Super Legendary Superstar

Chapter 174 It turns out to be you!

JR Smith originally thought that as a "strange tourist", he would quietly bury traps around Sun Zhuo and later embarrass Sun Zhuo in public. Trafalgar Square is a famous tourist destination, and there are tourists from all over the world. JR Smith believes that he will never be noticed by Sun Zhuo. Even if he accidentally glances at him, he will only regard him as an ordinary one of these tourists. One person, never expected that Sun Zhuo would blurt out his name!

"How could it be? How could he know me?" JR Smith felt very strange. Sun Zhuo is Chinese and JR is American. Sun Zhuo only came to the United States last year. He may not recognize all the current NBA players. How could he know JR? What about people who have just entered the league and haven’t played a game?

JR Smith is not a genius like LeBron James. He did not become famous all over the country in high school. There should be no reason for Sun Zhuo to have heard of him.

Sun Zhuo naturally does not know the 19-year-old JR Smith, but he is very familiar with the 20-year-old JR Smith.

It was the first time that Sun Zhuo saw JR Smith looking so young. He stood up and said, "I didn't expect that we would meet in London by such a coincidence. I thought our first meeting would be on an NBA court."

After listening to Sun Zhuo's words, JR Smith suddenly realized that Sun Zhuo really knew that he had entered the league. It was probably during the draft that Sun Zhuo left an impression on JR Smith.

JR Smith was a little nervous and still had the "murder weapon" in his hand. Facing Sun Zhuo, he could only carefully put it behind his back and coldly replied: "I didn't expect that I, a player who was only selected 18th in the first round, would I can actually be remembered by you."

JR Smith is a little troubled. Why do you remember me? I can't do bad things quietly!

But Sun Zhuo's reaction after hearing this surprised JR Smith. Sun Zhuo said in surprise: "You participated in the draft? No. 18 in the first round? Which team did you join? Congratulations, man, I didn't expect that we would be here in a few months. Then we can play against each other in the NBA, let’s shake hands first.”

Sun Zhuo reached out to JR Smith, but JR Smith still had his hands behind his back. How could he hold hands with Sun Zhuo?

"Is this guy trying to trick me on purpose? You didn't know I was participating in the draft this year, so why did you recognize me right away? Even my middle school teacher couldn't recognize me in the way I was dressed today!" JR Smith was depressed. Incessantly.

The 2004 draft selected too many stars that the public was familiar with until 2017. Sun Zhuo probably remembered that J.R. Smith would join the NBA in the next two years, but he couldn’t remember exactly which year. After the results of the draft came out, Sun Zhuo also glanced at it, but for some reason he didn't pay much attention to JR Smith.

The rookies he is currently impressed by include No. 1 pick "Warcraft" Howard, No. 3 pick Ben Gordon, Shaun Livingston, Devin Harris, Luol Deng, Iguodala, Al Jefferson, Josh Smith, Kay Vin Martin, actor Varejao, Ariza and Vujacic.

Sun Zhuo saw JR Smith looking panicked and always hiding his hands behind his back. He thought he was a little weird, "JR, are you holding something in your hand?"

"No, there's nothing there!" JR became even more flustered.

Sun Zhuo had always been curious about who the mysterious stranger was who helped them, and now he suddenly felt that JR Smith was suspicious, "You are the mysterious person who has given us things again and again, right? What are you going to give us this time?" Give it to me? Let me see it quickly."

The sky was dark and cloudy, and it seemed like it was going to rain soon. Sun Zhuo also regretted not accepting the "stranger's" reminder and bringing an umbrella when he went out. If that mysterious man was JR Smith, then Sun Zhuo would like to know who he is. What was carefully prepared for them.

JR Smith was stunned again. I just met you for the first time today. I only prepared a prank prop, but you discovered it before I could deliver it to you. What do you mean by sending something to you again and again?

"Come, let me see."


The two got into an argument, and Sun Zhuo accidentally forced him to the seat with his strength, while JR Smith always had his hands behind his back. The prankish blood bag was under his PG, and JR suddenly sat down!


The blood bag burst open instantly, and the viscous blood-like liquid was all stained on JR Smith's pants. For a moment, JR Smith was extremely embarrassed.

"This..." Sun Zhuo was sure that this thing was not something a stranger wanted to give as a gift, and Jessica Alba was also shocked.

JR Smith was so angry. He wanted to punish Sun Zhuo like this and make Sun Zhuo embarrassed, but he didn't expect that he would be the unlucky one in the end!

Just at this time, a heavy rain suddenly fell over the square. The rain fell on JR Smith's pants. The "blood" covered JR Smith's pants from waist to toes. Originally, only a part of the pants had blood. Now, even Socks and shoes turned red.

"The weather in the UK is changeable, so remember to bring an umbrella when you go out." Sun Zhuo looked at JR Smith's embarrassed appearance and also comforted him. When he met the 15-year-old Durant before, Sun Zhuo fell in love with these unknown people. I didn’t deal with stars who hadn’t entered the NBA, but I didn’t expect that every time I met them, I would bring them harm. This was actually not Sun Zhuo’s original intention...

JR Smith did not stay any longer. He felt that Sun Zhuo knew what JR wanted to do from the beginning, deliberately pretended not to know that JR was the draft pick this year, and deliberately said so many inexplicable words just to fool him. JR said angrily: "Listen , Sun, our war has begun. If we fight against each other in the NBA in the future, I will not show mercy! Just wait!"

After saying that, JR Smith strode away. The passing tourists looked at his bright red pants and couldn't help bursting into laughter.

The rain was getting heavier, and Sun Zhuo and Jessica Alba had to leave quickly to take shelter from the rain.

"It would be nice if there was an umbrella at this time. I really want to walk hand in hand with you on a rainy day like this." Jessica smiled, and a drop of crystal rain fell on the tip of her nose.

Sun Zhuo hooked Jessica's nose with his hand, wiped away the rainwater, and was about to speak. Unexpectedly, an umbrella suddenly covered their heads.

Sun Zhuo turned around curiously and saw another familiar figure.

New member of the Lakers, Sasha Vujacic!

Vujacic also looked at the two of them and greeted them with a kind smile: "Hello, boss. I am a new member of the Lakers. I am the 27th pick in the first round of the 2004 class. My name is Sasha Vujacic. From Slovenia. Hi Jessica, nice to meet you, I’m a fan of yours!”

Sun Zhuo and Jessica looked at each other and felt that the person in front of them seemed very much like the mysterious stranger.

The moment Vujacic appeared, Sun Zhuo was already sure it was him, "Is it the Roomservice you ordered for us last night? And the umbrella left outside the hotel room today?"

Vujacic nodded and smiled: "It's me."

Jessica Alba breathed a sigh of relief. She finally knew who this stranger was and no longer had to worry. Jessica didn’t know who Vujacic was, but if it was Sun Zhuo’s new teammate, then she could rest assured. Judging from Jia Xiqi's attitude, he still wanted to please Sun Zhuo.

Sun Zhuo complained: "Why didn't you show up earlier? We thought we were bad guys and didn't sleep well all night. By the way, how did you know we were coming to London?"

Vujacic smiled and replied: "Jim Bass told me that it was your first day here yesterday. I was afraid that seeing me would affect your mood during the trip, so I didn't show up."

After listening to Vujacic's words, Sun Zhuo understood why he appeared here and why he did these things.

In the first chapter of this book, I predicted that Durant’s high efficiency and quick victory would make alliances more prevalent in the league. After saying this, Paul went to Harden, Paul George and Anthony went to Westbrook, and Wade returned to Joining forces with James... If you can comment, please go to Chapter 1 to fight 666. In today's league, the alliance of giants has become a general trend, but overall, the NBA has actually become unsightly. When Sun Zhuo was lamenting this phenomenon, he accidentally traveled to 2003. Do you want to try it too?

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