Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 738: Control

On the contrary, the space station is what he cares most about now, and the space station must be successfully completed.

Finally, after giving Xiao Peng an account of the space station, Jiang Cheng directly hung up the phone and began to concentrate on the documents in front of him.

After continuing to sign a few documents, Jiang Cheng suddenly remembered something. He raised his head and said to Zhang Manlin: "By the way, I almost forgot about it. Now go and find a group of traders to come back. Then I will use them. local.

Of course, when I said these words, the pen in my hand did not stop.

Talking back to talking Jiang Cheng would not miss the time for signing. It would be torture for him to delay a second in the office. Jiang Cheng would like to finish everything right away.

The Universe Umbrella Group is not involved in financial business, and Jiang Cheng has never been interested in finance.

So now there is no trader in the group, and we have to find some outside.

When Zhang Manlin heard this, there was a puzzled expression on her face. She didn't know what Jiang Cheng was looking for for a group of traders.

What she wondered was what Jiang Cheng was going to do to use the profession of trader.

Jiang Cheng has never paid attention to those who engage in finance, and despise those who play money.

To use Jiang Cheng's previous words, the one who engages in finance is to cheat other people's money, and then use other people's money to make money for yourself.

And this group of people will cause a financial crisis at any time, imitating them, entrepreneurs who are engaged in business.

Although these words are a bit extreme, they are really true.

To put it bluntly, the financial industry is climbing on the real economy to **** blood. They have not created any wealth at all. They are actually redistributing wealth.

It is people like Jiang Cheng who can really increase the overall wealth of mankind, who are the ones who promote human development.

And Jiang Cheng does have the qualifications to look down on those financial professionals, because the value he created will never be comparable to those engaged in finance.

In Jiang Cheng's view, although finance is necessary, the value generated by the Tutu group is not great.

They are just transferring some people's wealth to other places, and by the way they are also making some benefits for themselves.

Standing on Jiang Cheng's current position, he is indeed qualified to make such a judgment.

All Jiang Cheng's wealth was created by him himself, so he can look down on those engaged in finance.

But since Jiang Cheng has such an attitude towards leading the financial industry, why is it now looking for a group of traders to come back.

Traders are those who are responsible for controlling the operations of the financial industry. All stock futures and funds are actually operated by them.

This kind of profession is the exclusive profession of the financial industry, and they are not used in other places.

Zhang Manlin is very clear about Jiang Cheng's attitude towards the financial industry, so she can't figure out what Jiang Cheng's purpose is.

Stumped, my boss finally let go of his prejudices and wants to start ~ dabbled in the financial field.

Zhang Manlin was guessing Jiang Cheng's thoughts in her heart, and many thoughts were turned in an instant.

If Jiang Cheng is really interested in the financial industry, she, as the CEO of the Universe Umbrella Group, is definitely in favor of it.

The financial industry is a very profitable industry, and you can control huge amounts of funds at every turn.

Basically every large group company has to get involved in the financial industry when it develops, otherwise it cannot expand its scale.

The Universe Umbrella Group can be considered a freak at one point. Their company has never been involved in the financial industry because of the preferences of its own boss.

Moreover, there is not a listed company under the Universe Umbrella Group, even if a listed company is acquired, it will be delisted.

This kind of staying away from the financial industry appears to be unique among all large groups. No other group has ever been like this.

After the group company has developed to a certain level, it needs the support of the financial industry to continue its development.

Because these park companies need funds to expand their scale, they must at least go public to raise funds for development.

This is an inevitable path for the development of a company, and basically no company can be exceptional.

But the emergence of the Universe Umbrella Group broke this theorem, which can be said to be very unique.

In fact, Jiang Cheng's group can develop to the present level without going public, relying on his products to make money too.

Jiang Cheng's main products are very profitable, and they are all monopolistic industries.

He has never raised funds from the outside world except for money from the bank at the beginning.

Moreover, the bank's payment was paid off early, and there was never any external fundraising since.

Because Jiang Cheng does not need external funds at all, the company's revenue has far exceeded the development needs.

Now the cash in the company has already started to run out, where the support of the financial industry is needed to develop.

Since Jiang Cheng's products can continuously bring him cash, then why does he need to go to those financiers?

The Universe Umbrella Group is precisely because its own hematopoiesis can be too strong, so オ did not rely on the financial industry to develop to where it is now.

This situation is very special, and it will almost never happen again.

Unless there is another evildoer like Jiang Cheng, no one can replicate the path of the Universe Umbrella Group.

Although the Universe Umbrella Group no longer needs to get involved in the financial industry, Zhang Manlin still wants to enter this field.

With the funds currently owned by the Umbrella Group, if it enters the financial industry, it will surely be able to set off stormy waves. I don't know how much money it can make.

Zhang Manlin never let go of this kind of thing that can improve company performance.

So Zhang Manlin really hopes that Jiang Cheng will change her opinion and agree to her involvement in the financial industry.

When Jiang Cheng saw Zhang Manlin thinking there, he knew what she was playing. Pay attention.

Soon Jiang Cheng used ruthless words to break the beautiful illusion of his own CEO.

Jiang Cheng temporarily stopped the work in his hands and looked at Zhang Manlin and said that I asked you to find a group of traders to come back. It does not mean that we are about to enter the financial field. "

This time I actually saw an opportunity to make money, and I was ready to make a fortune. After this time, we should not touch this industry.

My view of the financial region remains unchanged, and these people are still worthless.

"Actually, I thought that the last sum of money was just an incidental goal this time. My real purpose is to tease the financial gang."

After Zhang Manlin heard Jiang Cheng's answer, not only did she not clear up her doubts, she started to become a little confused anyway.

What do you mean by wanting to molest? Play with those who are engaged in finance, and make some money by the way.

It is difficult for Jiang Cheng to think that the financial industry is so simple, he can control this industry with any shot.

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