But the emergence of this model is a big event for physics

In the future, humans can use this model to continue to study dark matter-related things.

Perhaps after some follow-up studies, dark matter will be thoroughly understood by people.

Moreover, after this theory is proved, many things in physics before will have to change.

Those theories and theories that have been subverted by this theory must now all be modified to make them conform to this brand new theory.

If they can't be modified, then they can only be thrown into the trash can.

Of course, the verification of this theory has more important significance for Jiang Cheng.

He can now take the experimental data and slap those physicists severely.

These irrefutable data can leave those who question him speechless.

Because the fact is here, no one can fight against the fact.

Those people danced so joyfully at the beginning, but now Jiang Cheng wants them to feel swollen.

Jiang Cheng wanted to see what the group of people said now. He had endured it for a long time, and now it's time for him to take revenge.

When Jiang Cheng took all the experimental data, he spoke to Yang Qianqian beside him.

Time is up, mine can't wait

Yang Jiqian didn't understand what Jiang Cheng was talking about, so she asked, "What are you talking about? When is the time up? What are you waiting for?

Jiang Cheng took all the experimental data and walked out of the physics laboratory at this time

Then when he was about to walk out of the gate, he said loudly: "The time to draw their faces is up, I can't wait to draw their faces!

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