Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 900: fire

The reason for this arrangement was that the adjutant thought that maybe people on this alien planet also have their own subordinates. Although intelligence shows that all actions against them only show a person from this alien planet, who can guarantee him Is there no other companion?

The shi lords of the planet Saik arranged a meeting. They arranged for the dead ghosts to plant a large amount of explosives under their feet. For the sake of stability, they also arranged a considerable number of elders and heavy weapons.

At that time, the adjutant who planned this conspiracy thought that even if the people on this alien planet are only alone, but he has a large number of believers who worship him, at that time, no matter what, there will be his followers with him. If we can kill, we will never let it go. Therefore, he is thoughtful and arranges a large number of taxi teams in the weekly area of ​​the town, just in case.

He did not expect that this daring alien from a different planet would come to the meeting by himself. Thinking of his thorough examination of loyalty, but failed to kill too many enemies, this adjutant couldn’t help but feel wronged for his IQ. What about so much fuss? Explosives can completely destroy the aliens on this planet. He left no trace on this planet.

Since the alien had no other helpers, the adjutant issued an order for troops from the outer area to garrison the town.

There was still some thick smoke passing by at the explosion site, which was the inevitable cause of the burning of the building.

After a squad of captains entered, they never came out again, which made the shimen feel very strange. One of them took a telescope from the adjutant.

Everything he saw in the lens almost made him believe in his own eyes. A stranger sat there, even the chair under his **** was not damaged.

There was a huge pit in front of him, which was obviously the result of this intense explosion. The alien from the planet was sitting on the edge of this pit.

The telescope's shi picked it up, he wiped his eyes and looked at it again.

Yes, he read it right!

The alien from the other planet sat there gracefully, clinging to nothing, as if not even stained with dust.

The other people around him looked at him like this, and passed the telescope in his hand. Of course, they saw the same result as that shi valve.

At a critical moment, the adjutant responded quickly. He immediately told Paoshi where Jiang Cheng was, and asked them to fire at that position immediately. All the heavy weapons fired, and the tutors began to assemble and prepare to fight.

All kinds of dense shells continued to fall into the middle of the town. The place where they met, the fire and smoke, turned the town into a hell.

When the artillery ceases, there are almost no buildings above the ground in the middle of the town.

The Shi Valves who picked up the telescope again were relieved this time. In their lens, the strange alien from the planet did not appear again.

At the beginning of the bombing Kellyron entered the town, more than a dozen spacecraft were faster than their speed, and took the lead to enter the explosion site in the middle of the town. Everything was normal, a signal sent to them by a senior.

What do all these normal expressions mean? The adjutant thinks a lot, is it the death of the alien or what's the matter?

Dao, let him mention his bosses or look at the outer zone first.

The adjutant was walking in front of his superiors, leading the way for them, and when he wanted to go back and tell his superiors, he couldn't stand still.

The county officials found it weird. One of them seemed to be anxious, but Jizhi stretched out and immediately slammed the adjutant.

But more Shi Valves turned their eyes to the direction of the adjutant.

Jiang Cheng, with a sneer on his face, was standing not far away from them, with a murderous look in his eyes.

The first thing that reacted was the adjutant. It might be that he was caught in the green. His first reaction was to run away!

Although he didn't think much, he instinctively told him that this large-yield explosive can't be killed, and it has been bombarded by various heavy weapons for more than ten minutes and still intact. They can't beat them, and escape is a choice!

The reaction of those siege was not as fast as that of the adjutant, and some of them started shooting at Jiang Cheng.

When the figures flashed, Jiang Cheng came to them, and a wooden stick in his hand swung out a shi valve. If others were still in the mood to look at the shi valve that flew out, they would find that the shi’s Only the remaining half of the head, the body is still in the air, blood, brain plasma, and broken tissues dripped all the way.

The shi valve was stunned by Jiang Cheng Qiangwei, the bullet in the gun was shot out, and he was still holding the machine, Jiang Cheng snatched the gun in his hand and stuffed the whole gun from his mouth. ! That shi wrapped his throat, the blood in his mouth leaned out and fell to the ground with a plop.

At the same time, the stick in Jiang Cheng's hand was still flying.

One shi was beaten by him, the bag was almost indented in his stomach, and another was hit hard by him, and his head was almost knocked off. The last one finally got a chance and ran for a few steps. Waved, the stick whizzed through his body.

After solving the shi clan, Jiang Cheng vented his anger on the heads of the elders.

His body shape was as fast as lightning, and his body shape only flashed slightly, and he was in the middle of the elders. These students were not worthy of his head. Therefore, he grabbed the elders and regarded it as The weapon was thrown out, and the two bodies smashed into one piece.

He stretched out a gun, and he kept flashing in the crowd. Ou Ruo his elders fell one by one. Finally, some elders began to be afraid and ran away.

Almost at the same time, several bullets not far away started firing!

The bombing didn't have any effect on Jiang Cheng. It was only for the elders who were around him. After one round of shelling, the flesh and blood of those elders were everywhere.

And Jiang Cheng has appeared on the turret of Danke.

The arms were opened and then gently closed, a large group of light appeared in his hand, and was smashed into the bullet by him! The turret exploded, and a fire started.

He leaped and came to the side of another Stanker.

Jiang Cheng opened with a lunge, and forcibly overthrew the bomb. The elders who bombed Kerry showed up from the security gate in a panic. They were greeted by tiles, which were embedded in their bodies. It seems to be an alternative performance art.

Jiang Cheng kicked a transportation spacecraft up, and he wanted to report to another bomber and made a huge blast.

Jiang Cheng came in the smoke of gunpowder, and at that moment, he seemed to be a demon coming out of hell!

In order to get rid of Jiang Cheng, the shi lords of Kelvin specially invited Jiang Cheng to participate in a peace meeting. Jiang Cheng knew that this was just a shameful lesson, but he was still happy to go because he also wanted to take the opportunity to kill all these shi.

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