Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 938: spaceship

Therefore, Jiang Cheng believes that sending these smugglers to court and allowing them to stand trial is the correct way.

Of course, if these smugglers dared to resist, then he would definitely not hesitate.

The detained smugglers cursed loudly inside 03, threatening, saying that Jiang Cheng and the others provoke people who shouldn't be offended, and they don't want to spend the rest of their lives in peace, etc.

Jiang Cheng was annoyed by their words. He turned back to the weapon room and found a few gas bombs, flash bombs, and the like. Sakate threw them into the room where the smugglers were detained, and then he seemed quiet. a lot of.

Everything was ready, and the spacecraft began to take off.

At Yanran's request, Jiang Cheng drove the gunboat around the planet at low altitude.

Seeing some familiar places, although it is desolate and full of many monsters, it is after all the home where I have lived for many years, and then he and Little Firebird looked at the unnamed planet on the monitor and followed silently. It bid farewell.

The spacecraft broke away from the orbit of the unnamed planet and began to fly towards the planet Delmar. About ten minutes after takeoff, the communicator in the cab suddenly rang

Old Bit, you old thing, only come back now.

At the same time, on the radar instrument in the driver's cab, it showed that two red dots were rapidly approaching their gunboat.

Old Bit, have you drunk too much? Seeing us flying so fast" "The voice continued to yell.

However, he looked up nervously at Jiang Cheng, who sat there blankly.

Reply! Immediately reply! "Obviously, the two spaceships found something wrong with their gunboat.

"Give you ten seconds. If you don't reply, we will attack immediately!" The two flew down the ultimatum.

What to do? "Yan Ran looked at her teacher anxiously.

In the universe, transportation is the basis of their survival for ordinary people. Once their transportation fails and cannot be repaired in time, then their fate will be very sad, or they will be sucked in by the black hole. Either it is endless wandering in space.

It's okay. "Jiang Cheng is not worried at all.

He stood up and went to the gunner's position: "Play with them for a while. I haven't used these weapons for many years."

"Suitable", the gunboat had been locked by the enemy, and the defense system issued an alarm.

Jiang Cheng asked Bingran to take over the autopilot. Of course, he said nervously that when she had never piloted a Doudou spacecraft of this kind, Jiang Cheng asked her to drive at will. "As long as you don't hit the planet, the control platform in front of Jiang Cheng is big or small. The traffic lights flashed, he reached out and pressed a green button, and the voice sounded: "The protective cover is ready.

He pressed the red button at the same time: "The master is ready and ready to shoot."

On the display, the red Wen Zhuyi locked one of the enemy's two spaceships.

Just as Jiang Cheng fired, the enemy fired at them first.

Their spacecraft was hit and shook, and then screamed. The gunboat used a large arc and deviated from its course.

Jiang Cheng's shot missed.

Their gunboat was shot by the enemy, and the display showed that the defense value of their gunboat was declining.

Shen Ruo Ziruo's Jiang Cheng didn't think about these at all. His operation became more and more practiced, and various buttons were kept pressed by him.

"The ion cannon is loaded.

The standby protection is ready.

The cellular missile is ready"

Voices kept ringing in the cab.

However, seeing her teacher’s fierce calmness, she became calm. After she had piloted a transportation spacecraft before, if there is any difference between the transportation spacecraft and the gun in terms of driving, it is just a simple one. One point, while the other is more complicated.

The principle is the same.

Ma Ran is also an extremely smart person, so she quickly learned how to drive a gunboat. She can already control the gunboat in a different way, but it lacks a little bit of ignition.

Don't deviate from the course, no matter what actions you do, but you must fly towards the target. "Jiang Cheng exhorted.

The fight is still going on.

The enemy’s two spaceships have separated behind their spaceships, and they are in close pursuit. The continuous beams and rockets form a crossfire. Fortunately, the unruly driving has no rules to follow, making it difficult for the enemy to lock them. It is not easy to hit them, which is also a kind of luck.

It is a pity that their good fortune cannot be with them for too long.

With a bang, the gunboat trembled violently, and the quick voice rang again: "The port side airtight cabin is broken, the camp! The port side airtight cabin is broken!"

Yanran turned her head and looked at Jiang Cheng, and saw that he was indifferent, and stopped talking, still focusing on driving the gunboat.

A cold voice sounded in the communication device again: "You have been hit by us, immediately slow down, and land on the nearest planet according to our instructions." This voice is filled with an indisputable power: "This is your last opportunity

Go to hell!" Jiang Cheng sneered and pressed the red button in front of him again.

While Ma Ran turned around an s-shaped bay, two successive waves of cluster missiles flew towards the enemy gunboat.

Hit accurately!

The starboard side of the enemy's acid gunboat was damaged, and a large hole was exploded. Thick smoke continued to erupt from it, and the speed also dropped.

Yan Ran waved her head secretly!

Jiang Cheng smiled, this little girl is really childlike.

Forcibly they hit an enemy spaceship, but it hasn't lost its fighting power yet, and the enemy's other spaceship is still intact.

Doudou, and there is no end.

Ji Su and Yan Ran drove the smugglers’ gunboats away from the unknown planet.

During their journey to the planet Delmar, they encountered a gunboat driven by the smuggler’s accomplices. After Sannomiya spoke, they began a fierce exchange of fire.

Jiang Cheng's ground boat was shot by the enemy, but he also hit one of the enemy's gunboats, and the other enemy gunboat was intact and was chasing them mercilessly.

Although their driving skills became more and more proficient, although their gunboat was hit and the speed slowed down, it would be more difficult for the enemy to lock them with her proficient skills.

Just now, when the enemy's gunboat locked on them again, I said it was too late. It was fast, and Muran made a sharp turn. The gunboat used a perfect arc, and a beam of light emitted from the enemy's spaceship was tightly against it. Fly by with their hull.

After sticking out his tongue, it was really dangerous just now. If the enemy’s main gun hits the center of the gunboat, even if the gunboat will not explode, it is certain to withdraw from the fight, and under the enemy’s pursuit, a ship that cannot fight What does the gunboat mean?

The two enemy gunboats still chased them.

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