Super King of Soldiers in the City

Chapter 278: Stick swing

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"Xie Huan, is there anything?" Wang Fan answered the phone with some surprise.

"Wang Fan, can you come to our school? I have something for you. I will say it later." Xie Huan's voice was a little eager, even with a hint of anger.

"Okay, you wait for me and pass immediately." Wang Fan agreed without hesitation.

Xie Huan generally does n’t call him, and it ’s still the same tone that he is calling. Obviously something has happened. Wang Fan ca n’t help if he can help.

At the door of Golden State University.

Xie Huan stood anxiously at the school gate, constantly looking away, his eyes full of eagerness.

She was wearing an orange short-sleeved t-shirt on top and a pair of denim shorts on the bottom, still looking so youthful and eye-catching.

There were also two girls with good looks standing beside her. At first glance, it was her classmates. Although the two girls were not as beautiful as Xie Huan, they were not ugly.

The three girls stood side by side at the school gate, just like a beautiful landscape, attracting countless eyes.

"Huanhuan, can the person you said do? If he doesn't, our Golden State University's face will be lost. If you pass it on, others will not only laugh at our Golden State University students, but also at Huaxia people. "

"I don't know if he can do it, I just know that he can play well, maybe he can teach the group of sticks." Xie Huan said here, paused, continued,

"That group of sticks is really abominable. In our university, Yaowu Yangwei preached, even if we picked our martial arts club, even threatened that the martial arts of the world originated from Han Guo. Our Chinese martial arts learnt them secretly, which is really shameless."

Listening to Xie Huan's words, the other two girls also had a complexion in their faces, gritting their teeth.

Although they had heard the shamelessness of the sticks, this was the first time they saw it with their own eyes.

Recently, I do n’t know where a Hanwu club emerged, and I started a crazy challenge in major universities in Jinzhou. And threatened that martial arts in the world originated from Han State, and Han Wu was invincible.

Originally, in the face of such arrogant sticks, just punch them and give them a lesson to let them know what Chinese martial arts are.

It is a pity that countless masters have fought one after another, and even the masters of the Jinzhou Wushu Association have been dispatched, but in the end, all of them have come back and lost to the stick.

Not to mention teaching others, they were taught all over the body by bruises and bruises. In this way, it even encouraged the arrogance of the stick.

That group of sticks was like taking a stimulant, all the way down, brave and invincible, overturning countless colleges and countless masters.

In the past few days, the sticks are playing at Golden State University. Xie Huan watched many compatriots being stepped on the feet by the sticks, not to mention how aggrieved.

If she had a bit of martial arts, she would definitely rush up and hit the sticks looking for teeth, but she knew that she was giving food when she went up, not enough for others to step on.

When Wang Fan came to Jinzhou University, he saw Xie Huan waiting at the entrance of the school. A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth and walked towards Xie Huan.

"You are here, why is it so slow, I have thanked the flowers I waited for."

Seeing Wang Fan, Xie Huan's eyes flashed with excitement, and regardless of the surprised eyes of the two students, he ran towards Wang Fan and grabbed Wang Fan's arm.

"Huanhuan, I haven't seen you in a few days, and I'm getting more and more beautiful. Let's talk about what to do with Brother Fan.

Seeing Xie Huan, who was young and fashionable, Wang Fan seemed to be infected. The haze swept away, and his mood became inexplicably better.

"Huanhuan, is this handsome guy the master you said, I don't look like it, wouldn't it be your loved one in secret."

"Hey, you said you should wait for Qinglang, just wait for Qinglang, and even lie to us, Huanhuan, but you have gone bad."

Before Xie Huan could speak, the two girls walked over while looking up and down at Wang Fan.

They look left and right and look up and look down. Wang Fan doesn't look like a master. Except for his height, he didn't even see half of his muscles.

"Master? Qinglang?" Wang Fan froze for a moment, and then he grinned. "I tell you, you are wrong, I am not only Huanhuan Qinglang, but also a master."

"I'm not blowing with you. I thought, back then, I carried a pig-killing knife and killed a three-in, three-out in a well-defended drug lord's den. That guy was really bloodshed."

"Don't say that in the past, just now, my brother, I used one person's strength to knock over 20 muscle men with three punches and two feet, and sent them directly to hell."

Wang Fan opened his teeth and danced his claws, spitting and flying, as if giving himself strength. These two little nymphs look down on me, what should I do?

"Cut, you just blow it, who believes. Still carrying the pig-killing knife three in and three out, you might as well say carrying a submachine gun three in and three out, that's more convincing."

"Huanhuan, you little love lover is not very reliable, this is too good to blow."

The two girls couldn't help but laughed while covering their stomachs. I've seen one that can be blown, but I've never seen such a thing that can be blown.

Wang Fan's blows made their mood, which was not very good, instantly improved a lot.

"How can it be blown? What I said is true." Wang Fan was a little depressed. No one believed this year.

At that time, he really carried a pig-killing knife and picked a poisonous den in the Golden Triangle. I did kill more than 20 fierce men just now, although not by myself.

"Okay, okay, don't talk about it, let's go in first, and talk while walking." Xie Huan quickly stopped the battle between these people, and while talking, he pulled Wang Fan and walked in.

Wang Fan said that she was her lover, which made her blush a little, but now she has little intention to worry about Wang Fan.

Along with Xie Huan's remarks, within a few minutes, Wang Fan probably figured out what was going on.

His mood suddenly became uncomfortable.

These sticks are really too beaten. If they do n’t beat them later, they will find their teeth all over the place and tell them that Chinese martial arts are their ancestors.

The place where the sticks are laid is in the central playground of Jinzhou University. When Wang Fan and the three arrived, it was already crowded.

The men, women, old and young are simply crowded, and there is no place to stand.

Above the playground is a high ring. On the platform, two people are fighting fiercely.

One person is wearing a white samurai suit, and one person is wearing a normal shirt. You don't need to look at it. The one wearing a white samurai suit is a stick.

The two of you beat me up and down, it's very fierce. The people below are all blushing their necks to cheer the Chinese, shouting and knocking down the stick.

It's just that Wang Fan can see at a glance that although the two on the stage now look evenly divided, the stick is obviously more powerful than the fellow man.

Although Wang Fan also wanted his compatriots to play clubs, his strength was there. This kind of thing was not done by his mouth.


At a certain moment, the stick seized the opportunity, kicked in the chest of the compatriot, and clicked, the bone of the compatriot was kicked directly, blood spewed out of the mouth, and fell down the ring.

"Lying trough, lost again!"

"Damn, I'm so mad, I really don't want to watch it anymore, I'm so stunned!"

"Really **** want to use a gun to burst the sticks!"

The following people looked at this scene and sighed, screaming angrily.

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