Super Legendary Superstar

Chapter 185 Copying JR’s “untying of shoelaces”

JR Smith has splayed eyebrows, triangular eyes, a hanging forehead and white eyes, a flat nose, and tattoos like a graffiti wall. With his temperament, he doesn’t even need to put on makeup to play a prisoner. No one can tell at a glance that he has poor emotional control and a high football intelligence. Where to go?

The more JR Smith said this, the more he wanted to cover up his shortcomings. Maybe he thought this lie could fool Sun Zhuo. After all, Sun Zhuo probably didn't know him well. If Sun Zhuo knew that he would be easily angered, That would be bad.

But Sun Zhuo knew JR Smith far better than he imagined. Sun Zhuo knew JR Smith's origins and what would happen in his life.

JR Smith is definitely a lunatic, both on and off the field. In 2007, JR Smith was driving with his friends. On a road with a speed limit of 48 kilometers per hour, he drove directly to 108 kilometers per hour. As a result, he was involved in a car accident and his friend died on the spot.

Sun Zhuo felt that he needed to educate this rookie who was not afraid of anything, and he had already thought of a countermeasure, which was to untie his shoelaces.

Untying JR Smith's shoelaces is a classic move of JR Smith. When he was in the Knicks, during a game against the Mavericks, JR Smith untied Marion's shoelaces without anyone noticing.

Sun Zhuo wants to use his moves against him.

Soon, it was time for his teammates to take free throws. Sun Zhuo and JR Smith stood side by side. JR Smith did not notice Sun Zhuo. Sun Zhuo also pretended to be nonchalant, suddenly bent down and took JR Smith's shoe belt. It was untied, and JR Smith didn’t notice it at all!

"Hey, JR!" Baron Davis saw this scene and quickly reminded JR Smith.

Following the direction pointed by Baron Davis, JR Smith looked down and saw that his shoelaces were untied! What bastard did this!

JR Smith was so angry that he yelled at the referee, "They untied my shoelaces, why didn't you call a foul? What were you doing on the court?!"

JR Smith complained that the referee did not call Sun Zhuo's foul, but after complaining, the referee immediately called JR Smith's foul. JR Smith became even more angry and continued to yell at the referee. As a result, the referee directly ejected the furious JR Smith. went.

Byron Scott was shocked off the court: "The first time I played against JR Smith, I knew what kind of player JR Smith was. I deliberately made him angry to achieve the purpose of making him leave the field. This guy Sun is really horrible."

JR Smith's dream of revenge failed to come true after all. He got a lot of playing time from the coach before the game, but he only played a total of 12 minutes on the court in this game, which was shorter than the time he played as a substitute in the previous two games. , all thanks to Sun Zhuo.

For the rookie Jiaozuo people, they did a pretty good job.

After getting rid of the troublesome figure JR Smith, it will be much easier to play next. Baron Davis cannot compete with Kobe and Sun Zhuo. In the end, the Lakers defeated the Hornets.

The Lakers' next opponent also has a famous rookie who is much more famous and powerful than JR Smith. He is Dwight Howard of the Orlando Magic.

If Sun Zhuo remembers correctly, Kobe's classic humiliating dunk on Howard happened in the game the day after tomorrow.

Speaking of which, Howard is also quite miserable. As the only person in the league who could replace James alone, he later became homeless. Even in the era of superstars teaming up, he was despised. In fact, he is a very optimistic and simple big boy.

Sun Zhuo thought, if possible, he might as well remind Howard. After all, it would be too embarrassing to be buckled by someone riding on his neck.

Two days later, the Lakers came to the home game of the Magic. The last time they came here, Sun Zhuo was beaten by Tracy McGrady for 60 points. It was really unbearable to look back on the past. Now that Sun Zhuo's strength has greatly increased, he wants to find Tracy McGrady here. There is no way to take revenge, because McGrady has gone to the Rockets, and the Magic is no longer the Magic they encountered last season.

They have Francis, drafted the future number one center Howard, Grant Hill, and Turkish star Turkoglu. This is also the only player on the Magic team to win a championship. The Magic will benefit a lot from their rich experience in the finals.

Seeing the young Warcraft Howard on the court makes people feel very friendly. He is really an innocent big boy, chatting happily with his teammates. He has no scheming or ambition, but this guy has become the future. The No. 1 center in the NBA, and possibly the last No. 1 center in the league.

With the development of the times, the NBA will gradually blur the concept of center. The death of the Warriors in five hours can explain everything. Times will change. Of course, Embiid and Towns are also orthodox centers, but they cannot afford to be " The title "No. 1 Center" was used because the NBA at that time could no longer enjoy the treatment and tactical status of centers in the 1990s. Howard was the last No. 1 center to enjoy such treatment.

After playing, Sun Zhuo couldn't help but talk to Howard: "Hello, big man, nice to meet you."

Howard had naturally heard of Sun Zhuo's name, and even knew that in the last game, he untied JR Smith, who was in the same class as him, and untied JR Smith's shoelaces. Sun Zhuo was punished by the league for this.

Howard politely replied: "Nice to meet you, I hope you won't untie my shoelaces, haha."

"How could it be? You have such a good character, I wouldn't do that kind of thing to you." Sun Zhuo is also divided into people. Howard is such a cute big boy, how could Sun Zhuo have the heart to bully him?

Not only that, Sun Zhuo also reminded in a low voice: "Dwight, let me remind you, be careful about Kobe."

Howard was immediately shocked after hearing this. Why did Sun Zhuo tell him to be careful about Kobe? Could it be that Kobe doesn't like himself and wants to make him anxious this time?

"Gu." Howard became nervous and swallowed unconsciously. It would not be a good thing if he was targeted by Kobe. Who doesn't know that Kobe is the most capable player in the NBA today?

"Sun is such a good person. The media actually said that he likes to bully rookie players. It is really a slander to him! He was only targeting JR Smith. I can't stand that bad guy JR Smith with tattoos. Sun educates him. It should be right. His attitude towards me is very good!" Rookie Howard immediately developed a good impression of Sun Zhuo. You know, the two were rivals on the court. Sun Zhuo was betraying his teammates and tipping off his opponents. This It's not easy. Howard is also guessing whether there is a conflict between Sun Zhuo and Kobe?

In the next game, Howard always paid attention to Kobe's movements and did not let Kobe have the opportunity to bully him.

Howard's own performance is extremely eye-catching, and he has proven that he is worthy of being this year's No. 1 pick.

Howard used his body and talent to keep dunking in the paint. A rookie, he completely destroyed the Lakers inside!

The whole place went crazy.

"Haha, Dwight Howard is simply unstoppable in the paint! He will definitely become the greatest center in the NBA after Shaq! We selected a player with unlimited potential!"

"Having such a great center, I've seen Dwight Howard win a championship for the Magic!"

Everyone has begun to have expectations for Howard. At this moment, in the hearts of Orlando people, Howard is stronger than James. After all, the one who wins the center still wins the championship. It is too difficult to get an excellent center.

Howard's performance also stimulated Sun Zhuo. Another player in the league who can threaten him appeared in the league. Sun Zhuo likes to compete with the top players in the league!

Sun Zhuo also wanted to perform well, so he used the wind step, suddenly got rid of the defensive player, and went directly into the penalty area. Facing Howard, Sun Zhuo decided to take off!

As he was flying in the air, Sun Zhuo suddenly felt that the scene in front of him seemed to have happened...

Asking for a monthly ticket!

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