Super Legendary Superstar

Chapter 144 Become

How can we not have some fun during the offseason?

It happened that he came to Washington, where Durant was, and it happened that Wade was invited to meet with Durant. Of course, Sun Zhuo wanted to add fuel to the fire. Sun Zhuo also definitely wanted to go over and meet the teenage version of Durant. However, the two People don’t plan to go there directly, but want to put on makeup first.

Sun Zhuo and the two want to imitate Kyrie Irving and become "Uncle Drew" before looking for Durant. Now, Sun Zhuo and Wade have just entered the league and their reputations are not too high. As long as their image is very good, With a good disguise, most people should not be able to recognize their true identities. In this case, they can pretend to be pigs and tigers in the street court as "old men".

So, Sun Zhuo asked Wade to ask his friends in Washington for help and find the best local makeup artist to transform the two of them.

Wade's friend in Washington who was getting married was named Philip. After learning of Wade's request, he not only immediately found him the most famous local makeup artist, but also came over in person despite his busy schedule. Philip was also an out-and-out Fans heard that Wade and Sun Zhuo were going to dress up as old men and go to the street court to bully children, and they didn't even bother to prepare for the wedding.

For basketball fans, is there anything more interesting than watching NBA stars abuse others?

In the dressing room, Sun Zhuo and Wade were sitting on their seats and putting on makeup at the same time. Sun Zhuo and Wade's faces had already appeared "wrinkles" that shouldn't be there at this age. The dark foundation made the skin tone dull and uneven. Completely destroys the skin's original rosy glow.

Since you are pretending to be an old man, you must look old.

The skin became wrinkled, and the hair became thin and white. It didn't take long for the two of them to age dozens of years.

Phillip watched the two of them gradually become strangers and laughed: "Haha, I believe even Phil Jackson and Pat Riley can't recognize you now. I think what you are going to do today is very interesting. I am going to Get a DV and record you secretly."

Wade reminded: "Man, if you want to upload it to the Internet, you have to get our opinion first."

Putting on old man makeup was quite troublesome, and it took a long time before the two of them set off for Durant's school.

Danny Ledlow's beautiful daughter is already impatient to wait. She really wants to see Wade and Durant one-on-one. Wade obviously promised her to come, but after so long, he hasn't arrived yet. , which made her feel that Wade was lying to her. After all, Wade is an NBA star. How could he just come out and play ball with others?

On the school's basketball court, Durant was playing half-court with several classmates. Among this group of peers, Durant was simply unstoppable. No one was his opponent. He scored on the court like a prodigy. With the girl present, Durant naturally played hard, but Miss Laidlaw was not very interested because her opponent was too weak.

"Ahem...this young man is playing well."

"Well, it's not bad, although it's a little worse than what I was back then."

I don't know when, two old men came to the side of the court. They looked old and even looked weak when they were standing, but when they commented on Durant, their tone was arrogant.

Durant heard their comments about him, looked at the older version of Wade, and said, "What did you just say? I'm not as good as you were when you were young?"

Wade actually didn't know much about the young man in front of him. He just heard from Sun Zhuo that this guy would definitely enter the NBA in a few years and would be very good, so he came here to tease him.

Wade also coughed: "What I just expressed was unclear. I mean, you and I are incomparable when we were young. Do you know Wilt Chamberlain? Boy?"

Durant nodded. Who doesn’t know the basketball emperor Zhang Zhang?

Wade said: "I beat him to tears when I was young."

Sun Zhuo, who was on the sidelines, couldn't help but laugh in his heart. He asked Wade to provoke Durant as much as possible and then go one-on-one. Unexpectedly, Wade was so good at pretending that he even ignored Chamberlain.

At this time, the sweet-looking Miss Laidlaw also frowned and looked at Wade and Wade. She suddenly felt that the two of them were strange. Because their makeup was so good, Laidlaw, who had only met once, Miss Deloitte didn't recognize it immediately either.

Durant said disdainfully: "You can say whatever you want now, old guy. Anyway, you are no longer young anymore. You said you could defeat the whole universe when you were young."

At this time, Sun Zhuo deliberately fanned the flames and said, "Old man, he looks down on you and thinks you are talking big words."

"You say I'm bragging? I can beat you up now! Don't believe we can do it one-on-one!" Wade pretended to be angry, but after all, he had no experience pretending to be an elderly person before, so when he said this, his voice was a little exposed .

At this time, Miss Laidlaw suddenly recognized Wade from his voice. Although the two had only met once, they communicated on the phone from time to time, so she recognized Wade's voice.


Just as Laidlaw was about to speak, Sun Zhuo saw her suddenly excited look, guessed that she recognized their identities, and immediately made a silent gesture to her.

"Hey, I won't go one-on-one with an old guy like you. I can't afford to lose someone's life." Durant smiled contemptuously, obviously not wanting to compete with an old man. There is no point in winning.

However, at this time, Ledlow, who had discovered the true identities of Wade and Sun Zhuo, stepped forward and said to Durant: "Kevin, fight him once. I can't stand these self-righteous old men the most." , even slandered Chamberlain, who is the basketball player I admire most!"

Durant had long been fascinated by Laidlaw. Since the goddess spoke, Durant naturally agreed: "Okay, then I will play with you. I hope you won't suddenly fainted."

Durant's words were full of disdain. At this age, he was at his most youthful and energetic. Even if Kobe came to challenge him, he might not think he would lose, let alone just an old man.

"Well, I haven't played for many years. It's time to let today's young people know how good I was back then." Wade began to slowly stretch his arms and do warm-up exercises.

"Come on, old man, show some color to the young people." Sun Zhuo also specially used his old voice to encourage Wade.

Wade still loves acting. He only did the warm-up for ten minutes, which made Durant a little impatient. "Hey, old guy, are you okay? If not, go home and don't do it here." Big words.”

"Oh, my body was a little stiff, but I'm fine now. Come on." Wade also began to walk onto the court, and the two officially started one-on-one.

First, Durant let Wade take the lead in attacking. Wade held the ball and continued to pretend to be slow and dull. How could Durant have the patience to wait for Wade to attack? Go forward directly and reach out to steal.

Seeing this, Wade dribbled behind his back and directly avoided Durant's steal. Then, he took two steps forward. Durant wanted to follow up and block the shot, but Wade took action in advance, preventing Durant from succeeding. , coupled with the fact that Durant is not as tall as the two meters tall he later was, Wade easily hit the ball.

There was also a moment of surprise at the scene. This old guy had a good reaction!

"Damn, it didn't break." Durant was a little embarrassed. In front of the goddess, he couldn't even break an old man's ball. It was so shameless, especially after the ball, the goddess was smiling, as if she was thinking about this. The old man was happy.

"This will be the only goal you score." Durant threatened Wade and handed the ball to Wade again.

Wade smiled and continued to dribble. Durant continued to steal. This time the steal was more aggressive and more cautious without losing position. Wade's dribbling speed continued to increase, and during this period, he also dribbled under the crotch and behind the back. The skill of the ball is shocking!

"Why is he dribbling so well!" Durant was also shocked.

Sun Zhuo was also very happy to see it. There were only a few people in the world who could cut off Wade's ball.

At this time, two people happened to pass by the school and saw an old man and a teenager fighting one-on-one on the basketball court outside. They couldn't help but stopped to take a look and started talking in Spanish.

"Andres, look, there is an old man and a young man fighting a bullfight over there. The United States is really an interesting place. You can see such strange scenes."

The man named Andres looked at the field calmly and seriously from a distance, and replied: "I didn't expect that in a random school in Washington, an old man or a young man could play. With such high-intensity defense and high-level dribbling, American basketball is really far ahead of our country."

"But even so, we may not be unable to beat the United States in the Olympics."

"Of course, we want to win the gold medal. Let's go over and enjoy this interesting duel."


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