Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 880: blame

Therefore, behind the seemingly simple, there is Ruojiang Cheng's painstaking arrangement.

Jiang Cheng's appearance is cold and cold, but his heart is definitely a caring person. There is a sharp difference between his appearance and his heart.

Jiang Cheng faced Ruo Ran's sincere eyes, nodded, and only said one word.

Ran stood up, although she was very happy in her heart, she did not show it, but from her moist eyes, it can be seen that her heart is very moved.

Jiang Cheng's mood was also very moved, this was the first apprentice he accepted!

Starting today, he has another identity-a teacher!

The giant wolf left Jiang Cheng and the others silently, and it left its two children behind.

The departure of the giant wolf did not arouse Jiang Cheng's attention. He knew that it was not easy for a creature like it to accept their care in the past few days.

Giant wolves are completely wild creatures, and only nature is the place they yearn for. However, Jiang Cheng had to say a few more words about the two wolf babies that it left behind.

Raising pets is a long-term thing. Don't adopt them because of temporary effort. After the enthusiasm is over, they are tired of pets' various trivial things and let the pets end in a cold end.

In particular, these two wolf babies are not ordinary products, and they will definitely help their owner, Ba, to fight or live in the future.

Although he already has the Firebird, Jiang Cheng also hopes that Ba Lu can have a wolf baby.

For the teacher's words, Ba Lu can still listen.

She was envious of Bingran having an almost psychic pet like the flamingo. Now that she has the opportunity to have two wolf babies, she is still very happy.

So after listening to what Jiang Cheng said, she assured Jiang Cheng that she would definitely treat these two wolf babies and would never leave them.

Hearing Ran say this, Jiang Cheng was very satisfied.

They waited for another two days, but the giant wolf still did not come back. Taking advantage of this emptiness, Ran and Ba Luluo went out hunting again and prepared enough food for their pets. Jiang Cheng decided to leave here and leave this snow-covered area. Planet.

With a sound, the spacecraft rushed into the sky. Somewhere in the big cave, the giant who heard this voice raised his head and passed a film

After a moment, it came down again.

Beside it is the place where Ba Ludi buried the white wolf.

This time the space journey is much more vivid than before.

In addition to completing the homework they have to do every day, the two of them are driving the spaceship towards the goal, the other is either busy making flowers and plants, or taking care of three pets.

When I was on the ice planet, I transplanted a lot of plants while hunting.

Now there are various pots in the fly where they are.

If it weren't for Jiang Cheng and Ba Lute's protest, saying that Bingran had dug too many plants, and she had even used the bowls her pets used for food to grow flowers and plants, she would get more plants.

From a relatively cold environment to a warm environment, those plants grew particularly lush.

Seeing these inconspicuous plants add the most to the spacecraft, add the breath of life, and more importantly, can pass the time because of this, Yan Ran is still very proud.

As for their three pets, now they have a headache.

The blazing bird has always looked energetic since the crystals taken out of the flying dragon's body in the spring, so she has no time to rest every day.

As for the two wolf babies, as they react to the environment, they will become more and more lively.

So these three live treasures all use each other as their own toys, and they fight together every day.

The two wolf babies are definitely not the rivals of the Firebirds, but because they don't understand anything, they seem fearless.

Although they suffer almost every time under the malicious manipulation of the blazing firewood, they still entangle the blazing bird forever.

And this is exactly what the Flamingo can't ask for.

This psychic bird also has an unusual odor. She used to be Ran and Ba Lu's toy when she was free, and suffered a lot from the two girls.

Maybe this scene left her too deep, or it left a shadow on her psychology, so when she saw that these two were not only smaller than her, but also far less fortunate than her baby wolf , She treated them as toys, just as she did with Baluti.

Jushi, it's no wonder that Firebird likes to play with two wolf babies so much.

Because she is also broken.

Although she has been walking with these three humans, there is no doubt that these three are not people who can make jokes.

For her master, of course, the flamingo would not be naughty in front of her.

Her master combed her feathers, made good food for her, and took the place to play around. It would be too costly to make her angry.

On this point, the flamingo still knows clearly.

And her master’s teacher, that man, he is a person with superpowers. Such a person will put pressure on her when standing in front of the Flamingo. Out of her natural instinct, she knows that this person is not something she can provoke. .

Once when she was young, Jiang Cheng was reading a book, and the Firebird didn't know which nerve was wrong that day, so she went to provoke him.

She grabbed the book Jiang Cheng was reading, and then spread her wings to fly away.

Looking at the pages of the book scratched by the flamingo in his hand, Jiang Cheng waved his hand, and the flamingo who was about to fly away immediately felt that a heavy object was pressing on her back.

So instead of flying, she was crushed to the ground.

The poor flamingo could only be crushed there, unable to move at all.

Although her master often walked in front of her and saw her pleading gaze-she was suppressed by this force and couldn't even make a sound one by one, but her master always pretended not to see it.

It wasn't until the next morning that her master's teacher let her go. Poorly, she was crushed all night and couldn't even flap her wings.

From then on, she never let the teacher offend her master again.

And the hostess's female companion is even more a prankster. Even though she has evaded her, the devil still hasn't let her go, and she often abrupts her when she is not prepared.

Although she didn't cause any harm to herself, she would feel uneasy only when she saw her figure.

And this kind of sensation has always been with Ruo she, so when the Firebird saw Ba Lu, he also avoided giving it.

Now, the flamingo is finally proud, and she has her own toy.

Moreover, these toys are always sent by themselves, so that even their owner, the guy who loves pranks, will not blame her much.

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