Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 853: base

But here is Mars whose gravity is much smaller than that of the earth, so they jumped down and nothing happened.

As soon as one of the leading astronauts saw Jiang Cheng and the others, he first greeted them.

Welcome everyone to Mars

Hello, I am the person in charge of the Mars base. This time I am here to welcome everyone.

It seems that this time the Mars base also knew that Jiang Cheng had personally come, so they sent out their leaders to greet them.

"You are the person in charge here, Ma Shun, you came to pick us up

Let's go, take us to the Mars base to see.

I haven't been here yet, so I may have to rely on your introduction.

Jiang Cheng didn't talk too much nonsense, and let him lead the way.

Please get in the car, the base is still a few kilometers away from here.

The person in charge of the base invited Jiang Cheng and the others to the rover and began to move in the direction of the Mars base.

The place where the spacecraft landed this time was still a short distance from the Mars base.

This is mainly due to the safety of the spacecraft landing, so this space-time place was chosen.

The Martian city will carry out construction around the base, and the spacecraft will not affect the subsequent construction if the spacecraft stops here.

But it's not far from here to the Mars base, just a few minutes drive.

The Mars rover brought up countless smoke and dust, the trailblazer far away from Zhejiang.

Jiang Cheng and the others just looked like the rover had gone, heading towards the Mars base not far away.

And the astronauts behind didn't have to worry about Jiang Cheng, they naturally had a way to leave the spacecraft and go to the base.

There are countless equipment and supplies on the Trailblazer, among which there are naturally countless rover.

These rover are all tools needed to build a suitable Martian city later, and naturally they have to be transported to Mars with Ruo Pioneer.

The astronauts in the back will drive back by themselves as a rover. Anyway, there is an automatic navigation device on the rover, so you don't have to be afraid that people behind will send you away.

After that, batch after batch of aviators came down on the Pioneer, and at first they were pretending to be supplies and equipment.

The aviators have another task, which is to bring the materials and equipment to the base. The base is the location for this mission, and related things must of course be transported.

Under the command of some veterans, these Caiwu astronauts started their first mission.

The vicinity of the Pioneer suddenly became busy, and Zhou Guo was filled with countless supplies.

Countless materials and equipment piled up into a hill, all of which had to be transported to the base county.

It seems that some of the astronauts are busy today, and transporting supplies is not a short-term job.

Even with the help of efficient Mars rover and transport robots, these astronauts will be too busy.

As soon as the astronauts arrive on Mars, they have to face a dual-difficult task, but these astronauts are not afraid. They are already prepared to face the national crisis, this task can not scare them.

These materials are all needed to build the city next, and not all the materials

After the Trailblazer put down all the supplies and personnel, it would return to Earth to install the things behind me.

It is estimated that it will take about a dozen times to go back and forth, and オ can transport everything to Mars.

It is necessary to know that the Trailblazer can transport hundreds of thousands of tons of cargo at a time, and from this we can see how much it takes to build a Martian city.

When the aviators were busy transporting things, Jiang Cheng and Xiao Zheng were sitting in the rover with joyous views.

This time Jiang Cheng came to Mars for the first time, so he was still very curious about Zhou's environment.

The topography on Mars is very different from that of the earth, it is like a completely different world.

Jiang Cheng looked at the strange phoenix sceneries on Mars, and sighed that the ghosts of nature have created completely different natural rings because Mars is completely different from the earth.

What makes Jiang Cheng's reflection the most profound is the huge mountains on Mars.

Because Mars is green because of its low gravity, the mountains will appear huge.

Goodbye is the mountain range that Jiang Cheng saw from a distance. It was almost endless. The distance seemed so huge, exceeding the height of any mountain range on the earth.

The mountain range that Jiang Cheng saw was very famous. It was very famous before the human path to Mars because this mountain range is the highest mountain range in the solar system.

Lianglinpasi Mountain is a volcanic pile. The bottom of the mountain has a diameter of 600 kilometers and a height of more than 27 kilometers. It is three times higher than Mount Zhuliang Langma.

A super mountain range of this size seems to be full of shocks just by looking.

Jiang Cheng was sitting on the rover, and it was difficult not to notice what Lin Pass was doing.

The main reason is that this mountain range is so conspicuous that it can be seen clearly for several kilometers in Zhou Dynasty.

The base selected by Jiang Chengdangren is located in the Zhou Kingdom of Olympus Mountain, and future Martian cities will also be built here.

Of course, I chose here not because I can see the scenery of Mount Limpas, but because of more realistic considerations.

Violent sand stars are often blown on Mars, and the force of sandstorms is countless times stronger than that of the earth.

If the sand star is placed on the earth, it is estimated that even houses can fly.

If you don't take precautions against these sandstorms, no matter the current Mars base or [无名故事] is the future Martian city, they will be threatened by these sandstorms.

And this is because of the existence of Mount Linpas, so there has not been a large sand star, there is only this kind of small sand, and it will not have much impact at all.

Mount Limpas blocked countless sandstorms and formed a stable area nearby.

The surrounding area of ​​thousands of kilometers, all under the protection of Olympus Mountain, will not have too bad weather.

Jiang Cheng values ​​the good natural conditions here and is more suitable for building a city, so he chose to start his development on Mars here.

Lianglin Pa Broken Mountain will become a unique scenery here in the future

Its huge body can be clearly seen from the lower corner.

After a short journey, Jiang Cheng and his party finally arrived at the Mars base.

Jiang Cheng saw the houses on the Mars base from a distance, and the huge buildings made of all-pot iron, and he seemed to be magnificent.

The rover stopped near the base, and several people got off the rover.

The person in charge of the base walked to the door of the base and pressed the switch of the control gate.

Soon the door to the base opened slowly, and Jiang Cheng and the others also entered the base after entering the isolation zone.

After entering the Mars base, Jiang Cheng and the others took off their spacesuits.

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