Super Legendary Superstar

Chapter 162 The powerful American team!

August 26, Athens, men’s basketball quarterfinals, United States VS China.

CCTV Sports Channel.

Yu Jia: "Welcome to the audience to watch the men's basketball quarter-finals. Today is our Chinese team against the American team. This is also a showdown between the first place in Group A and the fourth place in Group B."

The host Yu Jia's tone was quite calm, with almost no emotion in it. Originally, the Chinese team won the first place in the group. He should be excited to tell the fans across the country that our Chinese team was first in the group and we won all the games in the group. ! Today we will challenge for the top four position!

But no. If the opponent was another team, maybe Yu Jia's tone would be completely different. But today's opponent is the United States. Yu Jia also feels that this is really bad luck. He can't get excited. This opponent is too difficult. If they play, they would rather play Lithuania, which has won Group B completely.

Zhang Weiping felt the same way, and introduced in a very calm tone: "Yes, although the American team is only ranked fourth in Group B, their strength cannot be underestimated. Entering the knockout rounds, everyone will definitely play better. Seriously, this game is a challenge for the Chinese team."

Game scene.

Players from both sides have already entered the stadium. Before the game, the players who knew each other first said hello.

Wade shook hands with Sun Zhuo, without saying much or smiling. They had a good relationship, but the arena was like a battlefield, and there were no friends. When the time came, both of them would definitely defeat their opponents at all costs for their country.

On the contrary, Stephon Marbury, who was not familiar with Sun Zhuo, took the initiative to say a lot to Sun Zhuo: "I said, man, you are so unlucky that you met us in the first knockout game. We did not deliberately rank in the rankings. Targeting you and picking you to fight, don’t think too much. For the powerful dream team, any opponent is the same. In fact, I really hope that you can get the bronze medal or compete for the silver medal, but I’m sorry, today After that, you will be eliminated.”

This is not the first time that Marbury has despised the Chinese team for provoking Sun Zhuo. He, including many black players, have the mentality of discriminating against yellow players. When Jeremy Lin signed a three-year, 36 million contract with the Nets, Marbury He tweeted that Jeremy Lin's contract was at a serious premium. What the contract showed was not Jeremy Lin's strength, but that the Nets signed Jeremy Lin for the so-called non-basketball factors of the Asian market.

Whether it is Jeremy Lin or now Sun Zhuo, it is difficult to win Marbury's respect.

Sun Zhuo knew that Marbury had played in the CBA for many years and also won the championship for the BJ team. After that, Hupu JRS even built a bronze statue of him. Although it was later demolished as an illegal structure, at least It also means that Marbury has a great relationship with China and BJ!

Sun Zhuodao: "You despise China so much, aren't you afraid of spreading the word and offending Chinese fans?"

Marbury, who was enjoying a smooth ride in the NBA, chuckled and said, "So what if I offend you? I'm not playing in your CBA!"

Marbury disdainfully walked away, and then Larry Brown and Popovich shook hands with Sun Zhuo. Popovich remained silent, and Larry Brown only said: "We meet again."

The words were extremely cold, and Sun Zhuo could feel his hatred for him from the cold tone.

Sun Zhuo knew that the two of them would try their best to limit themselves.

The U.S. team started with Marbury, Iverson, Jefferson, Odom and Duncan. As soon as the game started, Richard Jefferson always stayed close to Sun Zhuo, completely denying Sun Zhuo a chance to catch the ball. Once the ball is in Sun Zhuo's hands, Richard Jefferson is even more vigilant. He is also very aware of Sun Zhuo's technical characteristics. When at the top of the key, Richard Jefferson will shoot to prevent breakthroughs. He will shoot at the bottom of both sides. In this case, Jefferson will never leave Sun Zhuo, never giving Sun Zhuo room to take action.

When playing the playoffs with the Lakers before, Larry Brown suffered a loss at the beginning, so at the beginning, Brown strictly ordered all players to keep an eye on Sun Zhuo and never let Sun Zhuo set the pace at the beginning.

Sun Zhuo was severely restricted in the first quarter and could only continue to let his teammates attack.

Simply put, Yao Ming and Wang Zhizhi started in good shape. Yao Ming played in the NBA Rockets and was an All-Star. He is very familiar with these guys and is not afraid of them. Wang Zhizhi hopes to perform well in this game. Let Popovich, Brown or other scouts take a look at him and get him an NBA contract.

The American team is not that scary, and they did not defeat the Chinese team in the first quarter. The Chinese team's performance in the group stage let them know that the Chinese team is not an opponent that can be defeated in one blow, and they have to take their time.

After one quarter, the Chinese team trailed by 5 points, which was not much, but Sun Zhuo only scored 2 points. The Chinese team's offense was basically done by others. Sun Zhuo could see that Yao Ming, Dazhi and the others had to hold on. Can't stand it anymore.

Yu Jia also expressed concern: "The fundamental reason why we were able to maintain a complete victory in the group stage is because of Sun Zhuo. He is the scoring leader of our Chinese team. Only when he keeps scoring, the Chinese team will be a strong team. In this way I always rely on other people, and I always feel a little uneasy."

Zhang Weiping also said: "At the beginning of the second quarter, Sun Zhuo has to stand up. No matter how tight the opponent's defense is, he has to stand up and score. The US team will soon start to expand the score. The Chinese team still relies more on Sun Zhuo. With Yao Ming, relying on other people, I really can’t hold on in the fourth quarter.”

If you want to beat the American team, with the current overall strength of the Chinese team, it is impossible to win a big victory. It can only be a narrow victory. Since it is a narrow victory, it must be a stalemate until the end. As long as the difference between the two sides is not big at the last moment, then Sun Zhuo is sure to decide the outcome at the last moment, because he has such a high hit rate as BUG and key goals. No one can compare with Sun Zhuo.

However, in the second quarter, the American team suddenly launched a wave of offensive climax!

After Iverson missed the shot, Odom grabbed the rebound and drove to the basket. Facing Wang Zhizhi's defense, he still slammed into the basket with his left hand and let out a roar!

Odom is not the only one who can dunk from behind on the US team, but also Richard Jefferson, who is playing for the Nets. After Jefferson successfully broke through, he was not afraid of Yao Ming in the paint and just took the ball. It was buckled in!

The score difference has widened to 10 points, and the American team is fully in the state. If the Chinese team does not counterattack, the game will enter the rhythm of the American team and be taken away by the American team.

The Chinese team called a timeout.

Everyone's face is filled with helplessness and frustration. Is this the fate of the Chinese team? After finally finishing first in the group, you still end up finishing seventh or eighth?

No, Sun Zhuo will not sit still and wait for death. He has decided to rely on his own ability to save the team and compete with the American team!

However, Sun Zhuo felt that his current strength was not enough.

Before that, he must first obtain an ability, or to be more precise, restore an ability that he once had.

By fighting bugs, it’s time to reappear in the competition!

Sun Zhuo used a game repeat challenge card: "I want to re-challenge the game between the Lakers and the Cavaliers on December 17, 2003!"

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