Super King of Soldiers in the City

Chapter 3351: opportunity

Accompanied by the responses of the powers and the powerhouses, in an instant, countless powerhouses headed towards the Northern Divine Sword Sect.

There are also countless strong people who quickly issued orders to return to the sect and began martial law in the surrounding areas of the intermediate state.

After all, they were not sure whether Wang Fan had returned to the Divine Sword Sect.

If Wang Fan didn't go back, he had to make other preparations. In short, Wang Fan would never be allowed to escape.

In a short period of time, dozens of powerful men from various forces have already arrived at the Divine Sword Sect.

However, when they saw the scene of the Divine Sword Sect, their faces became gloomy.

I saw that the entire Divine Sword Sect had been surrounded by sword light, completely submerged in it.

This is a sword formation, but also a powerful sword formation.

The Divine Sword Sect had actually closed the mountain, using the sword formation to seal the mountain.

The faces of the powerful forces are relatively gloomy.

Because they were able to see that the power of this sword formation was extremely powerful, with their strength, they couldn't forcefully break it open.

"The Divine Sword Sect, it's really a decisive method, don't you plan to be born?"

"I have long heard that the Divine Sword Sect has a top-level sword formation, and I have finally seen it today."

Those strong men talked about it and finally left helplessly.

Since the Divine Sword Sect was sealed, it was impossible for them to deal with the Divine Sword Sect.

Not to mention that the Divine Sword Sect has been closed, even if the Divine Sword Sect is not closed, with this sword formation, they have to pay a heavy price if they want to destroy the Divine Sword Sect.

When this group of people who rushed to the Divine Sword Sect had nothing, on the other side, all the major forces also took action.

They imposed martial law in their respective territories and began to search for Wang Fan's traces.

Especially in the periphery of the Divine Sword Sect, countless powerful people gathered.

In such a short time, it is absolutely impossible for Wang Fan to return to the Divine Sword Sect. They must find Wang Fan and prevent Wang Fan from returning to the Divine Sword Sect.

Wang Fan dared to be bold enough to kill so many descendants of Tianjiao, this matter absolutely cannot be left alone.

Wang Fan didn't know the actions of the major forces. After running tens of thousands of miles, he changed his face and swaggered into a small town.

This small town was within the jurisdiction of Jiuxiao City. He didn't come to this small town specially, but entered by chance.

The town is quite prosperous, there are many monks in it, and the inn restaurant Dange has everything.

After Wang Fan entered the town, he entered an inn directly, and then began to rest.

He knew that the sky must have blown up outside, and people of all major forces were looking for him.

He didn't worry about himself, he only worried about Divine Sword Sect.

After all, with his disguise methods, after making a facelift, even before appearing before the big power figures, it is impossible for anyone to recognize him.

But Shenjian Sect was different. It was a sect, and many people knew the address of the sect.

He was afraid of annihilation.

Once the Divine Sword Sect was destroyed because of this incident, Wang Fan would definitely hunt down those powerful people at all costs and never die.

Wang Fan lived in the small town for seven days. During these seven days, he went back to the restaurant to inquire about news from time to time.

Gradually, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Because he knew that the Divine Sword Sect actually opened the sword formation and closed the mountain.

After Wang Fan inquired about the news, he didn't plan to stay in the small town more, but planned to go to Yang's house.

In the low-level state, Han Zhen from the Royal Han Palace and Yang Changqing from the Yang family robbed and killed so many people, and also killed the dean and deputy deans of the Wind Qiang Academy. This is absolutely not the case.

Wang Fan didn't take revenge before because he didn't have the strength.

But now, Wang Fan believes that he has the power to kill Yang Changqing and Han Zhen.

Of course, front hard steel should not work, and means must be used.

Wang Fan left the town and headed towards the Yang family.

He avoided tracking and inspection by countless people, and appeared in the city where the Yang family was located a month later.

Compared with the heavily guarded cities, the guards of the city where the Yang family is located are much more relaxed, with few guards.

After all, the Yang family is not the only one in this city, but there are several families alongside it.

Wang Fan found out in the restaurant that Yunyue Pavilion is the property of the Yang family, and many people in the Yang family often enter Yunyue Pavilion for the first time.

So he entered the Yunyue Pavilion and lived there.

Although the price of living in Yunyue Pavilion is very expensive, to Wang Fan, the price is nothing at all, it is like drizzle.

On the third day of his stay in Yunyue Pavilion, he saw Yang Changqing.

After years of absence, Yang Changqing has not changed much, and his cultivation level has not improved much.

After all, it is already very difficult for the cultivation base to reach their level and to break through the realm.

Yang Changqing's cultivation reached the peak of the Immortal King, and he was still the best among the peak of the Immortal King.

If he wants to go further, he is Xianzun, how easy is it to talk about?

What shocked Wang Fan most was that he not only saw Yang Changqing, but also another acquaintance.

The sword king of Fengqian Academy.

When he was in Fengqian Academy, the sword king tried to kill him several times, but in the end he was unsuccessful.

Moreover, it was precisely because of this guy's combination of inside and outside that Han Zhen and Yang Changqing were able to kill the dean and vice president.

After the death of the principal and deputy dean, the sword king took charge of the Fengqian Academy. His disciples wantonly slaughtered those students, it can be described as extremely vicious.

Wang Fan looked at Yang Changqing and the King of Swords, his expressions were extremely calm, and he didn't even fluctuate in his heart.

His killing intent has all been restrained.

Because he knew that if he showed murderous intent at this time, once he was noticed by the two, he would be sent to death.

At this time, Wang Fan, let alone facing Yang Changqing and the King of Swords at the same time, even if he faced each other alone, it would be very dangerous in a head-on fight.

After all, he was only on the first level of the Immortal King, and between the peak of the Immortal King, he was still eight realms away.

Yang Changqing and the sword king talked and laughed happily, and soon entered a room on the third floor.

Wang Fan glanced at the room, and his mental strength broke the room restriction and swept in.

Yang Changqing's face looked a little dignified. After entering the room, he once again issued a few restrictions, then looked at the knife king and said,

"Brother Dao came to wish me this time, Yang will remember it in his heart. If this time can be successful, Yang Changqing will definitely not treat Brother Han badly."

Knife King's face is also rare and solemn, he said, "Brother Yang, how confident are you in this matter?"

"After all, this is a major event. Once it fails, the consequences will be very serious. If there is no absolute certainty, I advise Brother Yang to stop doing it and wait until the time is right."

Yang Changqing said with a grimace when he heard this, "I am dissatisfied with Brother Dao Wang, I am 70% sure. As long as that guy is killed, everything will be a foregone conclusion."

"Moreover, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. If he recovers from his injury, there will be no chance again. What's more, he is already injured now. If we can't kill him in this way, then..."

Yang Changqing did not continue, but firmness emerged in his eyes.

Listening to the conversation between the two of them, Wang Fan was a little inexplicable.

He didn't know who these two men were going to kill.

However, no matter who these two people want to kill, it seems to him is an opportunity.

Wang Fan's mind also turned.

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