Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 894: companion

This made Jiang Cheng feel very guilty. If he hadn't forcibly held the escaped person, he would not have been subjected to such imitation, and now, seeing him struggling with the acid of the bandits, Jiang Cheng began to speak.

Stop it!" Jiang Cheng said in the lingua franca.

The bandits understood what Jiang Cheng was saying, but not only did they not stop, two of them stood against Jiang Cheng's compatriots with weapons in their hands.

They dare to use weapons at themselves!

Jiang Cheng is angry

He grabbed the weapon against the cavity and pulled to both sides of his body. The two soldiers staggered and were pulled over by him. Jiang Cheng's hands were patted on the foreheads of the two soldiers. The remnant was slapped to the ground at once, lying face down on the ground, motionless.

The rest of the soldiers screamed, some pulled out their heads, some turned their guns, but in Jiang Cheng's eyes, their movements were too slow.

Jiang Cheng seemed very relaxed to deal with these small roles like shrimps and crabs.

He went out quickly, moving as fast as lightning, bumping, knocking down these disabled soldiers to the ground.

At this time, the traffic spacecraft that was parked not far started to start and accelerate, trying to escape.

There was actually another one, Jiang Cheng sneered, and it was another moment in the volley, a cloud of air that was visible to the naked eye whizzed out, hitting the traffic spacecraft that wanted to escape.

With a bang, the transportation spacecraft exploded in the air, and tablets flew everywhere.

The person who was beaten had already stopped struggling. He sat halfway on the ground, staring at everything in front of him.

When Jiang Cheng stepped forward to pull him up, he woke up like a dream.

Do you speak universal lingua franca? "Jiang Cheng couldn't understand the squat in his mouth

"A little bit," the man replied.

Six Zero Zero "Then tell me what's going on?" Jiang Cheng asked.

So the man stammered and told him something in the universal lingua that he was not proficient in.

The Planet Sek is a backward planet. Although the level of civilization is a little higher than that of his neighbor, Planet Aix, it is not much better.

The planet is now in a state of fighting. Fighting is everywhere, people are not living, and the people are suffering from the tea poison of fighting. Life is very difficult.

These desperately fled people lived in a village not far away. On this day, dozens of elders who had fled from the battlefield suddenly appeared in their village. These maidens were very violent. They just saw people. They opened fire, entered the room and robbed their belongings, then set fire to their house.

In this situation, they had to escape.

I found that the disabled soldiers they chose to run obviously regarded them as imitations. They drove the traffic and drove them slowly behind them. They laughed and knocked out the slowest runner. In this way, everyone can only run desperately, and no one in Bi Jing wants to die.

Having said this, the man's expression became anxious. He told Jiang Cheng that there were still some villagers in the village who had not had time to escape, and he didn't know whether they were alive or dead.

He looked at Ruojiang Cheng with thoughtful eyes, and it was self-evident what he wanted to say.

Of course Jiang Cheng understood what he meant. He patted the person's shoulders, asked the person to tell him the location of their village, and then disappeared.

The remaining person fell into a dull state once again.

Xiu Jing in the village couldn't stand Jiang Cheng who had seen many fights.

Almost all the houses were burned, and the air in Zhou Tian was scorched by the burning fire. There were many people on the ground, people, and some with large sex. Among these houses , Some of them knew at a glance that these people had been abused before they died.

The anger in Jiang Cheng's heart is like those digging and burning fires. He walked briskly in the village, searching, hoping to find those who initiated the crime and the villagers who were not killed.

Very reluctant, he did not see a living creature.

At this time, a group of escaped people came back. They looked at everything in front of them, some were crying, and some knelt on the ground silently begging for something.

Jiang Cheng told them that he had not found any living villagers.

A villager told Jiang Cheng that someone must have been taken away by the disabled. He asked Jiang Cheng in the lingua franca, hoping that he could go to them. The villagers who were taken away were destined to be very sad. Subject to some inhuman abuse.

Jiang Cheng believed that what they were telling was the truth about all this before Shi Ruo's eyes.

But they have a lot of people," one of the villagers said, "They have weapons and a bomb.

Although they hope Jiang Cheng can teach their companions back, it is obvious that it is very difficult to teach others, and they also don't want Jiang Cheng to be harmed.

Jiang Cheng just asked them to tell him where the disabled people were.

When he turned and was about to leave, he was surprised to see that the villagers were holding sticks in their hands and wanted to follow him to teach their companions.

Jiang Cheng shook his head and asked them to put out the fire, to see if they could rush to teach something useful, or to see if there were any living wounded in their bodies. As for teaching others, let him go alone. All right.

The villager who had gambled on how Jiang Cheng killed the disabled also discouraged his partner.

When Jiang Cheng was about to turn around and leave, he saw the villagers bending over and raising their hands, doing a weird prayer analysis, and he, the object of their analysis, wanted these simple villagers to let them God bless Jiang Cheng to teach their companions safely.

The soldiers were in a small town, but now it has become a hell.

Jiang Cheng watched as he walked.

The air was filled with a difficult, weird smell, sporadic gunshots kept ringing, and dozens of bodies were hanging from the trees on the roadside. Walking forward, he saw some bodies tied to wooden posts. , It was covered with gun holes. Obviously, these were the targets used by the remnants to shoot. Not far away, people’s shouts were heard from the house, accompanied by the sound of laughter, in front of him. Not far away, the disabled people were even in public. The disabled people in the audience stretched out their hands and pointed and looked at their expressions. It seemed like a wonderful performance, and they were the audience.

Jiang Cheng is no longer an ordinary person. In a sense, he is otherworldly, but all this in front of him has made him uncontrollable with a murderous heart. His complexion is getting colder and colder, and his body is completely covered. Surrounded by the white chill.

Jiang Cheng picked up an axe in his hand. He felt that at this moment, he had to use some tools to deal with these beasts. They were not worthy of being beaten to death by his head.

Soon, a senior officer found him, and after a few words in his mouth, he raised his gun and prepared to shoot him.

Jiang Cheng waved his hand, and the axe in his hand was spinning, whizzing, and piercing his head deeply.

The disabled soldier plopped down without a word.

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