Super King of Soldiers in the City

Chapter 3790: Two tricks!

"Wang Fan is out."

"Wang Fan is out."

Following the appearance of Wang Fan, the Yun Family cultivator exclaimed in an instant, the original sarcasm also stopped abruptly.

Not only that, but a way was slowly separated among the crowd.

Wang Fan ignored the Yun Family cultivators, but went straight outside.

He has heard the words of these people.

What are you kidding about, as a monk of the Immortal Venerable, you still have such a little ear power, not to mention that these people did not cover up when they ridiculed him.

"Wang Fan." Seeing Wang Fan, Yun Fei walked directly to Wang Fan and said with some worry, "Can you?"

Wang Fan smiled faintly, "One move."

In an instant, there was an uproar at the scene.

The face of Li Ran on the other side couldn't help but change, and said coldly, "You are that Wang Fan? Wang Fan who killed my brother Li Fei?"

"Huh, it's really a big tone. The deity wants to see how you can defeat the deity with one move."

Yun Tianzun also gritted his teeth and said, "Wang Fan, there are so many daoists watching now, and it is a matter of the dignity of my Yun family."

"You don't have the strength, so don't say that kind of big talk, otherwise, if you can't do it then, your death will be a trivial matter. If you lose my Yun family's face, it will be a big deal."

Yun Tianzun's voice quickly caused the rest of the people to agree.

"That is, the dignity of my Yun family is above everything else. You can't make fun of the dignity of my Yun family."

"Now you are not representing yourself, but my Yun family. You can't just talk about it."

These monks of the Yun family are all looking forward to Yun Tianzun, so they can't understand Wang Fan's indifference and arrogance.

Even though the Yun family was slapped in the face by the Li family and felt very humiliated, they couldn't accept that Wang Fan, the eighth-floor Immortal Venerable, was better than them.

Wang Fan glanced at them disdainfully, and sneered, "Just kidding? If you are capable, then you go?"

The Yun family was silent for a moment.

Wang Fan looked at this scene with a look of disdain in his eyes, "Since you dare not go, why are you still beeping here?"

"People who know you know that you are from the Yun family and don't know you. They thought you were from the Huoli family. It's really a bunch of **** and embarrassing."

The faces of the Yun family were livid, but it was really hard to refute for a while.

Wang Fan looked at Yun Tianzun again, "Yun Tianzun, I originally thought that you are so arrogant and your arrogant man, but I did not expect that you are also a trash."

He sneered disdainfully, "You are also the first person of the Yun Family Immortal Venerable anyway. Now someone is calling, you dare not even fart, but you only dare to call me five and six. Isn't that ridiculous?"

"If you have the ability, you can be arrogant with this Li Ran and go out for a fight? Even if you lose, at least it represents your dignity and spine."

"You can also tell others that the Yun family would rather die than surrender, and would rather bend than bend. Even if it is death, it would still stand and die instead of kneeling to live."

"But now? What are you doing? You can't provoke others, and you ridicule me here? I'm here to help you Yun Family."

"Regardless of whether I have the strength, whether I speak big words, at least I stand up, it means that I have represented the Yun family."

"I said, is it really appropriate for you to be so sarcastic? Don't you feel ashamed?"

After Wang Fan's words, Yun Tianzun's expression instantly turned blue, alternating blue and red, with incomparable shame.

He clearly discovered that the gazes of many monks around him looking at him had changed and became contemptuous.

Wang Fan was right. As the first person of the Yun Family Immortal Venerable, Yun Tianzun represented the Yun Family and the face of the Yun Family.

Now faced with Li Ran's humiliation, he not only did not dare to stand up for a fight, but he was also fearful and mocking Wang Fan, the person who helped the fight.

Such a person is indeed ridiculous, and indeed embarrassing.

From this alone, it can be seen that this person's pattern and character are not very good.

Bullying and fearing hardship, being timid and fearful, if the Yun Family is really handed over to him, it won't be long before they will become someone else's running dog.

Wang Fan didn't bother to slap Yun Tianzun in the face again. He had already stepped forward slowly and walked across to Li Ran.

Li Ran looked at Wang Fan with disdain and joking in his eyes.

Of course, disdain is only on the surface, in fact, he takes it seriously.

After all, he didn't want to lose in such a big formation. If this is really lost to Wang Fan, that would be ashamed.

Li Ran was still stepping on the Yun family monk, looking at Wang Fan frivolously, and smiling faintly, "You are Wang Fan. Did you kill my brother?"

Wang Fan frowned, "Your brother? Which one?"

Li Ran was stunned.

This guy, is he serious?

Without waiting for him to speak, Wang Fan said again, "There are so many wastes that die in my hands every day. Where can I ask them for their names one by one. So I am really embarrassed, I really don’t know who your brother is. ."

There was silence all around.


It's just too arrogant.

Everyone could tell that Wang Fan was deliberately humiliating Li Ran and slapped his face deliberately.

Are you kidding me, Li Fei is a strong one on the Immortal Venerable List, so he can't be regarded as a waste, right?

What's more, how many days did Wang Fan come to Yunwu City? And even for the entire Li family, the monk who died in Wang Fan's hands was Li Fei.

Li Ran's face also became ugly. He knew that Wang Fan was hitting him on the face deliberately, hitting his Li family in the face.

With a slight force under his feet, the cultivator of the Yun family who stepped straight on screamed and sneered, "Okay, very good, you just said that defeating me, it only takes one move?"

Wang Fan shook his head again, "Beat you? No, you are wrong. I said only one move is needed to kill you."

"In my case, there is only killing, but not defeating. My time is precious. Do you think you came out to have a family with you? It's not ridiculous to defeat it."

There was a burst of laughter around.

It was the monks who were onlookers who knew that they shouldn't laugh, but they couldn't hold back anymore.

This guy is really bad.

Li Ran was also frantic.

He had never seen an arrogant person like Wang Fan.

However, Wang Fan still didn't give him a chance to speak. He glanced at the monk Yun family under Li Ran's feet and said coldly, "However, for your treatment of my monk Yun family, I can give you two. Hiring opportunities."

Everyone was confused, no one understood what Wang Fan meant.

Li Ran was furious, "Looking for death!"

He couldn't help it anymore, this Immortal Venerable's eight-layer ant was simply too arrogant.

The word "seeking death" roared out, and a sword appeared in his hand, and then he wanted to kill Wang Fan directly.

But just when he wanted to move, Wang Fan had already taken the first step.

Many people have not seen how Wang Fan made the move, they have already heard a crackling sound.

Immediately afterwards, Li Ran let out a scream, and the whole person flew out and knelt down.

"one move."

Wang Fan's voice came, and then it flashed to his side, stepped on it, and stepped on his face.

"Two tricks!"

Then there was another light and fluttering voice. The next moment, Li Ran's face was already stepped on the ground, and then it turned into a blood mist.

The scene was silent.

No one thought that the ending would be like this.

Li Ran, who was so incomparable before, and Li Ran, who even the first person of the Yun Family Immortal Venerable Yun Tianzun dared not scream, died at Wang Fan's feet in this way, and he died in humiliation.

This is no longer a two-stroke problem at all, but a complete crush!

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