Super Island Tycoon

Chapter 995: Astray

Ba Lu often comes here to take a gunboat out to perform tasks, so she is very familiar with the related ordering. After a few simple words with the man who appeared to be a small head to meet him, she led Ruojiang walked towards a gunboat peacefully, and after they boarded the gunboat, Baluti jumped down again and walked to the cave beside him.

Ran muttered over there: "Little greedy ghost, it's enough for the three of us to have this gunboat, and I want to drive that gunboat along.

Baluti returned quickly, and she gave Yanran a thumbs up to signal Ma Ran to take off.

Driven by Ran, the gunboat slowly slid out of the mountain, and then suddenly accelerated and flew into the air. At the same time, they saw another stationary gunboat exploded with intense smoke and smoke. And flames spread from Shan Run.

They saw the members of the Heilongzi Group running to the cave in a panic.

Jiang Cheng glanced at Ba Lu, needless to say, this is her masterpiece.

Baluti glanced at him, but did not speak.

The gunboat flew into the air, and started to fly to Delmar according to Jiang Cheng’s instructions. When passing through the cave of the Black Citadel headquarters, the mountain shook suddenly, and then if there was a strong shock wave from far and near, then that The place collapsed somehow.

Seeing such a scene, Jiang Cheng didn't say anything. The destruction of the parked gunboat just now was really insignificant compared to the one in front of him.

Such a big mountain could actually be trapped by her during the bombing period. Think about how much explosives this little girl needs.

It's really cruel.

After driving the gunboat to the planet Delmar, Barrotti sat on the arm of her chair, with one hand extended to her side, and the two of them leaned their heads as if they were talking, and they looked very intimate.

Jiang Cheng crossed his hands behind his head, rested his head on it, slightly lowered his head, and watched the stars passing by outside the window, slowly closing his eyes.

Under the leadership of Jiang Cheng, he not only killed the top leader of the Heijiezi Group and its senior officials on the planet Harry, but also destroyed Heijiezi's headquarters.

In this process, they not only taught the little flamingo back to complete their mission, but also as a windfall, once an important member of the Heijiezi Group, now the Balu Gang who rebelled against the Heijiezi Group must also follow If they.

Cheers!" Ba Luluo raised the drink cup in his hand and gently bumped into a drop of drink and jumped out of the cup with joy.

Oops! "Seeing his teacher, Jiang Cheng, sitting next to him without moving, Ma Ran glanced at his teacher reproachfully: "Come on," she forced the drink cup on the table to Jiang Cheng In his hand, he raised his wine glass and gently magnetized it on his glass.

"You too" One Six Zero", "She greeted Ba Green.

Ba Ludi smiled haha, like Yanran, and touched Jiang Cheng's wine glass gently, Jing also made a grimace, and smiled and said to Jiang Cheng: "Sorry, sir.

Although Ba Lu and Ruo left Planet Harry together and came to Planet Delmar, depending on what she meant, she would stay and not leave, but how will they live together in the future? Jiang Cheng hasn't figured out yet.

Although Yanran repeatedly persuaded him to accept Ba Luluo as an apprentice, of course he also believed what Yan Ran said. Ba Luluo has excellent qualifications and is a piece of unbeaten jade. If there is a suitable teacher, he can be right. If it is properly processed, then this piece of jade will reveal its original beauty and emit the light of the eyes.

This statement still made him very tempted.

If you have a few students, and if their strength is good, then they can share their worries and solve problems for themselves, so that no matter how big or small things are, they must be solved by himself. Up.

Students should do something for the teacher.

It’s just that the little Zhanniang Ba Ludi is different from Yi’s. She was an orphan since she was a child, and was adopted by the senior management of the Heilongzi group. She has been trained by them since she was a child. She grew up as a killer with hands full of blood. .

Her various experiences made Jiang Cheng bear a little bit of worry in her heart.

Because she has always grown up in the dark world, and what she has always accepted is the darkest thoughts in the human world, will there be any defects in the personality of people who grow up like this?

Will there be something psychologically that she has not discovered?

I don’t have any difficulty in accepting her as a student now, but he is slightly worried. If one day in the future, Ba Lu suddenly sends out something because of something that has been lurking in her heart or her personality. What should he do if he has some cruel and unethical things?

This is not impossible. He has seen this little station mother from the dark world blow up the Heizi headquarters where she has been in charge for decades.

In addition, how much blood was on the hands of this spring-looking girl? How many lives was on her back? You know, she has always been a killer in Sunspot's headquarters.

If Ma Ran were compared with her, she was as pure as an angel, although dozens of members of the Heizi Group died under Ran's hands.

But compared with Green, that is nothing short of a big deal.

Now in Ba Lu's heart, is there anything that Jiang Cheng can't see for the time being?

If after Jiang Cheng accepted her as a student, this gem radiated her light.

But if at this time something had been hidden in her heart, it would even lead her astray.

What should he do at this time?

Although Jiang Cheng hates fame and all the inconveniences that fame brings to him, he hates those who come from fame because they look up to themselves, they can use this reason to approach him unscrupulously, and even disturb their life. This Make him especially celebrate evil.

So Jiang Cheng doesn't pursue fame at all, he doesn't care at all.

However, he is very upholding the reputation that has been imposed on him, and he will not let his honor fall even a little dust because of a certain person.

If he accepts Ba Lu as a disciple now, this is not a problem, but what should he do if Ba Lu Rong does something extraordinary in the future, which will ruin his honor?

Righteous extermination?

Leave it alone?

Or don't ask

Jiang Cheng really liked it. He put down the wine glass in his hand and walked to the balcony outside the room.

The night outside is really good, the breeze is blowing slowly, it is not hot or cold, and the wind still carries the scent of some unknown flowers, and the faint smell makes people sink in it.

The unknown bird hummed with a high and low sound, as if calling his own child. It's late, go home quickly.

Jiang Cheng was bathed in such a night, watching the crowds coming and going in the distance, and didn't leave his worries behind.

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