Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 848: set off

If you don't listen to it, Mars will really develop and become an immigrant planet with a large population.

At that time, the first immigrants to Mars were even veterans on Mars.

After the people who first went to Mars to develop, they will certainly have a much greater right to speak on Mars than later people.

This opportunity is also something many people want to seize. They believe that as long as they have a time advantage, they will definitely develop better than those who go to Mars later.

If there is a place that is far better than the environment on the earth, and can provide them with development opportunities, it will become acceptable even if they leave the earth.

As a result, elite talents in various fields have also begun to rush towards registration, preparing to sign up for this Mars immigration plan.

These elites come from different countries and regions all over the world. They may have different skin colors and languages, but there is one thing that these people are all the same.

That is, this group of people are all talents in their respective fields, and they are certainly not small in ability.

With these people joining, Jiang Cheng's future Mars development plan will definitely benefit a lot.

These people in various fields will definitely help Jiang Cheng develop Mars better.

With the addition of a large number of elites, those ordinary people immediately lost the opportunity to go to Mars.

Because this registration is to submit information, then the Umbrella Group will screen out some outstanding talents to enter the follow-up assessment based on each person's information.

If there is no ordinary person with a good skill, I am afraid that even the first screening will fail.

Not to mention that there will be another round of cruel assessments that will eliminate all those who are not capable.

This selection mode prevents mediocrities from joining and ensures that everyone who goes to Mars is the talent Jiang Cheng needs.

But in the end, many ordinary people signed up. Anyway, they just signed up without mentioning anything.

If you get lucky in the end, it will be a big profit.

As the number of applicants continues to rise, preliminary screening is also going on at the same time.

The first batch of immigrants planned by Jiang Cheng is about 10,000, and these 10,000 are the first immigrants to settle on Mars.

The number of people at Shishangqi 10,000 seems to be a bit small. The Mars City designed by Bi Jingjiangcheng is so large that it can accommodate more than 100,000 people to live in it.

At this point, people can't even fill the first Martian city, let alone Jiang Cheng plans to build several Martian cities in the future.

Jiang Cheng himself knows that these 10,000 people are far from enough. If you want to fully develop Mars, not 100,000 people are simply not enough.

That's why Jiang Cheng designed a huge immigrant city, which can accommodate one hundred thousand people in [Appointment Novel].

But now it's only the first batch of immigrants, it can be regarded as Jiang Cheng's test of water.

For the first time to send immigrants to Mars, Jiang Cheng still felt that it would be better to have some stability, so in the end he set the number of 10,000 people.

If (chca) these immigrants live and work well on Mars, the number of immigrants in the next few immigrants can also increase.

In the plan, Jiang Cheng plans to divide several batches and send 100,000 people to Mars.

With so many people working on Mars, all of the anticipated minerals can be mined, and there are enough staff for the construction of the following Martian cities.

When the immigrants on Mars slowly increase, there is no need to let Jiang Cheng's astronauts go to visit workers like they are now.

In the future, astronauts can concentrate on performing their tasks in space and take care of the more difficult tasks, instead of building cities on Mars as they do now. In the future, astronauts may become more crew members, flying in the space with negative sound. In the universe.

Shisu is going to build a big space mouse team in the future, and now these aviators are all candidates for cosmic Feiyang.

After half a month of registration, a total of hundreds of thousands of people have signed up for the Martian immigration program.

Of course, there are still more Lei Tong people, but fewer elite talents.

When the ridiculous people account for the majority, people are always avoided.

However, these informants could not pass the first election, and could not even participate in the subsequent assessments.

In the end, Jiang Cheng selected tens of thousands of people with relatively good-looking Qu Li and entered the final assessment stage.

These tens of thousands of people are basically the same people, and they involve the masters of different territories.

What Jiang Cheng needs to do next is to select the real elite among these tens of thousands of people and become the first batch of Martian immigrants.

Nothing is disabled in the assessment stage. Everyone is a capable person, but in the end, only ten thousand people can be left.

After some Haitai made by Wei, Jiang Cheng still shipped out the talents he wanted. After selecting 10,000 people to emigrate to Mars, Jiang Cheng arranged for them to start training.

Wanting to live on Mars is not so easy, it is completely different from being on Earth.

At the very least, if working on Mars, astronauts must be able to use it.

Jiang Cheng doesn't require these immigrants to receive rigorous training as astronauts, but some basic knowledge is still available, otherwise how these people will survive on Mars.

Soon the first batch of Martian immigrants began their own training. These ten thousand people are the seeds of Jiang Cheng's hands and are ready to go to Mars.

When the seeds are all blooming and bearing fruit, it is time for Jiang Cheng to harvest the most beautiful fruits.

After recruiting enough Martian immigrants, Jiang Cheng's preparation work has been completed, and now when everything is ready, he will go to Mars to do a big job.

The training of the first batch of Martian immigrants was put in the Astronaut Training Center by Jiang Cheng.

Of course, these Martian immigrants do not need to receive complete astronaut training, but some basic training is still needed.

Such as the use of spacesuits and some equipment in space, these trainings are all necessary.

These training courses are available in the Astro Bear Training Center, so putting them here is the most comprehensive.

After arranging the training for Mars immigrants, I am ready to go to Mars with supplies and equipment.

After so long of preparation, everything needed to build the Mars City Week is already ready.

All the needed materials and equipment have been installed on the Trailblazer, ready to be transported to Mars with Jiang Cheng and the others.

All relevant personnel are already in place. The newly-trained astronauts and the veteran astronauts are all on standby and ready to set off.

All these astronauts have already understood their missions and are very clear about what to do next to Mars.

Every crew member is full of expectations for the mission he will come down, and he wants to start this mission immediately.

To be able to participate in such a great project as Mars City, every astronaut feels proud and at home.

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