Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 986: command

"We are here today because there is an important ceremony that you need to participate in." Yeah, the highest leader's sound absorption was unconsciously mixed with excitement: "After a while, no matter what happens, don't be surprised.

His sullen gaze swept over the men standing in front of him: "During the ceremony, no one is allowed to make any noise, otherwise," the leader sneered: "The highest criminal law in the headquarters will be punished!

After speaking, he patted his hands a few times, and from a cave behind him, two people who were also wearing black arms lifted out a cage that was caged by the genus cloth.

Although everyone was very curious about what was in the sub, no one made any noise because of the phenom of the highest leader just now.

Jiang Cheng is different at this time. He sees that if the two are carrying the steps and expressions of the children, they look very relaxed. Jiang Cheng even suspects that if it is not to show how sacred or important the things in this cage are, One of them,

Jizhi can take this cage out with just one hand.

The cage is not very big, and it does not appear to be very heavy. Coupled with their previous series of experiences, Jiang Cheng has basically concluded that in this cage is the little flamingo they are pursuing hard.

It's just that what kind of rituals will the high-levels of these subgroups hold with the little blazing horse? And what role will the little blazing bird have in this ceremony?

Jiang Cheng really didn't know at all.

He will never do anything when he can't decide the most critical moment. He wants to see, what do these Heijizi Group guys do with the small flames?

On the square, the enemies standing with them were obviously full of curiosity about this tendon. Some of them even lifted their toes happily and looked forward hard.

The two people carrying the cage came to the middle of the square and placed the cage on the building that looked like an altar.

The top leader folded his hands into fists in front of the position of the heart, and Nan muttered inside, not knowing what he was telling.

Then he turned around, walked to the cage, and opened again: The ceremony to be held below is about to begin. I once again solemnly mention everyone, no matter what happens, I will definitely stop you from sending out any Sounds and actions.

This matter is related to the future of our Heidiezi Group, so no matter who it is, if it interferes with the holding of this ceremony, I will definitely punish him!

The top leader of the Heijiezi Group lifted the black cloth on the cage.

Just as Jiang Cheng guessed, the cage was the little flamingo they were looking for, but at this moment, it is no longer appropriate to use "little" to describe her.

They have been separated from the little blazing fire for a long time, and have not seen each other for many days, the original little blazing fire has grown up.

If her body was as big as an old one, her body is now almost 1.3 times its original size.

It seems that during this period of time when being caught by the Jiezi Group, Xiao Lie Huo Wu was not treated by them. On the contrary, they would definitely serve her deliciously and exhaustively.

Under the sun's rays, the red feathers of Xiao Lihuowu's whole body are more even and beautiful. The sun shines on her body, reflecting a little bit of light. The golden sunlight makes the little blazing bird more sacred and more mysterious.

Jiang Cheng also sighed in his heart, but he was not sighing how sacred and mysterious she was. He knew exactly how greedy and greedy this little guy was, and this little creature with a lot of spirits, because there was quite a bit IQ, so I have enough cunning.

He could clearly know how little flamingo used his delicacy in the small town on the planet Delmar to trick the children into eating parrots.

As expected, the cage that the enemy had brought up was the little flamingo they were pursuing. Although Jiang Cheng didn’t understand what they wanted to do with the little flamingo? But Jiang Cheng relied on his intuition, these enemies The little flamingo will be used as a kind of observation, as the beginning of their upcoming **** transfer ceremony.

The supreme leader of the Heijizi Group opened the cage and removed the black cloth that was caged on the head of Little Blazing Bird.

"Little Flamingo screamed angrily. After losing what was admiring her, she flew like wings.

However, a slender iron chain clearly limits her action.

With a scream, the little blazing bird angrily sprayed a flame at the highest leader.

The little flamingo can spew out flames!

This made Jiang Cheng not expect.

However, the flame obviously did not have enough imitation power. In the hands of the leader, a small protective shield appeared to block the flame attack of the little flamingo.

Hahaha, the supreme leader of the Heiziezi Group, who was completely caged in the black mallet, laughed wildly. Not only did he not care about the attack on Little Flamingo, but he was a little proud of it.

The cadres in Heiziezi who watched the country didn't know what their leader would do with this bird. They were all waiting for it.

At this time, a person wearing a family hug whispered something in the ear of the supreme leader. The leader began to announce loudly: "The ceremony will begin soon, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.

1 "As soon as the word came out, an arrow that flew out from nowhere accurately hit the iron chain that held the little flamingo.

The people of Guoguan couldn’t help but they turned their heads to find the direction where the arrow flew out.

Not far from them, an alien girl swayed, kicking Yuezhu and slowly approached them.

The supreme leader pressed his hands to stop the noise of his subordinates, and he coldly watched Yanran approaching them.

"Let go of Little Flamingo!" Then he pointed to the leader and ordered.

Although her voice was hoarse, it was full of firmness.

Just rely on you?! "The highest leader said coldly.

Let go of the little blazing bird 1" Yanran's pale little face is full of diagrams.

"Go away!" The top leader ordered Tian Zhu to his men.

His men slowly retreated, and a passage appeared in the crowd. Following this passage, they slowly walked in front of them.

The strange girl in front of her had messy hair, pale face, and dried blood stains on her face. Anyone could see that her body was extremely weak.

The supreme leader wrinkled his head and looked at the indomitable girl in front of Ruo. He ordered a man in a black robe: "You, catch her!

His men rushed towards Bingran, but he must have underestimated the girl's combat effectiveness.

Everyone in Guoguan could see clearly that in one face-to-face encounter, if the person in the black robe didn't flash fast, he would be killed by the weak girl.

A claw mark slanted across his body, blood came out, but it was obviously not a fatal imitation.

The man in the black robe turned into anger. He felt that he was ashamed in front of so many people, which made him feel completely lost.

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