Super Legendary Superstar

Chapter 141 Celebrate!

Lakers locker room.

If you have been to the Lakers locker room before, you will feel that the Lakers locker room has never been so small at this moment. The locker room is full of people, and the "wet celebration" has begun, with champagne spraying on everyone. Phil Jackson and his girlfriend Jeannie Buss who came with him were not spared. O'Neal spared no effort to provide champagne to everyone. Kobe was very intoxicated and sprayed himself and roared to the sky. If you have seen You can imagine his joy when he won the FMVP for the first time in 2009. You can imagine his mood at this moment. After four championships, he finally won the Finals MVP!

Karl Malone was in an excited mood and was soaked all over. He came over and hugged Sun Zhuo deeply: "Thank you, brother, thank you for your concern and help on the court. Afterwards, I thought about it. If you hadn't rushed over that time, Knock Rasheed away, maybe I will be injured, and I will not be able to win the championship with you. Now my career has a perfect ending, thank you!"

Sun Zhuo finally lived up to the promise he made to Karl Malone. He patted Malone's strong back and asked, "Aren't you going to play for another year? I can help you win another championship."

Malone shook his head. It seemed that he was very determined to retire. At the end of his career, he had enough honors. In fact, he didn't need too many championships. Anyway, no matter how many, he was not the one who had the most credit. One was enough. .

Moreover, Malone knew that although the Lakers won four championships in five years, the Lakers dynasty would also collapse after the fourth championship.

Phil Jackson will definitely leave, and one of O'Neal and Kobe will definitely leave.

Sun Zhuo also knows that the Lakers will undergo great changes next season. The Lakers next season will be a brand new team. Head coach Phil Jackson will be forced to leave, Karl Malone will retire and leave, and Gary Payton is expected to leave. If O'Neal cannot successfully renew his contract, even Kobe may leave because of Sun Zhuo!

From the head coach to the starting five, everyone except Sun Zhuo may have to change...

Sun Zhuo really didn't dare to think about what the Lakers would be like next season. He didn't want to think about it at the moment. He just wanted to enjoy his first championship.

In the evening, Jackie Chan, Jessica, and Wade accompanied Sun Zhuo to celebrate his championship until the early morning. The four of them were all drunk by the end. They even forgot what time they talked until they fell asleep...

The next morning, Emma drove to Sun Zhuo's home. Before that, she called Sun Zhuo several times but got no response. She knew that Jessica and others were here to celebrate with Sun Zhuo last night. She guessed that Sun Zhuo was here. Zhuo must have drunk too much, so he came here to take a look.

Emma often went in and out of Sun Zhuo's house and had the key here. After entering, she kept calling Sun Zhuo's name but got no response. Until she came to the bedroom and saw the scene on the bed, she was shocked.

"It's strange that you have to answer my call. It turns out that we already slept together. Looking at this scene, it seemed that last night was quite crazy." Emma was a little surprised. She found that Sun Zhuo and Jessica were lying on the bed together, and Jesse Ka's head was pressed against Sun Zhuo's body, the movements were intimate, and the room was very chaotic, accompanied by the smell of alcohol and cigars, so Emma guessed that there must have been a storm here last night.

However, as she got closer, Emma realized that her deduction was wrong. The two of them should be "innocent" because they were both drunk and wearing clothes. A wine glass was even placed on the bed. The red liquid flowing out of the wine glass soaked on the bed sheets, making it very eye-catching.

"These two people just drank and thought something happened. It's really disappointing. But seeing how drunk they are, they probably don't remember what happened last night, right? Well, let's play a prank, haha."

Emma is also often drunk. When she was in a bad mood before, she drank so much that she didn't know how she got home. Once she was drunk and drove the next day and found that she had vomited all over the car. She has always been mysophobic. She was so angry that she called the friend she had made a date with last night and angrily asked, "Which bastard vomited in my car?!" The friend innocently said that she had vomited herself, and she hung up the phone in embarrassment.

After Sun Zhuo and Jessica woke up, it was very likely that they would forget what they did last night, so Emma stepped forward and deliberately unbuttoned a few buttons of Jessica's shirt, and also deliberately moved their postures so that they Becoming closer to each other, making it look like Sun Zhuo had done something to her.

Later, Emma went to another bedroom and found that Jackie Chan and Wade were also sleeping on the same bed. This time, she became even bolder and directly made Jackie Chan and Wade face to face with their legs crossed.

However, Jackie Chan is indeed a martial arts practitioner and is very alert. He will wake up immediately when others touch him. Wade was also woken up by Jackie Chan and found that he and Jackie Chan were hugging each other. He immediately rolled under the bed in fright: "Jackie... you... What did you do to me last night!"

"Hahaha..." Seeing Wade's frightened expression, Emma couldn't help but laugh.

Jackie Chan also immediately understood what was going on, pointed at Emma, ​​and said: "D-WADE, that was her prank, can't you see it? Please, my son is 22 years old, and I have no interest in men!"

Wade then relaxed. During this time in Los Angeles, Wade had contact with Emma more than once or twice. He knew that Sun Zhuo, a beautiful agent, often likes to play pranks on these things.

"By the way, is Jessica still there? She and I are preparing to leave in the afternoon. Today we have to fly to France to continue filming." Jackie Chan asked.

Emma said: "They are in another bedroom, but I don't suggest you go there now."

Jackie Chan and Wade looked at each other and heard the mystery in Emma's words. They both knew that Sun Zhuo and Jessica had been in love with each other for a long time. They had such a good opportunity to chat together so late last night, maybe they had already...

Wade became jealous and asked, "Have you already gone to see it?"

Emma smiled evilly and nodded, her smile making people think.

Twenty minutes later, Sun Zhuo was having a very wonderful dream, but he suddenly woke up. He felt a little disappointed when he woke up from the beautiful dream, but unexpectedly found that after waking up, the reality was no worse than the dream...

"Jessica...why did we..." Sun Zhuo was surprised and tried to think about what happened last night. He only remembered that the two of them were talking about their next work plans and they didn't even kiss.

Jessica also gradually woke up, opened her eyes, and suddenly found that she was a little disheveled, and suddenly became a little shy and embarrassed.

Sun Zhuo was even more like this. He thought he was drunk and couldn't control himself, so he quickly apologized: "I'm sorry, I might..." last night.

"It doesn't matter, we don't seem to have done anything too outrageous." Jessica quickly sorted out her image. She also had some feelings for Sun Zhuo, and normal contact was acceptable.

Sun Zhuo also nodded. Fortunately, both of them were wearing clothes, which meant that they didn't do anything too extreme, maybe they just stopped.

Unexpectedly, at this time, when they both woke up, Emma walked in and said: "Jessica, oh, my dear, you finally woke up. You were so sleepy. I was dressing you just now." You didn’t even respond!”

Sun Zhuo: "This..."

Jessica: "Uh..."

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