Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 813: Expansion

Building a spacecraft is a big project, and the manpower required is not a small number.

There are thousands of technicians in the huge factory building, each busy with the things at hand.

These few technicians are all transferred from the research and development team to specialize in spacecraft manufacturing.

These busy technicians are all the best technicians under Jiang Cheng, and they are basically the backbone of the team.

In order to make this spacecraft, many projects on the R&D team stopped to make way for this event.

It can be seen how much Jiang Cheng has paid for the spacecraft and is determined to build the spacecraft.

The tail propulsion device must be installed carefully, all parameters must be confirmed, and the position of the thruster must be accurate

The bottom armor plate is welded more firmly, so that subsequent installation is simpler. "

The installation of the curvature guide is the most important thing, and you must work hard and never make any mistakes.

While observing the work at hand, Jiang Cheng made suggestions for improvement.

The manufacture of spaceships is really a very complicated task. Even though the technicians are already very good, Jiang Cheng still found a lot of mistakes by his staff.

In fact, these mistakes are very difficult to find, and only Jiang Cheng can see them.

Fortunately, Jiang Cheng presided over the construction of spacecraft in his last life, so he is familiar with this aspect.

Otherwise, Jiang Cheng would really not be able to discover the small problems in the manufacturing process.

Under Jiang Cheng's careful guidance, mankind's first spacecraft began to take shape little by little.

After more than a month of hard work, Jiang Cheng’s technicians finally completed the welding of the spacecraft's skeleton.

Inside that huge factory building, the outline of the spacecraft can now be seen.

It can be seen from the skeleton of the spacecraft that this spacecraft has adopted a more traditional design pattern.

The entire spacecraft looks like an elliptical hull, without any subversive shape design.

When Jiang Cheng was designing this spacecraft, it was not unreasonable that he had not considered those special shapes.

Anyway, the spacecraft is traveling in space, and there is no need to consider aerodynamics or fluid mechanics. The shape can be designed in any way.

But Jiang Cheng abandoned the more special shape of the spacecraft and adopted this very traditional design.

Those more sci-fi spaceships may look better, but their practicality is not as good as this traditional shape.

This shape has the greatest utilization of the spacecraft's internal space, and the most materials and personnel that can be loaded.

The oval design utilizes every internal space without any waste at all.

If it is the kind of very sci-fi design, it looks very handsome, but the space inside the spacecraft has been wasted a lot, far less than what it looks like now.

Jiang Cheng, the first spacecraft, was prepared to be used by a cargo ship, so more loading capacity was the first factor Jiang Cheng considered.

Anyway, Jiang Cheng's definition of this spacecraft is a transport ship, and there is no need to design it so beautifully.

It is not impossible to create a spaceship full of futuristic sense in the future.

If Jiang Cheng wanted to build a mothership for combat in the future, he could consider designing the spacecraft more beautifully, but that was all for the future.

What humanity needs most now is to transport spaceships, not motherships for combat. The battle mothership is only needed for space combat, and human civilization is completely useless now.

Space fighting is still too far away for humans now, and it is still too early to talk about this.

Human beings nowadays have not come into contact with any alien forces, so combat-type spaceships are useless. It may wait until humans begin to set foot in the universe before they have the opportunity to fight other civilizations in space.

But then Jiang Cheng will naturally build a corresponding spacecraft to deal with possible space fights.

But it's too early to say this. Human beings have not completely controlled the solar system, let alone contact with alien civilizations.

Jiang Cheng doesn't have the time to think about the future. His first priority now is to complete the construction of the spacecraft in front of him.

After mankind's first spacecraft completed the construction of its skeleton, the next step was the installation of internal equipment.

There are countless devices inside the spacecraft, each responsible for different functions.

At this time, the technicians under Jiang Cheng began to install the equipment prepared in advance into the spacecraft according to the drawings.

Life-sustaining equipment, power system, curvature guide, energy shield generating device, these important equipment are installed properly one by one.

Jiang Cheng is standing next to the spaceship, watching if the technicians under his staff are building the spaceship step by step.

During this period of time Jiang Cheng stayed in this huge factory building, working on the construction of the Dingruo spacecraft.

For him, this is the most important thing right now, and even the expansion of the space station can be temporarily put aside.

Although always staying here, Jiang Cheng did not feel a trace of boredom.

Seeing if the spaceship is taking shape in front of his eyes, this sense of accomplishment makes Jiang Cheng feel great.

Being able to make a real spaceship by himself, the feeling that Jiang Cheng likes it very much, of course, will not feel any boring.

While Jiang Cheng was staring at the installation work of the curvature engine, Xiao Peng walked to Jiang Cheng's side.

As Jiang Cheng's most capable assistant, Xiao, of course, also followed Jiang Cheng during this period, and was always on the construction site of the spacecraft.

He is responsible for arranging and managing the specific work of thousands of technicians here.

Speaking of Xiao Peng doing busy things here, much more than Jiang Cheng.

Jiang Cheng just moved his mouth from the side, guiding the work without wasting much of his energy.

And Xiao Peng is much harder than Jiang Cheng. He is responsible for the overall management of all the technical personnel, and there are countless things running around in this huge factory every day.

Xiao actually enjoys this kind of busyness, and being able to build a spaceship is very willing for him.

This is the first real spacecraft of mankind. It represents the development of human civilization into the city. The future will inevitably be recorded in the annals of history.

Being able to participate in this epoch-making project, Xiao Peng felt a great sense of honor.

As soon as Xiao Peng walked to Jiang Cheng's side, he brought up work.

President Jiang, the current construction progress of the spacecraft has kept up with the plan, and the situation is fairly satisfactory.

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