Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 944: effect

However, since the amazing archery in the square of the small town attracted everyone’s attention yesterday evening, I showed off a little in the Jianjian Museum this morning and my popularity in this small town is even higher. .

Because the boss himself sells sporting goods, and the scale of his business is relatively large, he has chain stores in several towns in Zhou District.

He also knows a little bit about mainstream sports. Today and last year, when he saw Ran's performance in the archery hall with curiosity, he felt that if he could let this alien girl speak for his store. Great.

She is a young and beautiful girl, with a beautiful face, a slender figure, and amazing archery skills. Based on this, she does not know where to use those female celebrities who only rely on beauty to eat and are delicately fabricated.

The three of them suffered a slight chill. The owner of the sporting goods informed them of his intentions. He wanted to ask him to be the spokesperson for his shop.

This can ruin Yan Ran.

She hasn't been a model since she grew up.

Is there any girl who doesn't like to show her beauty in front of others?

But she was afraid that she could not do well. Bi Jing had never done the same job before.

The boss assured Bingran that he didn't expect much from her. He just wanted to ask Shiran to show off his style in his store in his sportswear.

The cost is easy to say, and we will not let them down

Then he agreed with one bite.

The owner of sports goods really has a vision.

In the past few days, the business in his shop has been particularly good. The sales volume is several times to ten times higher than before. The sportswear of a certain brand that he wore has been sold out. He is urging the manufacturer to send it out. goods.

In the past few days, many people come to his store to buy bows and arrows. Jane shooting was originally a relatively unpopular sport, but now because of Yanran's talent show, it has become popular.

The boss has to say that he has his own uniqueness in doing business.

After seeing the fire, he decided to hit the iron while it was hot, so he spent a lot of money, hired a special advertising agency, and also hired a professional makeup artist. He wanted to be a model and took a few groups with "health, sunshine, beauty". , 1 Li" as the theme of the promotional film.

Of course, he also explained to Jiang Cheng Heran in advance. In his planning, Ran appeared in a positive image, and he would definitely not make people think of anything bad after watching the commercial.

Jiang Cheng and Ran agreed, especially Yan Ran, she was anxious to try the feeling of walking in the light.

These sets of commercials-including some photos-show the demeanor from different angles to the utmost extent. Of course, when wearing sportswear and opening the bow, the expression of concentration that only professional players can have, The indifferent gaze, coupled with her sassy and heroic posture, really attracted the attention of most people.

Commercials began to be broadcast on major TV stations, and at the same time, Ran's posters began to spread overwhelmingly.

For a time, not only in the small town where they are located, in their surroundings, and even in the big cities, these propaganda films and posters have had a sensational effect. The topics that people are vying to talk about are all this sudden emergence of Jane. Skilled genius, young and invincible beautiful girl

Over time, I don’t know how many young men consider Bingran as their dream lover. They are everywhere asking about which planet the star came from, family background, education, etc.

Of course they found nothing.

No matter how the paparazzi dig and inquire about this alien girl who has suddenly caused a sensation, they can't find any information about Ran.

This, on the contrary, deepened the sense of mystery. For a time, in the entertainment section of major newspapers, or in the headlines of new entertainment broadcasts, words such as Shenyi and Li were often used as selling points.

Some TV stations even wanted to do an exclusive interview. They wanted to ask Bingran to talk about her life and archery, or ask her to talk about her feelings about her sudden fame, etc. They were all rejected.

She shoots commercials or endorsements, just to satisfy a curiosity. Jing doesn't want to be famous. Now the place is famous. Even if she walks in the small town, passers-by will pay attention to her.

This made Yanran very uncomfortable. Xiaozhanniang was curious and wanted to try it out, shoot an advertisement, and what effect would be on TV, but she didn't expect that she would suddenly become popular.

Now she felt a lot of inconvenience brought to her by fame.

In the past, she and Jiang Cheng could eat wherever they like, but now they can’t. As long as they show up in public, either someone will come up and ask for an autograph, or a paparazzi reporter will surround them and take pictures of them. .

You can't even eat a stable meal.

Jiang Cheng was tired of this feeling a long time ago, and he no longer goes out with her now.

This made the little girl very regretful.

Originally, she didn't want to be famous or make money when making advertisements and publicity. She only thought of enough travel and food expenses.

Bi Jing, Jiang Cheng and she won't stay long in this small town or even this planet. Here is just the place where they happened to pass by, not the place where they want to live long.

The most funny thing is the sporting goods boss. After he discovered that Ran became popular, he was ambitious to control Yan Ran, his cash cow. He even wanted to push Yan Ran into acting and let her be an actress or Singer, and he will be her agent.

After Yan Ran rejected him several times, the boss still didn't give up. After the bitter request but to no avail, he actually used a crooked mind, trying to find some innocent society to intimidate them.

In the end, of course he didn't get his wish. After Yan Ran beat those people to a blushing face, he knew that the alien girl in front of him was not only an amazing first hand.

As for his teacher, he never said anything from beginning to end.

However, she did not expect that she made a few commercials and became popular. Faced with the harassment of fans and paparazzi, their lives have lost peace.

Jiang Cheng has long known that reputation is not necessarily a good thing. It will also bring endless annoyance to normal life, especially if they are like them. He feels that they are the same kind of people as him. I like to be followed by the eyes of many people, and I don’t want many people not to talk about them, they just do what they want to do.

Now he was watching the troubles [Liancheng] met with cold eyes. He didn't go to enlighten the place. He Xili, a young girl who has not been involved in the world, can get out of this vortex by himself.

Through this incident, it may be possible to see whether she can achieve enough achievements in spiritual power training. After Jing, too much interference from outside will cause unnecessary fluctuations in her heart, which in turn will affect her spiritual power training.

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