Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 934: maintain

Old Bit has always been like this. He is a sinister guy who likes to base his happiness on not suffering.

It is impossible to beat this alien girl. The **** facts just now have proved the terrible aspect of this alien girl. Old Bit has walked in the dark world for decades, and has never seen a previous technique like this girl in front of him.

He suspected that those guys with many evil spirits under their guns, even with the most advanced weapons, were not the opponents of this alien girl with ridiculous bows and arrows.

Right now, his side was still very specific, and the front arrow stuck in their throats confirmed his conjecture.

What's more, he is alone now, so grab this alien girl and use her as a hostage to intimidate that man without even thinking about it.

Run away? Old Bit smiled bitterly in his heart, not to mention that he can't run fast, no matter how fast he runs, he can pass the bow in the hands of this alien girl? Just now, as a bystander, he witnessed this with his own eyes The swift and precise archery of the alien girl.

I can't beat and beat, and I can't run away.

The old bit has one last way, and that is, to die together.

Ever since he came out of that dark cell, Old Bit has been thinking about what should he do if he is caught by his opponent next time?

Sometimes, death is not the most terrible.

Old Bit had seen and heard about how his companions or opponents dealt with the unfortunate prey that fell into their hands.

Old Bi is convinced that those who have been tortured to death slowly must have analyzed and wanted to die quickly before they were alive, but the people who killed them would not agree with their ideas, listening to those extraordinary screams, watching the flesh and blood Fuzzing the imperfect family body, Old Bit was very thankful that he was still alive.

But since he is walking in the dark world, although he has not encountered such a thing so far, but who knows the future?

Old Bit is old enough. Although he has the idea of ​​living a day and earning a day, the older he is, the less he wants to die, and he doesn't want to be tortured to death.

Therefore, Old Bit thought of a way to avoid being buckled.

He planted a bomb in his body, and the switch of the bomb was hidden in his necklace. As long as a light press, he would be relieved.

Of course, his opponent will accompany him to death.

He doesn't care if his opponent wants him to do this.

And now, it's time to use this bomb.

The necklace was secretly hidden in his hands.

As the little blazing bird ring screamed, Old Bit pounced.

Of course he didn't need to fear anything at this time, so his violent face was completely revealed.

Yan Ran, who was caught off guard, was hugged by him. It is said that the strength of the dying person will be particularly strong, anyway, Ma Ran did not break away from the old bit.

You want me to die, and I won't let you live-"!" Old Bit's distorted face because of hatred and despair made Bingran feel sick, and she struggled to escape.

Seeing this alien girl with a panic and struggling look in front of her, Old Bit felt a sickly joy and satisfaction.

Click the button in your hand.

Boom, a loud noise!

Old Bit's broken body sprayed with blood foam on the protection in front of Bing Ran one by one.

Not dying in the catastrophe, she turned her head back in shock, her teacher, Jiang Cheng, was standing not far from her, frowning at her.

She stood up, but she didn't rush over because she knew that her teacher would definitely not be satisfied with her performance.

In order to hide her embarrassment, she hugged the little flamingo beside her.

Yes, she should also be grateful for this cute little bird. If it weren't for the little flamingo, she would not stand here. It is conceivable that she would be absolutely depressed after retreating.

The cute little flamingo is obviously not accustomed to such a warm hug, struggling to get away, but after a few quiet times, she may feel that this feeling is not bad, so she takes it calmly, in return , She rubbed Yanran's snow-white face with her pointed beak gently.

Jiang Cheng was really not satisfied with Ran's performance.

In fact, he had returned a long time ago, but he did not show up. He stood aside and watched silently how his first disciple handled this matter.

When Old Bit asked for some water, and Yan Ran actually obeyed his request and got up to the stream to fetch him water. Jiang Cheng became dissatisfied. It was obviously a temptation, and his female disciple was actually credulous. Up.

Then if the smugglers started to attack Ma Ran, he also didn't come forward. This was not related to his powerful ability, but came from his deep understanding of human nature.

Although she may suffer a bit, the smugglers will try their best to avoid harming her, because she is not only their bargaining chip, a bargaining chip with themselves, but if it is possible to take Ran away, then she is equivalent When a large sum of money.

If you break something, it's worthless.

And if those smugglers hurt Muran, they won't get that large sum of money.

They will definitely be careful and control their actions to an acceptable level.

Sure enough, the smugglers just slapped Yan Ran, and apart from laughing at her, they did no further action against her.

Jiang Cheng continued to watch with cold eyes.

But what surprised him a little bit was the little flamingo. He didn’t know that this beast, because the little flamingo didn’t get close to him, he didn’t have a good impression of her. He would maintain Yanran in this way, after all. They are two different species of creatures.

What Jiang Cheng didn’t know was that shortly after Xiao Lihuo Wubie was born, Yan Ran knew her, fed her food, and teased her. Sometimes she even hugged Little Blazing Bird from Niaoli when the mother bird was away. Come out, put it on the ground, and watch her walk slowly.

Jiang Cheng didn't know that the relationship between this person and bird could be so deep.

When the smuggler Old Bit knew that he would spend his entire life in this barren land, he was extremely vicious and finally revealed his original cruel face. Under the circumstances that he could not beat or escape, his choice and Yanran would die together.

Although he seized the opportunity and led the bomb buried in his body, he was the only one who died.

Jiang Cheng, who had come back a long time ago and stood by and watched, put a protective cover on Ran's body in time and saved her life.

Therefore, the poor and hateful old Biter's wish was lost, and he could only go to **** on his own-if there was **** in their world, that would be the best place for him to stay.

Jiang Cheng didn't expect that the little flamingo could sacrifice his life to protect the lord in order to save Yanran. This made him think that this Wuer was still a bit useful.

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