Super King of Soldiers in the City

Chapter 3724: Got caught

The giant axe man and the robe youth were originally in the same group, and the two belonged to the same force, so naturally they couldn't just watch their companions be killed by Wang Fan.

Whoosh whoosh!

With just an instant of effort, he had rushed to Wang Fan's side, his right leg stretched straight, and he kicked Wang Fan's back.

With the strength of this kick, he used his full strength to prevent Wang Fan from doing anything to the robe youth.

Wang Fan couldn't help his face slightly change when he felt the sound of wind coming from behind him.

But he didn't hesitate too much, and he flashed aside.

The toes of the man with the giant axe rubbed against Wang Fan's waist, and Wang Fan's clothes were stirred by the strong wind.

Wang Fan steadied his figure and glanced at the giant axe man coldly. Then, without saying anything, he rushed to a short distance and picked up the long sword that the robe youth had originally discarded.

"Two shameless dog gadgets want to join hands to rob the young master, you all will die for the young master."

Wang Fan said coldly, waving his long sword directly, and then killed them.

The two dared not use weapons for fear of hurting their companions. Wang Fan had no such scruples.

When the two saw Wang Fan holding a long sword to kill, their faces turned green.

Especially the long-robed youth, they even have the heart to scold their mothers.

His weapon fell into the hands of the enemy, this...

He almost strangled his heart.

Wang Fan didn't care about that much, and the sword was a sharp chop.

With a long sword in hand, Wang Fan's combat effectiveness has soared by more than one level.

The most important thing is that there is no need to use martial arts when using weapons to fight here.

As long as it is fast, accurate, and ruthless enough.

After dozens of moves, the robe youth and the giant axe man were directly chopped with blood.

The young man in the robe begged for mercy even more hard, "We give up and we are willing to hand over the space ring."

"Give up?" It's just that when Wang Fan heard this, he couldn't help laughing. "You can fight if you want, or give up if you want to give up? Where is such a cheap thing?"

He sneered, but he didn't show any mercy.

You know, these two people rushed to kill him, how could he be soft.

"We are casual repairmen. If you dare to move us, I'll leave--"

The face of the man in the robe also changed, and he gritted his teeth and moved out of the backstage.

But who knows, it's okay that he didn't say this. Just when he said this, Wang Fan's eyes were red.

"What? You are a casual repairman? Asshole, I kill a casual repairman."

The man in the robe is about to collapse, how could this be?

In this way, a minute later, both of them died under the sword of Wang Fan.

Wang Fan also put away the two-person space ring with satisfaction.

He was breathing heavily, but his heart was filled with joy.

These two guys must be the cultivators at the peak of the Ninth Floor of Xianzun.

And even in the ninth floor of the Immortal Venerable, it belongs to the extremely powerful kind.

I think they should not be too poor.

Wang Fan entered the town and soon met other monks.

When the monks saw Wang Fan, they didn't do the same as the previous two, but they seemed a little wary.

Wang Fan didn't care about them either, and went straight into the town.

Soon, he came to the martial arts field in the center of the town.

There are nearly a thousand monks on the martial arts field.

On the battle platform in the middle, two monks were fighting desperately.

Wang Fan looked in a daze.

What do you mean by setting up a ring here?

He walked to one of the monks, "This brother--"

It's a pity that he dared to say four words, and the monk gave him a cold look and left without turning his head.

Wang Fan was a little confused.

what does this mean?

He was shocked and walked towards a monk again.

However, this time, the monk was even more straightforward. Before he approached, he left him directly.

Wang Fan touched his nose.

Is he so scary?

He glanced around, and soon his eyes could not help but light up, and he walked towards a female nun.

The male cultivators here are so unkind, and the female cultivators are always better to talk, right?

Sure enough, the female cultivator did not leave, but looked towards Wang Fan coldly.

When she swept her gaze over, Wang Fan instantly felt as if he was being watched by a wolf, and the sense of crisis increased greatly.

"Is this woman so strong?"

Wang Fan was secretly frightened, but he has already walked over, he can't go back anymore, right?

That way, wouldn't it be even more troublesome if you were misunderstood by this woman as being unkind?

Wang Fan thought so in his heart, quickly approached the past, and smiled flatly, "Senior Sister, I am a newcomer, thinking--"

He hasn't finished speaking yet.

"Come with me."

The female cultivator uttered a low drink, her right hand reached out instantly, grabbed his arm, turned her head and left.

Wang Fan was stunned.

What speed is this?

You know, it's impossible to use spiritual power and immortal essence in it.

And this woman was so fast that he couldn't react.


"Senior Sister, where are you going?" Wang Fan was really a little scared.

He tried to struggle twice, but he couldn't move at all.

Originally, Wang Fan, who was extremely confident in his body, was a little unconfident now.

"You'll know when you go."

The female cultivator said coldly, but she never let go.

Wang Fan frowned, he glanced around at the female sister, suddenly raised his leg, and kicked at the female sister.

Although this nun is very beautiful, it does not mean she is a good person.

She wanted to take Wang Fan away so rudely, Wang Fan was naturally unwilling.

Even if it's not an opponent, you have to fight hard.

The female cultivator's actions towards Wang Fan were not strange at all. A mockery was raised at the corner of her mouth, and her right leg was also lifted.


With a sound, if it weren't for being grabbed by the female nun, Wang Fan would have fallen to the ground.

He only felt that his right calf was hot and his bones were about to be kicked off.

"Senior Sister, I don't seem to provoke you? I admit it, you let me go, okay?"

Wang Fan was almost crying.

This woman is definitely a fairy emperor.

Immortal Emperor! ! !

Wang Fan is about to collapse!

"Have you practiced God Refining Technique?"

The female cultivator spit out coldly, asking questions for the first time.

Wang Fan couldn't help but shiver instantly.

Does this show that he has practiced God Cultivation Technique?

Does this woman want to beat him to the idea of ​​refining gods?

Wang Fan didn't hesitate, "Senior Sister, if you want to practice the magic trick, I can give it to you."

"No, you are so bad at practicing God Refining Art. It really tarnishes the Emperor Refining God." The female cultivator said unceremoniously.

The corners of Wang Fan's mouth twitched.

What does this woman want to make?

Could it be that he knew Emperor Lian Shen?

Enmity with the Emperor Lian Shen?

This woman is also the emperor?

Wang Fan is a little messy.

Soon, the nun had grabbed Wang Fan and entered a courtyard.

This yard is very big, but very shabby.

After she entered the yard, she closed the door directly and threw Wang Fan away. With a bang, Wang Fan fell to a corner.

The female cultivator hooked her finger towards Wang Fan, "Come on, hit me!"

Wang Fan was dumbfounded.

However, looking at the female nun's unkind eyes, the next second, he suddenly stood up.

"Don't think you are a woman, I dare not beat you!"

Roaring, Wang Fan rushed over without his life.


However, with a sound, the nun just kicked, and Wang Fan flew out and hit the wall behind.

The wall is not broken, and his bones are almost broken.

"carry on!"

The female Xiu said coldly.

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