Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 982: determination

This made him swear in his heart. The courageous guy, at this moment, had a heart attack, wouldn't he be afraid of punishment from his superiors?

His comrades still didn't move, nor did the girl who was about to become his prisoner's room, which made the other enemy wonder.

Hello?" He yelled.

His accomplice still did not respond to him, and the girl did not move.

The strange scene before him made him confused.

With a gun, the enemy slowly approached Yan Ran.

When he just wanted to reach out and pat his companion's shoulder Xiao, his companion's body suddenly came down towards him.

He didn't expect his companion to do this, so he was startled by his actions.

There was a trace of coolness across his hand, and the enemy lowered his head in surprise. His hand had left his body and hung alone on the trigger.

He just wanted to let out a scream, a silver light struck across his four throats, blood gushing out, and the enemy was holding his throat tightly, as if trying to choke his fake mouth.

Before he died, the last thing he saw was that his companion's hand was still holding if the deputy had a sharp imitation mouth on his heart.

On the girl's hands, there was a pair of metallic paws.

After taking a sigh of relief, without looking at the two corpses that fell in front of her, she pulled up the bow and arrow on the ground, and she quickly turned to another side road and left here.

This time she was lucky, and she didn't find an enemy after walking for several minutes.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Bingran found a hidden place and sat down. The series of actions just now cost her a lot of physical strength and energy. She must take a breath, even for a few minutes. There are also great benefits, at least it can relax her tight nerves.

Weibei stuck his head out, and then observed Zhou Guo, still very calm.

She sat back where she was, stretched out her hands and looked at it.

At this critical juncture, she wasn't caring about whether her hands were alive with blood, but the change just happened to the steel claws on the ground.

She clearly remembered the scene just now. When she used steel claws to cut the enemy’s hand yard, the enemy’s first reaction was not to scream or make corresponding actions, but to lower her head to see what happened. whats the matter.

This makes me feel a little strange, shouldn't it be a feeling of pain when my wrist is broken?

Although the pair of steel claws in her hand had been with her for a long time, she also used steel claws to kill many people, but the reaction of the enemy in front of her was the strangest.

After raising her hands, the steel claws now turned into a pair of silver gloves, covering her hands.

After thinking about it for 543, Yan Ran made up her mind. She gently stroked the back of her left hand with the steel claw on her right hand.

The tip of Lee's claw cut her hand.

A drop of blood slowly came out from her imitation mouth, forming a small red blood bead, which looked so bright on the back of her Bai Zhe's hand.

However, there was no pain.

Raising the two claws in her hands and looking at it again for a moment, she pointed the claws sharply towards her hand.

This time the imitation mouth is a little bit deeper.

The blood flow was a little bit more, but she didn't care about it. What she was concerned about was that this time, there was still no sense of pain.

Now I understand that the steel claws on her hand have a paralyzing effect.

She remembered the expression of the street master who was hesitant to speak. It turned out that at that time, the master foundry had already discovered the difference between this pair of steel claws.

It not only has the ability to change automatically, but also has some other effects, but because of the tight time, they rushed to leave, the casting master did not come and did more experiments.

This unintentional discovery was a pleasant surprise, and the effect of paralysis would definitely have an unexpected effect when fighting the enemy.

Try it when you have time, maybe there will be other discoveries, Yanran thought, standing up, it's time to act.

Ran finally left the zigzag passage, and now what was displayed in front of her was a large building. Ma Ran looked at herself, everything was ready, and she walked towards the large building.

She walked forward slowly along the shadows formed by the building. Two enemies walked towards her. Then she hurried into the next room. An enemy in the room stood up in horror and just wanted to say something. Eyes were quick, and he shot him to death with an arrow.

Ma Ran hid under the country house and listened carefully to the footsteps of the enemies outside. When the two enemies had just passed by the door of the house she hid, her son-in-law was behind them with his hands and heels, taking advantage of them. , Suddenly rushed forward, grabbing the heads of the two of them and wanting to be together ruthlessly.

The two people didn't say anything, they fell softly to the ground, then grabbed their bodies and dragged them back into the house.

After taking a breath, Yanran quietly stretched out her head and looked around, there was no movement.

When she was about to continue walking, suddenly her heart moved, and the figure of the little flamingo appeared inexplicably in her mind.

Just when Yanran couldn't figure out what was going on, yeah, how could she suddenly think of Little Flamingo at this moment, where is she still distracted and thinking about her, why did this happen? Suddenly, a paragraph A huge imitation spread to her heart.

At the same time, the way the little flamingo screamed and screamed appeared in her mind.

Could it be that the little flamingo is about to appear something unexpected? So she has this scene to predict?

Although she didn't think about it, she secretly made up her mind that if the little blazing bird was in any danger, she would take the lives of everyone here as the little blazing horse's chamo.

As long as someone imitates her Xiaokuanwu, she will definitely make them fall into the realm of eternal disaster.

Yan Ran walked out of the room and continued to look forward with the feeling that Little Flamingo had left in her mind just now.

In the course of the action, Yan Ran's figure Poe was spotted by the enemy, but she didn't care about it at this time.

An enemy's figure just appeared on the roof, the laser gun in his hand had not had time to fire, but he was one step faster.

He turned the liquid on the ground and took the bow on his back into his hand at the same time. Without even aiming, a Jian arrow shot out.

The enemy on the wall made a cry, and then disappeared.

The enemy who discovered Yan Ran's whereabouts began to fire at her.

However, taking advantage of the terrain, the figure keeps flashing, sometimes on the wall, sometimes jumping on the roof, and sometimes in the nearby buildings.

More and more enemies heard the movement. Some of them shot at her, some shot at her while approaching her.

But the whole body was boiling, and in her mind at this time, the safety of the little flamingo was undoubtedly what she cared about the most. She would let anyone die whoever stopped her from guiding her way

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