Super Legendary Superstar

Chapter 197 Dunk to full level!

KING OF KINGS, King of Kings.

Chris Webber seems to regret that Sun Zhuo did not participate in the series that he lost two years ago. Sun Zhuo also knows the classics of that series, and he also regrets that he was not able to participate in it. It was the peak period of the Kings. After that, until 2017, when Sun Zhuo lived in his previous life, the Kings never returned to their peak.

It’s always a pity not to meet a team in its heyday, so Sun Zhuo really enjoyed today’s match against Weber, Peja and others. The Kings’ coach is the famous Rick Adelman, and the main lineup is even better. The proudest player in the league, they were originally considered by many to be the favorites to win the championship. There was a gap between the Lakers and the Kings, and they failed to win this game.

After losing to the Kings, it was already the end of November. There were only two games left in the month. One was against the Hornets with David West, J.R. Smith and Birdman Anderson, and the other was against the Milwaukee Bucks. Both of these opponents are considered slightly weaker opponents. Sun Zhuo strives to win and be promoted, and the Lakers also strive to have a good ending in November. In the end, they won both games, and Sun Zhuo was successfully promoted to level 39.

"It will be level 40 soon. I have added several potential points to dunking. Now my dunking should be very strong. I should be able to do a European step-by-step dunking, right?"

Sun Zhuo has always been thinking about the European step to dunk. This is also the move that Sun Zhuo has always wanted to do, because after using the European step, his physical confrontation will become very strong. He is not afraid of physical confrontation at all. The only thing he has to do is It is to dunk the ball after physical confrontation. Sun Zhuo tried it before in Athens, but it did not reach that point. Now that the dunk value has increased, Sun Zhuo feels that he should be able to do this action.

It happened that the next morning, Vujacic came to Sun Zhuo to play computer games. Sun Zhuo wanted to try it on Vujacic first to see if he could perform a European step-over dunk.

After witnessing Sun Zhuo's cruelty to the 2004 rookie, Vujacic did not dare to offend Sun Zhuo anymore, and always wanted to get closer to Sun Zhuo from time to time. Didn't I just hear that Sun Zhuo likes to play computer games, Vujacic He also came to play with Sun Zhuo. However, he never expected that as soon as Vujacic arrived at Sun Zhuo's house, he was dragged to the basketball court by Sun Zhuo...

Vujacic was a little nervous, so he forced a smile and said, "Sun, let's go to the team's training ground for training, and I'll play some online games with you!"

"Sasha, don't be nervous. I'm not asking you to challenge me. I'm just trying out a move with me. Besides, you don't know how to play the games I play." Sun Zhuo said calmly.

"Okay, let's get started, what do I do?" Vujacic asked.

Sun Zhuo gave instructions and asked Vujacic to defend his Eurostep dunk. During this period, he had to act like he was fooled by the Eurostep, and then he took off and made physical contact with Sun Zhuo. Sun Zhuo had to dunk the ball under the physical confrontation.

"There is still physical confrontation..." Vujacic was a little scared.

His fear was justified. After the first test, Vujacic experienced Sun Zhuo's strong physical confrontation after the European step. Vujacic was defeated and was knocked away. Then Sun Zhuo immediately dunked towards the basket!

The ball flew out.

Did it again, still the same.

Sun Zhuo was a little helpless and thought to himself: "Damn it, it's always so close every time. My dunking ability is obviously very strong now. Logically speaking, I should be able to dunk it. Could it be that the game also sets that dunking requires a full level? European Only when you step away from your opponent can you make a dunk?"

The more Sun Zhuo thought about it, he felt that this possibility was very high. Fortunately, Sun Zhuo's dunk should be close to the full level.

The time has arrived in December 2004. The Lakers' current record is 10 wins and 4 losses, which is not bad. However, the Phoenix Suns are the most popular team in the league. Their momentum is too strong. Since the start of the regular season, , until now, has not lost a game and has won 14 consecutive games. This has even caused panic among other teams in the league, and has given people a feeling that this year's championship will belong to the Suns.

Sun Zhuo has no such worries. He knows that this year's Suns team is indeed strong, but in the playoffs, they cannot beat the Spurs.

The first game in December was against the Chicago Bulls, who had three potential rookies. The last time the Lakers and Bulls played against each other, the Bulls were miserable. The two rookies, Nocioni and Luol Deng, were completely incompetent. They were all fooled. They were tricked by the same tricks continuously on the court, which made the Lakers home fans laugh. After the game, Bulls coach Skiles even ran to Rudy to plead with him and promised to give them some VIP balls from the Bulls home court. ticket.

In this game at the Chicago Bulls' home court on December 1, Skiles really did it. He really kept his promise and sent out ten VIP tickets. Sun Zhuo gave one to Emma's friend, and other players They also give them to their relatives and friends.

The opponent is short-handed, not to mention that the Jiaozuo people were thorough enough last time. Kobe and Sun Zhuo didn't want to kill everyone in this game, so they played less purposefully this time, just playing the game calmly, but the Lakers played There was no spirit and in the end they lost to the Bulls.

Fortunately, after the Bulls, there was the underdog Golden State Warriors, who easily passed the test, but their next opponent was the Phoenix Suns, who had the strongest record in the league.

The Suns' winning streak ended at 14 games, but after their 14-game winning streak was ended, the Suns quickly started another winning streak. Their form was so good that everyone envied it.

When they meet the Suns again, Sun Zhuo and Kobe both want to win the game, because the Suns have proven that they are one of the strongest teams in the league this season, and winning against them is also a proof for the Lakers themselves.

However, to stop a sports car that keeps sprinting forward, it requires great strength. Otherwise, if it stops them on the runway, they will only be mercilessly crushed. This time, the Lakers still did not defeat the Suns. Except for Steve Steve, the Suns In addition to Nash, the other starting four Joe Johnson, Stoudemire, Ondine Richardson, and Shawn Marion all scored more than 20 points. Substitute Brazilian Lightning Barbosa also scored nearly 20 points.

The Lakers lost again.

After losing this time, Kobe became angry. This was the first time he lost his temper with his teammates this season, because they lost to the Suns twice in a row, and both times the Lakers played seriously and tried their best, but he didn't I would like to believe that the Lakers are really not as good as the Suns.

The first act of the three-act drama of the regular season is coming to an end, and the Lakers are beginning to care more and more about their record. Kobe Bryant, who is the boss in his first year, certainly doesn't want to be criticized. His emotions will become more erratic in the future.

Facing the Los Angeles Clippers in the same city in the next game, the Lakers, who were in extremely poor condition, narrowly defeated by two points. Fortunately, there was a Magic Relay that was bullied by Sun Zhuo, allowing the Lakers to achieve a difficult two-game winning streak, and the winning rate returned to 100%. However, the Lakers lost consecutively to the SuperSonics and Kings, and the Lakers' winning rate once again fell below 50%.

The current situation of the Lakers is not optimistic, but Sun Zhuo has received good news. After playing the Kings, Sun Zhuo heard the system prompt.

"Congratulations on reaching level 40. Your dunk value has been raised to full level, and your level evaluation has been raised to S level. Each subsequent upgrade will no longer increase the dunk attributes. If you still want to improve the dunk attributes, please use the special Training props.”

After hearing this, Sun Zhuo was so excited that he jumped up on the court!

Dunk full! He finally has an ability that reaches full level! This means that Europeans should be able to do step-by-step dunks!

"I can finally European-step and dunk like Wade! I'll show you my new trick in the next game!" Sun Zhuo became proud.

At this time, Kobe, who had just lost the game and had a displeased look on his face, saw that Sun Zhuo was not only not as sad as himself, but also very happy. This made Kobe unable to stand it. After all, Sun Zhuo could be regarded as the only one who was eliminated by the Lakers. The first leader outside the country, doesn’t he have any sense of responsibility? Don’t take losing seriously at all?

Kobe couldn't stand it, so he stepped forward and said to Sun Zhuo: "Sun, you haven't performed well for a long time. Aren't you excited every time you play against LeBron James? I want you to play this season in the next game. Best performance comes, we can't lose anymore, you hear me?"

"Ah?" Sun Zhuo was surprised, and his expression suddenly changed. What made his expression change drastically was not because Kobe gave Sun Zhuo the task, but...

"Would you like to play the Cavaliers in the next game? What a coincidence. I just reached the level of Dunk and met James..."

Thanks to the leader who is stuck at 150,000 for the reward! Thanks to Dadi and Su Shen for the 1000 reward! Congratulations to Dead Otaku No. 1, 90 Degrees Overlooking the Earth and Su Shen for becoming "stars" in 2016! If you want to receive the title of "Star", you can enter Han Yue's name in the client-discovery-activity center to receive it. A certain number of fan points is required. There will be another chapter soon!

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