Super Island Tycoon
Chapter 711: supply
It can be said that even if the astronauts of the world are given to Jiang Cheng, it cannot satisfy Jiang Cheng's huge needs.
However, this matter is not something Jiang Cheng needs to consider, and can be resolved later.
Jiang Cheng is now concerned about the construction of the Mars base. Only when Gu Li has completed the construction of this base can he think about the problem of insufficient astronauts.
Although the construction of the Mars base mainly involves automated equipment, the astronauts also played an auxiliary role.
But Jiang Cheng can't just leave it alone, there is a lot of work to be done on the ground. How to build the base requires command from the ground, and the coordination of every step of the work also requires ground assistance.
So many astronauts cannot control the equipment used to build Mars, and the input of some data needs the help of the Earth.
The Space Mission Center is busy with these things right now, and Jiang Cheng also stayed here to care about the progress of the construction.
Jiang Cheng stood in the command hall, observing the construction of the base through the display screen.
The construction on Mars was photographed, and then transmitted back to the distant Earth.
The display screen in the hall is divided into several pieces, each showing different real-time pictures.
These pictures are all scenes on Mars, representing the working conditions in different locations.
On one screen, several devices are digging the surface of Mars, which looks like they are laying foundations for the base.
On another screen, an astronaut is assembling some parts, and that a lot of parts seem to be responsible, and there are things of various shapes.
What he assembles should be the life-sustaining equipment needed by the base, and the people in the base will survive on this in the future.
There is a screen with several welding robots welding different metal components, and there is an astronaut standing next to them, assisting them and don't know what they are welding.
Another picture shows not the site of the construction base, but another open area.
There are dozens of machines on this land that are busy. It seems that the robot should be digging something.
This is the iron ore factory next to the Mars base. Those mining robots are busy digging and catching iron ore.
There is a smelting center just beside the iron ore factory. There are several smelting and forging integrated equipments, which are continuously manufacturing various steel products.
Those steel products that were manufactured were quickly transported back to the base construction site not far away by automatic transport vehicles and became the main materials for the construction base.
The Mars base needs a lot of steel, and it seems that this is the place to provide this steel.
The outer wall of the Mars base is composed of thick steel plates, and the amount of steel required is very large.
So the task here is very heavy, and it needs to supply the material needs of the entire base.
The reason why Jiang Cheng used steel as the main construction material for the base was also considering the issue of robustness.
To build a building on Mars, it’s not strong enough but completely impossible
In ordinary houses, even if the walls are broken, there is nothing, but it is a historical disaster on Mars.
In order to ensure the safety of the personnel in the Mars base, Jiang Cheng finally decided to build the base with very thick steel plates.
It can be said that this base is made of steel, which is completely a big iron lump.
Only this kind of building composed entirely of thick steel plates can resist the harsh environment on Mars.
Jiang Cheng feared that any damage to the base building would affect the garrison inside.
So in the end, simply build a Mars base with steel, so that those problems will never be encountered.
It's not that Jiang Cheng can't come up with better materials. Originally, Jiang Cheng planned to use gold and titanium as construction materials, so that it won't be damaged for at least a few hundred years.
But the Mars base requires so many building materials that it is impossible to transport it from the earth.
And it’s not possible to make gold, titanium, or gold on Mars. It’s impossible to make this kind of super metal.
It's not that there are no raw materials for making gold, titanium, and gold on Mars, just because Mars does not have the conditions for smelting the metal "610".
The manufacturing process of gold, titanium, and gold is very complicated, and it is not easy to manufacture it on the earth, not to mention that there is nothing on Mars, and it is impossible to manufacture such advanced things.
That's why Jiang Cheng chose steel as a material in the end, because it is easier to smelt and process steel. From now on, it is possible to obtain materials from Mars and smelt them on a large scale. Maybe in the future the Mars base will be gradually improved and the relevant conditions will be sufficient.
The technology of making gold, titanium, and gold on Mars can be used to build buildings at that time.
But this may be a long time in the future, and I don't know that it will be done after several expansions of the Mars base.
Now astronauts on Mars still need to use those thick steel plates to slowly build buildings.
All things need to be done slowly. Only when a Mars base is initially established can we talk about expansion and development in the future.
"How is the construction progress of the Mars base now? Did you encounter any problems during the construction? Jiang Cheng asked about the details while watching the situation on the Ruo display.
There are many things that he can't see with his eyes alone, and many detailed things need to be deeply understood.
The construction of the Mars base has been underway for some time now, and the astronauts on Mars will report the situation to the earth at any time.
The content of each report will be recorded in detail and used as the basis for the adjustment plan of the space mission center.
The construction plan of the Mars base is not static. Jiang Cheng will follow the progress and adjust the specific construction plan at any time according to the situation on the spot.
Today Jiang Cheng has just arrived at the space mission center and has not yet understood the situation on the scene, so he sent out such an inquiry.
After hearing Jiang Cheng ask about the situation on Mars, Xiao Peng next to him immediately stood up and said: "The construction progress is in line with our expected plan. As long as there are no accidents, it should be completed within the construction period.
Mars has not encountered any major problems so far, and several minor problems have been solved, and it has not affected the construction of the base.
Reporting to Jiang Cheng that this kind of thing is usually done by Xiao Peng, and Xiao, the dignified person of the technical team, has stayed at the space mission center for a while.
Peng knew everything about Mars, and it was most appropriate for him to introduce Jiang Cheng.
Soon Xiao answered Ruo and said to Jiang Cheng: "The overall construction situation is pretty good now, and basically nothing beyond expectation has happened.
The mining robots at the iron ore plant work very efficiently, and the materials needed to build the base can be supplied.
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